Response to Uni's "Lawsuit" Message

Russell Nelson nelson at
Fri May 27 06:23:02 PDT 1994

   Date: Thu, 26 May 94 23:27:10 PDT
   From: Eli Brandt <ebrandt at>

   Maybe a telephony sort can answer this authoritatively, but I think
   the phone company's logs record this information even for flat-rate
   local calls.  If not, you can do almost anything with access to a
   modern switch...

The #5ESS running version 5E8 can log, as a matter of course, the last
sixteen numbers dialed on a phone line.  But as you note, it's all

-russ <nelson at>
Crynwr Software   | Crynwr Software sells packet driver support | ask4 PGP key
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