Just say NYET to censors

Mike McNally m5 at vail.tivoli.com
Thu Jul 28 09:46:31 PDT 1994

Jacob Levy writes:
 >  > And cable TV?  Nope, can't switch on that cable box without first
 >  > keying in your ID.
 > Would you agree to: Nope, can't watch that XXX movie without first
 > keying in your ID?

No!  Who's going to keep track of all these ID's?  Who'se going to
get access to the database?  Who's to stop "them" from changing their
minds one day and making it such that I need to key in my ID to watch
broadcasts from political fringe groups?

Sorry.  I realize that in some sense things today on cable hover in
the balance; my interest in this group stems from a desire to see the
Great Global Net of the future be one based on the premise that
anonymity has great value.

| GOOD TIME FOR MOVIE - GOING ||| Mike McNally <m5 at tivoli.com>       |
| TAKE TWA TO CAIRO.          ||| Tivoli Systems, Austin, TX:        |
|     (actual fortune cookie) ||| "Like A Little Bit of Semi-Heaven" |

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