(fwd) A new PGP

Paul Ferguson paul at hawksbill.sprintmrn.com
Thu Sep 15 04:34:53 PDT 1994

For those of you who haven't already seen this -- my apologies for
the post if you already have....

Forwarded message:

> From: pgut1 at cs.aukuni.ac.nz (Peter Gutmann)
> Newsgroups: alt.security.pgp,sci.crypt,talk.politics.crypto
> Subject: A new PGP
> Followup-To: alt.security.pgp
> Date: 13 Sep 1994 16:01:08 GMT
> Organization: University of Auckland
> Lines: 263
> Sender: pgut1 at cs.aukuni.ac.nz (Peter Gutmann)
> Message-ID: <354ic4$t54 at ccu2.auckland.ac.nz>
> NNTP-Posting-Host: cs13.cs.aukuni.ac.nz
> X-Newsreader: NN version 6.5.0 #7 (NOV)
> Xref: news.sprintlink.net alt.security.pgp:18448 sci.crypt:31730 talk.politics.crypto:7169
> [NB: Followups redirected to alt.security.pgp]
> This posting is a call for participation in a complete rehash of PGP to
> parallel the existing PGP effort in the US.  All contributions are welcome,
> although any cryptographic material from the US won't be usable by anyone else,
> so it'd be best if all crypto work was done outside the US.  I believe Phil is
> aware of this project but can't comment on it due to legal advice - please
> don't pester him (or me) about this.
> The following sections are a preliminary sketch of what's to be done, see the
> end of this message for more information on how to participate.
> Design goals for the new PGP:
>   - Proper key database for fast lookup of keys.
>   - Something like DER-encoded ASN.1 keys and data, PKCS/X.509 compatible with
>     extensions for PGP's trust model and also i18n features not found in X.509
>     (exact details still under debate).
>   - Ability to plug in alternative routines, eg RSAREF instead of independant
>     RSA code.
>   - Backwards compatibility with 2.x.
>   - MIME security extension compliant encoding of messages.
>   - Flexible, planned message/key format which allows easy expandability.
> The universal PGP rewrite emphasizes flexibility of design, modularity and
> Chinese-wall seperation for ease of development, and abstraction of messy
> details like low-level I/O.  Some rules to go by:
> - All functional units are kept in seperate modules.  There is one header file
>   giving the interface to that module.  Only the interface given in the header
>   file is available to the outside world.  All non-public information should be
>   in header files which are private to that module.  This should vastly simplfy
>   development by multiple people since all the content-coupling of the existing
>   code is eliminated.
>   The whole of PGP is too big for one person to get an overview of, by
>   enforcing modularity with a preset interface we can allow independant teams
>   to work on the parts they're best at, as well as allow independant developers
>   to user the libraries they want in PGP support software without having to
>   worry about all the API's breaking every time there's a new release.
> - None of the library routines perform any user I/O.  This is all handled by
>   higher-level code, using callbacks if really necessary.  The libraries should
>   be usable in any CLI or GUI environment without needing changes made for
>   different operating environments.
> - All routines return an integer status with well-defined codes.  Status values
>   are defined in the module interface header and are of the form <3-char module
>   name>ERR_<error type>, eg DBXERR_READ would indicate a read error in the
>   database access code.  No mysterious constants buried seven nesting levesl
>   down in routines somewhere!
> The basic modules are:
> Streams
> -------
> A generalized stream I/O library.  A stream can be a block of memory, a FILE *,
> a file-descriptor-based file, a TCP socket, an X.25 virtual circuit, or
> whatever.  The use of memory streams does away with PGP2's overuse of temporary
> files.
>     int newStream( STREAM *stream );
>     int attachStream( STREAM *stream, ??? );
>     int ioctlStream( STREAM *stream, ??? );
>     int readStream( STREAM *stream, void *buffer, size_t length );
>     int writeStream( STREAM *stream, void *buffer, size_t length );
>     int lengthStream( STREAM *stream );
>     int deleteStream( STREAM *stream );
> The attachStream() and ioctlStream() attach a stream to an interface, eg a
> block of memory, a file, or a network connection, and change its
> characteristics.  The end user is never aware of any difference, or of the fact
> that, for example, for a small message they might be R/W memory, but for a
> larger one they might be R/W a temporary file.  Perhaps an existing PD streams
> library can be adapted to the task.
> Error codes: STMERR_xxx
> ---
> A PKC library.
>     int rsaEncrypt( PUBKEY *pubKey, STREAM *stream );
>     int rsaDecrypt( PRIVKEY *privKey, STREAM *stream );
>     int rsaKeyGen( ??? );
> Error codes: PKCERR_xxx
> Crypto
> ------
> A conventional-key crypto library.
>     int encrypt( CRYPTINFO *cryptInfo, STREAM *stream );
>     int decrypt( CRYPTINFO *cryptInfo, STREAM *stream );
> The CRYPTINFO struct contains all the information you need to specify
> encryption algorithms and modes, so you'd have something like:
>     cryptInfo->algorithm = CRYPT_ALGO_IDEA;
>     cryptInfo->mode = CRYPT_MODE_CFB;
>     encrypt( cryptInfo, stream );
> This fixes another complaint with PGP, that for every job you do there are 15
> different functions to do it, all with slightly different parameters and
> options.  With the unified interface, the call to encrypt data is *always*
> called encrypt() (rather than encryptIdeaCfb(), encryptFooBar(),
> encryptThisThatAndTheOther(), etc), and the CRYPT_INFO struct contains all the
> parameters you need.  A library could then implement a number of different
> algorithms and you choose which one you want without having to know that the
> function name for that option is encryptQwertyFoo().  You could even have a
> getCryptInfo() call which queries a library as to which algorithms and modes it
> implements, or the call could return CRYERR_ALGO_UNAVAIL (algorithm
> unavailable) or CRYERR_MODE_UNAVAIL (encryption mode unavailable).
> Error codes: CRYERR_xxx
> Configuration
> -------------
> Get configuration information for PGP routines.  Use a proper grammar
> definition, perhaps lex+yacc (tcl has also been suggested), read into (private)
> vars, make available to outside world via getXXX() calls.  NO GLOBAL CONFIG
>     int readConfigFiles( void );
>     int getFooInfo( char *fooPtr );
>     int getBarInfo( int *barPtr );
> Error codes: CFGERR_xxx
> Random Number Handling
> ----------------------
> A random number management library.
>     int openRandomStream( STREAM *stream );
>     int readRandomStream( STREAM *stream, void *buffer, size_t count );
>     int closeRandomStream( STREAM *stream );
> This could use the existing keystroke latency method, or connect the stream to
> custom hardware, or whatever.
> Error codes: RNDERR_xxx
> Key Database Management
> -----------------------
> All keys can (and should be) stored in a database, which encapsulate the full
> DER-encoded keys inside a database allowing fast lookup.  The general format
> will be:
>     { keyID, userID, encapsulated key }
> The keyID is a hash of the key (making it independant of the key itself and not
> prone to denial-of-service attacks), the userID is simply the user
> ID/address/whatever, the encapsulated key contains the full key.  Lookup is
> done on the keyID and userID which locate the required key.  Details of the
> exact mechanism to be decided by the database experts - need to define message
> format, kludges like storage of encapsulated keys in XMS for peecee's, etc etc.
> En/decoding
> -----------
> ASN.1 DER-encoding of keys/data, MIME en/decoding.  Needs to be discussed.
> Compatibility
> -------------
> Backwards-compatibility code to handle old PGP keys and messages.   Presumably
> keys will only need to be converted once, then we need to read old messages and
> (possibly) write them.
> Low-Level
> ---------
> Low-level OS interface code.  All OS-specific code is hidden in this module.
> I18n
> ----
> A proper i18n system which reads the appropriate messages from a database once
> and then keeps them in memory.
>     int readInternationalizationDatabase( void );
> All user I/O then uses strings from the i18n database.  The database is
> generated by a precompiler from some user-friendly input format, so that a
> group of seperate language scripts for eg English, French, German, Russian, etc
> are fed into one and, and the output is the full i18n database.  Adding a new
> language to PGP then involves simply creating a new script in that language and
> running the database compiler on it.
> Installation
> ------------
> Not part of PGP, but we need someone to do a decent install script which
> removes from end users the need to fiddle makefiles and options.
> Others
> ------
> Other routines as required.  For example, we each library should have an init
> call which registers an exit handler with a function called by atexit() to
> allow a clean shutdown no matter how we exit the program.  This does away with
> the current need for PGP to explicitly perform exit handling all over the
> place, and hides the messy details from the end user (who may not even think
> about things like this).
> What we need:
> - A well-connected site outside the US to run mailing lists, one per developers
>   group:
>     pgp-streams - streams interface for I/O
>     pgp-crypto - public and private-key encryption, random number management
>     pgp-dbx - key database management
>     pgp-compat - PGP 2.x backwards-compatibility management
>     pgp-protocol - PGP data/key format and protocol redesign
>     pgp-lowlevel - low-level OS-specific glue code
>     pgp-misc - everything else, eg config code, i18n, installation
>   There may also be a need for a seperate group to handle key-related routines
>   such as trust-level checks and whatnot, which is a fairly complex task.  The
>   idea is to mimimze the amount of unnecessary traffic people will need to read
>   in order to get their job done.
>   The only communication which should be necessary between these groups is the
>   header file which defines the data structures and interface and/or a written
>   specification of the interface to a module.  This means that the PKC group
>   can work on the PKC code without having to worry about what the streams,
>   database, crypto, and os-specific groups are doing.
>   An attached FTP site for distribution of code would also be nice.
> - Groups of developers with expertise in PKC crypto, conventional crypto,
>   database management, low-level OS-specific stuff, code optimization, protocol
>   design, software i18n, and everything else imaginable.
> Until the mailing lists are set up (someone volunteer a site, quickly!) I'll be
> handling things in email, which means that it could take quite a while for me
> to extract myself from the flood of messages I'm expecting.  Please try and
> keep non-essential messages to a minimum, and be patient when waiting for
> replies.
> Peter (Hmm, maybe I'd better mount /usr/spool/mail on a seperate drive).

- paul

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