
Perry E. Metzger perry at imsi.com
Sun Jan 22 12:49:02 PST 1995

Timothy C. May says:
> Seriously, there is considerable danger that the growing chorus of
> alarmist nonsense about the Net being used for child porn, for snuff
> films, for weapons secrets deals, etc., will result in the U.S.
> Net.Cops linking up with their European and Asian associates.

I was rather amused at the forum given by the New York City Bar
Association on Clipper. The FBI representative not only trotted out
the four horsemen of the infocalypse -- in order, in a single
sentence! -- but also at one point spoke of snuff films.

He said, in what I found to be the greatest denial of logical thinking
I've seen in years, that he's not ready to give up and say that the
genii is out of the bottle -- as though he could put it back by force
of will.

I spoke with Stuart Baker for a while, during which time he informed
me that he didn't think the internet could possibly last.

> The recent stuff on "international key escrow," a la the conference
> last September, is worrisome.

Dorothy Denning is running another such conference soon.


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