Applied Cryptography, Second Edition

Bruce Schneier schneier at
Wed Aug 23 03:28:04 PDT 1995

The second edition to APPLIED CRYPTOGRAPHY will be published in November.

This is not just a correction, it is a major update.  There are 50% more
words in the second edition.

The second edition will be published in both hardback and paperback.  Wiley
is jacking the price a bit, so I am offering a 15% pre-publication discount.
Details will be forthcoming when I invent them.

Attached is the table of contents.



by  Bruce Schneier

Forward by Whitfield Diffie


Chapter 1:  Foundations
          Terminology; Steganography; Substitution Ciphers and
          Transposition Ciphers; Simple XOR; One-Time Pads; Computer
          Algorithms; Large Numbers

Part I:  Cryptographic Protocols

Chapter 2:  Protocol Building Blocks
          Introduction to Protocols; Communications using Symmetric
          Cryptography; One-Way Functions; One-Way Hash Functions;
          Communications using Public-Key Cryptography; Digital
          Signatures; Digital Signatures with Encryption; Random and
          Pseudo-Random Sequence Generation

Chapter 3:  Basic Protocols
          Key Exchange; Authentication; Authentication and Key
          Exchange; Formal Analysis of Authentication and Key-Exchange
          Protocols; Multiple-Key Public-Key Cryptography; Secret
          Splitting; Secret Sharing; Cryptographic Protection of

Chapter 4:  Intermediate Protocols
          Timestamping Services; Subliminal Channel; Undeniable
          Digital Signatures; Designated Confirmer Signatures; Proxy
          Signatures; Group Signatures; Fail-Stop Digital Signatures;
          Computing with Encrypted Data; Bit Commitment; Fair Coin
          Flips; Mental Poker; One-Way Accumulators; All-or-Nothing
          Disclosure of Secrets; Key Escrow

Chapter 5:  Advanced Protocols
          Zero-Knowledge Proofs; Zero-Knowledge Proofs of Identity;
          Blind Signatures; Identity-Based Public-Key Cryptography;
          Oblivious Transfer; Oblivious Signatures; Simultaneous
          Contract Signing; Digital Certified Mail; Simultaneous
          Exchange of Secrets

Chapter 6:  Esoteric Protocols
          Secure Elections; Secure Multiparty Computation; Anonymous
          Message Broadcast; Digital Cash

Part II:  Cryptographic Techniques

Chapter 7:  Key Length
          Symmetric Key Length; Public-Key Key Length; Comparing
          Symmetric and Public-Key Key Length; Birthday Attacks
          against One-Way Hash Functions; How Long Should a Key Be?;
          Caveat Emptor

Chapter 8:  Key Management
          Generating Keys; Nonlinear Keyspaces; Transferring Keys;
          Verifying Keys; Using Keys; Updating Keys; Storing Keys;
          Backup Keys; Compromised Keys; Lifetime of Keys; Destroying
          Keys; Public-Key Key Management

Chapter 9:  Algorithm Types and Modes
          Electronic Codebook Mode; Block Replay; Cipher Block
          Chaining Mode; Stream Ciphers; Self-Synchronizing Stream
          Ciphers; Cipher-Feedback Mode; Synchronous Stream Ciphers;
          Output-Feedback Mode; Counter Mode; Other Block-Cipher
          Modes; Choosing a Cipher Mode; Interleaving; Block Ciphers
          vs. Stream Ciphers

Chapter 10:  Using Algorithms
          Choosing an Algorithm; Public-Key Cryptography vs. Symmetric
          Cryptography; Encrypting Communications Channels; Encrypting
          Data for Storage; Hardware Encryption vs. Software
          Encryption; Compression, Encoding, and Encryption; Detecting
          Encryption; Hiding Ciphertext in Ciphertext; Destroying

Part III:  Cryptographic Algorithms

Chapter 11:  Mathematical Background
          Information Theory; Complexity Theory; Number Theory;
          Factoring; Prime Number Generation; Discrete Logarithms in a
          Finite Field

Chapter 12:  Data Encryption Standard
          Background; Description of DES; Security of DES; 
          Differential and Linear Cryptanalysis; The Real Design
          Criteria; DES Variants; How Secure is DES Today?

Chapter 13:  Other Block Algorithms
          Lucifer; Madryga; NewDES; FEAL-N; REDOC; Loki; Khufu and
          Khafre; RC2; IDEA; MMB; CA-1.1; Skipjack

Chapter 14:  Still Other Block Algorithms
          GOST; CAST; Blowfish; SAFER K-64; 3-Way; Crab; SXAL8/MBAL;
          RC5; Other Block Algorithms; Theory of Block Cipher Design;
          Using One-Way Hash Functions; Choosing a Block Algorithm

Chapter 15:  Combining Block Algorithms
          Double Encryption; Triple Encryption; Doubling the Block
          Length; Other Multiple Encryption Schemes; CDMF Key
          Shortening; Whitening; Cascading Multiple Block Algorithms;
          Combining Multiple Block Algorithms

Chapter 16:  Pseudo-Random-Sequence Generators and Stream Ciphers
          Linear Congruential Generators; Linear Feedback Shift
          Registers; LFSRs in Software; Design and Analysis of Stream
          Ciphers; Stream Ciphers using LFSRs; A5; Hughes XPD/KPD;
          Nanoteq; Rambutan; Additive Generators; Gifford; Algorithm
          M; PKZIP

Chapter 17:  Other Stream Ciphers and Real Random-Sequence Generators
          RC4; SEAL; Wake; Feedback with Carry Shift Registers; Stream
          Ciphers using FCSRs; Nonlinear Feedback Shift Registers; 
          Other Stream Ciphers; System-Theoretic Approach to Stream
          Cipher Design; Complexity-Theoretic Approach to Stream
          Cipher Design; Other Approaches to Stream Cipher Design;
          Cascading Multiple Stream Ciphers;  Choosing a Stream
          Cipher; Generating Multiple Streams from a Single Pseudo-
          Random Sequence Generator; Real Random-Sequence Generators

Chapter 18:  One-Way Hash Functions
          Background; Snefru; N-HASH; MD4; MD5; MD2; Secure Hash
          Algorithm (SHA); RIPE-MD; Haval; Other One-Way Hash
          Functions; One-Way Hash Functions using Symmetric Block
          Algorithms; Using Public-key Algorithms; Choosing a One-Way
          Hash Function; Message Authentication Codes

Chapter 19:  Public-Key Algorithms
          Background; Knapsack Algorithms; RSA; Pohlig-Hellman; Rabin;
          ElGamal; McEliece; Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems; LUC; Finite
          Automaton Public-Key Cryptosystems

Chapter 20:  Public-Key Digital Signature Algorithms
          Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA); DSA Variants; GOST
          Digital Signature Algorithm; Discrete Logarithm Signature
          Schemes; Ong-Schnorr-Shamir; ESIGN; Cellular Automata; Other
          Public-Key Algorithms

Chapter 21:  Identification Schemes
          Feige-Fiat-Shamir; Guillou-Quisquater; Schnorr; Converting
          Identification Schemes to Signature Schemes

Chapter 22:  Key-Exchange Algorithms
          Diffie-Hellman; Station-to-Station Protocol; Shamir's Three-
          Pass Protocol; COMSET; Encrypted Key Exchange; Fortified Key
          Negotiation; Conference Key Distribution and Secret

Chapter 23:  Special Algorithms for Protocols
          Multiple-Key Public-Key Cryptography; Secret Sharing
          Algorithms; Subliminal Channel; Undeniable Digital
          Signatures; Designated Confirmer Signatures; Computing with
          Encrypted Data; Fair Coin Flips; One-Way Accumulators; All-
          or-Nothing Disclosure of Secrets; Fair and Failsafe
          Cryptosystems; Zero-Knowledge Proofs of Knowledge; Blind
          Signatures; Oblivious Transfer; Secure Multiparty
          Computation; Probabilistic Encryption; Quantum Cryptography

Part IV:  The Real World

Chapter 24:  Example Implementations
          IBM Secret-Key Management Protocol; Mitrenet; ISDN; STU-III;
          Kerberos; KryptoKnight; Sesame; IBM Common Cryptographic
          Architecture; ISO Authentication Framework; Privacy-Enhanced
          Mail (PEM); Message Security Protocol; Pretty Good Privacy
          (PGP); Smart Cards; Public-Key Cryptography Standards;
          Universal Electronic Payment System; Clipper; Capstone; AT&T
          Model 3600 Telephone Security Device

Chapter 25:  Politics
          National Security Agency; National Computer Security Center;
          National Institute of Standards and Technology; RSA Data
          Security, Inc.; Public Key Partners; International
          Association for Cryptologic Research; RACE Integrity
          Primitives Evaluation; Conditional Access for Europe;
          ISO/IEC 9979; Professional, Civil Liberties, and Industry
          Groups; Sci.Crypt; Cypherpunks; Patents; U.S. Export Rules;
          Foreign Import and Export of Cryptography; Legal Issues

Afterward by Matt Blaze

Source Code
          DES; LOKI91; IDEA; GOST; Blowfish; 3-Way; RC5; A5; SEAL;


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