Frothing remailers - an immodest proposal

Robert Rothenburg Walking-Owl rrothenb at
Tue Jan 31 19:07:06 PST 1995

> At 6:55 PM 01/31/95, Robert Rothenberg wrote:
> >Without quoting the entire message, I think I better solution, in terms of
> >ease to implement as well as conserving bandwidth would be to have a
> >sophisticated remailer script-language.
> Yeah, this is really an excellent idea, that I don't see happening any time
> soon. Although of course if anyone wants to write code for such a beast,
> that would be really excellent.  If someone gets around to writing it,
> it'll happen, but it would be a fairly big project, so I wouldn't hold my
> break.  Safe TCL, anyone?
Hmmm... this could be combined with the "subway" remailer idea too. Have
a message format that can contain multiple destinations and a script lang
also can pick up and drop off messages, and messages can specify if they
are to be picked up or dropped off, etc.... endless possibilities...

I don't have the C/Unix skills to even attempt this though.

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