Sandy Sandfort sandfort at crl.com
Fri Jul 22 13:33:21 PDT 1994

                         SANDY SANDFORT
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


This is not a crypto post.  It is a personal request, primarily
directed to Cypherpunks in the San Jose area.  It also skates
perilously close to having "commercial" content.  Please tune out
now if any of this bothers you.

My son-in-law wants to barter services in exchange for a good
second-hand computer.  He is an RC (Radio Controlled) airplane
flight instructor.  He can also offer other RC related services.

His preference would be a Mac, but he would consider a PC clone.
It doesn't have to be the most up-to-date model.  He wants to use
it for business applications, CAD and video editing.  I also want
him to have a modem so he and I can keep in touch.  (I guess the
crypto tie-in is that I'll expect him to use PGP.)

If you are interested in the swap, send me e-mail, or call him
directly.  His name and number are:

                         Walter Berggren

Thanks for reading this message,

 S a n d y


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