Can't block caller ID in Massachusetts?

Mike McNally m5 at
Sat Jul 13 00:28:10 PDT 1996

Eric Murray wrote:

> > They said no problem, but...  They said nothing I can do will block it
> > when I call 800 numbers. 

CID != ANI, which has been around for a long time.  800 numbers have
always had ANI available, to my knowledge.

> Their answer: "that's just the way it works".


> > Wow.  Maybe I'm not paranoid enough, but I never expected this.  I can
> > never again call an 800 number anonymously to get information about
> > something unless I go out to a pay phone.  What an incredible
> > inconvenience, and how truly depressing.

Not "never again", but "never ever, past or future".  All you 800
calls you made in the past went out with your phone number delivered
to the recipient.

> Caller ID isn't for people, it's for businesses who want to
> track callers.  

Bull cookies.  I have caller ID boxes on my lines.  If somebody want to
make noise in my house in an effort to get my attention, I damn well
want to know who they are.

Mike M Nally * Tiv^H^H^H IBM * Austin TX    * For the time being,
       m5 at * m101 at          *    
      <URL:>         *    three heads and eight arms.

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