REMAIL: Remailer that only remails to other remailers

Matthew Ghio ghio at
Mon Jun 20 13:54:51 PDT 1994

One of the problems in convincing people to run remailers is that they don't
want to have to deal with complaints.  Someone posted awhile ago that they
would be willing to run a remailer that would only remail to other remailers.
This would enhance the security of remailer chains while not creating too
many political problems for sensitive sysadmins.  If anyone's still
interested, here's how to do it:

cd /afs/
get ghio.cp.remailer.tar.gz

This is a copy of the remailer that I run on kaiwan.  gunzip and untar it.
Modify remailer and sendlatents with the proper directory names for your
system.  Now, you need to modify a line at the end of block.c.  Change
  if (match==0) printf("%s",argv[1]);
  if (match!=0) printf("%s",argv[1]);

Now it is a pass-address filter instead of a block-address filter.
Now put the addresses that you want the remailer to be able to send to in
blocked.addresses (you can rename the file in the remailer csh script.)
Now create a PGP key for your remailer, set up a .forward file to 'remailer'
and you're all set...

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