[RANT] Giving Mind Control Drugs to Children

Perry E. Metzger perry at piermont.com
Tue Jul 9 17:25:06 PDT 1996

Mike Duvos writes:
>  > One of my wishes did come true, and that was finding out
>  > that I do have ADD.
> This is really a telling statement, isn't it?  After all, we
> rarely hear people saying their greatest wish is to find out that
> they have liver disease, or cancer, or heart trouble.

A total distortion of the man's point. Imagine someone suffering from
an unknown ailment for years. One day, he is finally diagnosed, a
treatment is given, and he feels better.

All you can do is try to argue that he shouldn't be treated.

> The problem here is that we live in a society that won't cut any
> slack for normal human diversity unless you have some sort of
> official disease defined by the medical profession.

Did you listen to that guy at all? He was in pain and anguish over the
fact that his life was totally screwed up in spite of his best efforts
to make a go at work he loved. Now he can function. You want him to be
"diverse" and go on not functioning. He doesn't want that. Who are you
to tell him how live his own life?


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