Froomkin papers (Was: BlackNet Meets Stanford Law School)

Futplex futplex at
Wed Oct 25 00:25:33 PDT 1995

Tim May writes:
> By the way, I gave a talk at Stanford Law School last week, to Professor
> Margaret Radin's seminar on "Cyberspace and the Law." They had been reading
> a bunch of papers and reprints on Clipper, PGP, and crypto policy,
> including pieces by both me and Michael Froomkin (whose long paper is
> apparently becoming widely read for crypto-legal discussions).

Incidentally, I finally sat down and read Michael Froomkin's paper on
anonymity, <a href="">A. Michael 
Froomkin, Anonymity and Its Enmities, 1995 J. ONLINE L. art. 4.</a> a couple
of nights ago. As a layperson, I found it clear and worthwhile reading. He
argues convincingly (IMHO) that the upholding of rights to anonymous speech
by the U.S. Supreme Court, on Constitutional and other grounds, should not
be taken for granted. (In a footnote, I discovered the charming name of a
Freezing Cold War era U.S. Govt. body that I'm fortunately too young to 
remember: the Subversive Activities Control Board.)

Anyway, if you are interested in the legal status of anonymity rights in the
U.S., I highly recommend this paper. 

-Futplex <futplex at>
[not affiliated w/ U of Miami, Michael Froomkin, his relatives, their pets,...]

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