MOO: on the virtual meeting

Alan (Miburi-san) Wexelblat wex at
Fri Feb 11 12:20:38 PST 1994

The following is mud.el, my favorite client for MOO-ing; it runs the MUD
link as a separate Emacs buffer, with all the Emacs functionality available.
Very nice.

One caveat: because you're in an emacs buffer and not a VT-100-type window,
some people's special graphics won't work because they depend on being able
to control the cursor in ways that Emacs doesn't like.

;;; Major Mode for talking to MUDs
;;; by James Aspnes (asp at and Stewart Clamen (clamen at
;;; and Pavel Curtis (pavel at
;;; 1989, 1990, 1991
;;; May/June 1990 - Generalized to handle SMUG and LPMUD
;;; January  1991 - Added Pavel Curtis' MOO support and assorted bug fixes, 
;;;                 also changed process-status call to run under 18.56.
;;; February 1991 - Added input-history browsing support (M-p/M-n);
;;;                   commands for sending the latest item on the kill
;;;                   ring (C-c C-y), optionally with each line bracketed by a
;;;                   given prefix and suffix (C-u C-c C-y); and a command to
;;;                   clear the current input line (C-c C-u).
;;;                 Added support for adding/overriding server definitions
;;;                   and the default server in one's .mud file.
;;;                 Fixed some bugs.
;;;                 Added support for people who prefer that the type-in
;;;                   point for a MUD buffer stay glued to the bottom of the
;;;                   window (see the 'mud-use-entire-window' option).
;;; December 92 - Jim Davis - added mud-pages-beep, added moo-code mods

;; This is the default set of 'server' lines in MUD entry files (e.g., ~/.mud)
(defconst mud-default-servers

    ;; On Brigadoon days
    ("TinyMUD Classic"	TinyMUD	""		2323)
    ("fuzine"		TinyMUD	""		4201)
    ("TinyHELL" 	TinyMUD	""		6250)

    ("AmosMUD"		TinyMUD	"" 		4201)
    ("Atlantis"		TinyMUD	""		4201)
    ("Auroris" 		TinyMUD	""		4200)
    ("CITMUD" 		TinyMUD	""		4201)
    ("ClubMUD"		TinyMUD ""	1984)
    ("Dragon MUD" 	TinyMUD	""		4201)
    ("Eden"		TinyMUD ""		4201)
    ("EVILMud" 		TinyMUD ""	        4201)
;   ("EVILMud" 		TinyMUD ""	4201)
    ("FantaMUD"		TinyMUD ""		5950)
    ("FurryMUCK"	TinyMUD ""		4242)
    ("GenericMUD"	TinyMUD ""			4201)
    ("Islandia" 	TinyMUD	""	2323)
    ("MoonMUD" 		TinyMUD	""	4201)
    ("MumbleMUD" 	TinyMUD	""		4201)
    ("PoohMUD" 		TinyMUD	""		4201)
    ("QuartzPARADISE"   TinyMUD ""		9999)
    ("StoMUD" 		TinyMUD	""		8888)
    ("SunMUD"		TinyMUD ""	4201)
    ("TinyCWRU"		TinyMUD	""	4201)
    ("TinyHOLLAND" 	TinyMUD	""		4201)
    ("TinyHORNS" 	TinyMUD	""		4201)
    ("TinyMUD"	 	TinyMUD	""	2323)
    ("TinyMush"		TinyMUD	""		4201)
    ("TinySWAT" 	TinyMUD	""	4201)
    ("TinyTIM" 		TinyMUD	""	6250)
    ("TinyUSC" 		TinyMUD	""		4201)
    ("Tinywonk"		TinyMUD ""		4200)
    ("TinyWORLD"	TinyMUD ""		6250)

;   ("SMUG" 		SMUG	"lancelot"			4201)

    ("Anarchy!"		TinyMUCK""		4201)
    ("Brigadoon"	TinyMUCK""		4201)    
    ("Chaos!"	 	TinyMUCK""		6250)
;   ("MbongoMUCK"	TinyMUCK""		4201)
    ("MbongoMUCK"	TinyMUCK""		4201)
    ("Pegasus"	 	TinyMUCK""	2001)
    ("TigerMUCK"	TinyMUCK""	6250)
    ("TroyMUCK"		TinyMUCK""		4201)

    ("TinyMUSH"		TinyMUSH""		4201)
    ("ToonMUSH"		TinyMUSH""		4835)

    ("MaineMud"		LPMUD	""	2000)
    ("Darker Realms"	LPMUD	""			2000)
    ("Sanctuary"	LPMUD	""			2000)
    ("Warhammer"	LPMUD	""	2112)
    ("The PIT"		LPMUD	""		2000)
    ("Theive's World"   LPMUD   ""		2000)
    ("Avalon"		LPMUD	""		2000)
    ("Boiling MUD"	LPMUD	""			2000)
    ("Phoenix"		LPMUD	""		2000)

    ("AlphaMOO"		MOO	""		7777)
    ("LambdaMOO"	MOO	""		8888)
    ("MediaMOO"         MOO	""	8888)
    ("JaysHouseMOO"     MOO	""    1709)
    ("MichaelsMOO"      MOO	""             5000)

    ;; from Jim Davis
    ("PARC"		Jupiter	""		7777)

    ;; from net announcements -- michele
    ("DepravedMUD"      MUD     ""                4000)
    ("Nightmare"        TinyMUSH ""              4201)

    ;; from other sources (recommendations) -- michele
    ("MicroMUSE"        TinyMUSH "Chezmoto.AI.MIT.Edu"           4201)


(defvar mud-default-default-server "MediaMOO"
  "Default 'default-server' name.")

(defvar muds nil "List of all defined MUD types")

(defmacro defmud (mud prompt connect-filter connect-command
		      filters command-filters sentinels
		      startup-hook page-regexp)
  (list 'progn
	(list 'defvar mud nil)
	(list 'setplist (list 'quote mud) nil)
	(list 'put (list 'quote mud) ''prompt prompt)
	(list 'put (list 'quote mud) ''connect-filter connect-filter)
	(list 'put (list 'quote mud) ''connect-command connect-command)
	(list 'put (list 'quote mud) ''filters filters)
	(list 'put (list 'quote mud) ''command-filters command-filters)
	(list 'put (list 'quote mud) ''sentinels sentinels)
	(list 'put (list 'quote mud) ''startup-hook startup-hook)
	(list 'put (list 'quote mud) ''page-regexp page-regexp)
	(list 'if (list 'not (list 'memq   (list 'quote mud) 'muds))
	      (list  'setq 'muds (list 'cons  (list 'quote mud) 'muds)))
	(list 'quote mud)))

(defun mud-prompt () (get mud 'prompt))
(defun mud-connect-filter () (get mud 'connect-filter))
(defun mud-connect-command () (get mud 'connect-command))
(defun mud-filters () (get mud 'filters))
(defun mud-sentinels () (get mud 'sentinels))
(defun mud-command-filters () (get mud 'command-filters))
(defun mud-startup-hook () (get mud 'startup-hook))
(defun mud-page-regexp () (get mud 'page-regexp))

;;; Equivalent mud types
(defmacro eqmud (mud2 mud1)
  (list 'progn
	 'setplist (list 'quote mud2) (list 'symbol-plist (list 'quote mud1)))
	(list 'if (list 'not (list 'memq   (list 'quote mud2) 'muds))
	      (list 'setq 'muds (list 'cons  (list 'quote mud2) 'muds)))))

(defmud TinyMUD
  ?>					; prompt char
  "\\(You sense that [^ ]* is looking for you in \\|\\w+ pages: \\)"

(eqmud TinyMUCK TinyMUD)
(eqmud TinyMUSH TinyMUD)
(eqmud TeenyMUD TinyMUD)

(defmud SMUG
  "You sense that [^ ]* is looking for you in "

(defmud LPMUD
  ?\ 					; prompt char
  "You sense that [^ ]* is looking for you in "

(defmud MOO
  "\\(You sense that [^ ]* is looking for you in \\)"

(defmud Jupiter
  "\\(You sense that [^ ]* is looking for you in \\)"

(defvar mud-show-page 1
  "*If non-nil, pop up MUD buffer whenever a page arrives.")

(defvar mud-pages-beep 1
  "*If non-nil, beep when a page arrives.")

(defvar mud-reconnect-regexp
  "#### Please reconnect to \\([^@]*\\)@\\([^ @]*\\) *\\(\\|([^ @]*)\\) port \\([0-9]+\\) ####.*$"
  "Regular expression for detecting reconnect signals.")

(defconst mud-new-connectionp nil
  "Flag to identify hail for new connection")

(defvar mud-accept-reconnects nil
  "*If nil, reject reconnect signals. If non-nil, accept reconnect signals 
by breaking existing connection and establishing new connection.  If an
integer, spawn <n> connections before breaking any.")

(defun mud-check-reconnect ()
  "Look for reconnect signal and open new connection if non to that
site already exists."
  (goto-char (point-min))
  (while (not (eobp))
    (if (and mud-accept-reconnects (looking-at mud-reconnect-regexp))
	(let ((mud-name (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1)
					  (match-end 1)))
	      (mud-server-addr (buffer-substring (match-beginning 2)
						 (match-end 2)))
	      (mud-server (and (not (eq (match-beginning 3)
					(match-end 3)))
			       (buffer-substring (1+ (match-beginning 3))
						 (1- (match-end 3)))))
	      (mud-port (string-to-int
			 (buffer-substring (match-beginning 4)
					   (match-end 4)))))
	  (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
	  (let* ((mud-sys (assoc mud-name (mud-servers)))
		 (mud-buffer-name (concat "*" mud-name "*"))
		  (mud-find-existing-process mud-name)))

	     (mud-buffer-process	; Existing connection to that site...
	      (message "Connection to that site had already been established.")
	      (pop-to-buffer (process-buffer mud-buffer-process)))
	     ((not mud-server)
	      (message "GNU Emacs cannot handle nonsymbolic names.  Sorry."))
	     ((zerop mud-port)
	      (message "Illformed portal signal. Inform Builder."))
		(setq mud-new-connectionp mud-buffer-name)
		(open-mud mud-sys t)))))))
    (beginning-of-line 2)))

(defun mud-find-existing-process (name)
  "Find process of established Mud connection, if it exists"
  (let ((processes (process-list))
	(result nil))
    (while (and processes (not result))
      (if (string-equal (upcase (process-name (car processes)))
			(upcase name))
	  (setq result (car processes))
	(setq processes (cdr processes))))

(defvar mud-last-page-check-pos nil)

(defun mud-check-page ()
  "Look for page message, and pop-up buffer if specified."
  (if (null mud-last-page-check-pos)
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (setq mud-last-page-check-pos (point))))
  (goto-char mud-last-page-check-pos)
  (let ((has-beeped nil))
    (while (not (eobp))
      (if (looking-at (mud-page-regexp))
	  (if mud-show-page
	    (display-buffer (current-buffer)))
	  (if (or mud-show-page mud-pages-beep)
	      (if mud-pages-beep
		(if (null has-beeped)	;beep only once
		    (progn (ding) (ding) (ding))
		    (setq has-beeped t))))
	      (message "You are being paged in %s"
		       (buffer-name (current-buffer)))))))
      (beginning-of-line 2))
    (setq mud-last-page-check-pos (point))    )

(defun mud-fill-lines ()
  "Fill buffer line by line."
  (goto-char (point-min))
  (while (not (eobp))
    (let ((break (move-to-column (1+ fill-column))))
      (if (<= break fill-column)
	  (beginning-of-line 2)
	;; else fill
	(skip-chars-backward "^ \n")
	(if (bolp)
	    ;; can't fill, we lose
	    (beginning-of-line 2)
	  (insert ?\n))))))

(defun mud-filter (proc string)
  "Filter for input from MUD process.  Calls MUD-specific filters as well. 
Also, if recently established new connection automatically, check to see 
if number of active connections exceeded connection limit and delete 
current process if so." 
  (let ((mud-select-buffer nil))
      ;; Occasionally-useful debugging code.
	 (set-buffer (get-buffer-create "*MUD Packets*"))
	 (goto-char (point-max))
	 (insert "\n\n<<")
	 (insert string)
	 (insert ">>"))
      (set-buffer (process-buffer proc))
      (goto-char (marker-position (process-mark proc)))
      (let ((start (point)))
	(insert-before-markers string)
	(let ((end (point)))
	  (goto-char start)
	  (beginning-of-line nil)
	    (narrow-to-region (point) end)
	    (while (search-forward "\^m" nil t)
	      (replace-match ""))
	    (goto-char (point-min))
	    (run-hooks (mud-filters))))))
    (if (and (= scroll-step 1)
	     (eq (current-buffer) (process-buffer proc))
	     (= (point) (point-max)))
	(recenter -1))
    (if (and mud-select-buffer
	     (eq (current-buffer) (process-buffer proc)))
	(pop-to-buffer mud-select-buffer)))
  (if mud-new-connectionp
	(if (or			     ; Do we close current connection?
	     (not (numberp mud-accept-reconnects))
	     (let ((c mud-accept-reconnects) (l (process-list)))
	       (while l
		 (if (and (eq (process-filter (car l)) 'mud-filter)
			  (memq (process-status (car l)) '(open run)))
		     (setq c (1- c)))
		 (setq l (cdr l)))
	       (< c 0)))
	      (delete-process (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)))
	      (kill-buffer (current-buffer))))
	  (pop-to-buffer mud-new-connectionp)
	  (if (> (baud-rate) search-slow-speed) (recenter))
	  (setq mud-new-connectionp nil)))))

(defun mud-sentinel (proc change)
  "Called on state changes so hooks can get run."
  (run-hooks (mud-sentinels)))

(defun mud-send ()
  "Send current line of input to a MUD."
  (let ((proc (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))))
    (cond ((or (null proc)
	       (not (memq (process-status proc) '(open run))))
	   (message "Not connected--- nothing sent.")
	   (insert ?\n))
	   ;; process exists, send line
	   (let ((start (mud-find-input)))
	     (send-region proc start (point))
	     (send-string proc "\n")
	     (mud-remember-input (buffer-substring start (point)))
	     (goto-char (point-max))
	     (insert ?\n)
	     (move-marker (process-mark proc) (point))
	     (insert (mud-prompt))
	     (if (= scroll-step 1)
		 (recenter -1))

(defun mud-realign-and-send ()
  (recenter 0)

(defun mud-cancel-input ()
  (let ((start (mud-find-input)))
    (delete-region start (point))))

(defun mud-send-kill (arg)
  (interactive "P")
  (if arg
      (call-interactively 'mud-send-kill-prefix)
    (let ((proc (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))))
      (mud-send-string (car kill-ring) proc))))

(defun mud-send-kill-prefix (prefix suffix)
  (interactive "sPrefix: \nsSuffix: ")
  (let ((buf (current-buffer))
	(temp (generate-new-buffer " *MUD temp*")))
      (set-buffer temp)
      (let ((proc (get-buffer-process buf))
	    (case-replace nil))
	(goto-char (point-min))
	(untabify (point-min) (point-max))
	(while (re-search-forward "^\\(.*\\)$")
	  (replace-match (concat prefix "\\1" suffix)))
	(send-region proc (point-min) (point-max))
	(send-string proc "\n")		;; Flush remaining input
	(kill-buffer temp)))))

(defun mud-quit ()
  "Quit MUD process."
  (if (yes-or-no-p "Are you sure you want to quit this MUD session?")
      (delete-process (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)))))

(defconst mud nil
  "Variable representing type of MUD active in current buffer")
(make-variable-buffer-local 'mud)

(defvar mud-use-entire-window nil
  "*Try to keep the type-in point for a MUD buffer at the bottom of the window.")

(defvar mud-mode-syntax-table nil
  "Syntax table used while in MUD mode.")

(defvar mud-interactive-mode-map
  (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
    (define-key map "\n" 'mud-realign-and-send)
    (define-key map "\r" 'mud-send)
    (define-key map "\^c\^c" 'mud-quit)
    (define-key map "\^c\^m" 'mud-macro-command)
    (define-key map "\^c\^u" 'mud-cancel-input)
    (define-key map "\^c\^y" 'mud-send-kill)
    (define-key map "\ep" 'mud-previous-command)
    (define-key map "\en" 'mud-next-command)
  "Keymap for MUD interactive mode.")

(defun mud-interactive-mode (mud-type)
  "Major Mode for talking to inferior MUD processes.

Global Variables: [default in brackets]

 mud-show-page					[nil]
    If non-nil, pop up MUD buffer whenever a page arrives.
 mud-accept-reconnects				[nil]
    If nil, reject reconnect signals. If non-nil, accept reconnect
    signals by breaking existing connection and establishing new
    connection.  If an integer, spawn that many connections before
    breaking any.
 mud-entry-file					[\"~/.mud\"]
    Pathname to location of MUD address/character/password file.
 mud-use-entire-window				[nil]
    Try to keep the type-in point for the MUD buffer at the bottom
    of the window, so as not to have a half-window of blank space.

defmud parameters:

    Character to identify MUD command input.
    Initial filter hooks (before login)
    List of hooks to call before displaying output from MUD
    process to MUD buffer.  [Default hooks support line-filling,
    page checking, and reconnect detection.]
    Hook to run at startup.  Users wishing to use macros may want to
    bind it to the following in their .emacs file:

     (setq tinymud-mode-hook
           '(lambda ()
       	       (mud-load-macro-commands tinymud-macro-commands-file)))

  (setq mud mud-type)
  (setq mode-name (symbol-name mud-type))
  (setq major-mode 'mud-interactive-mode)
  (setq fill-column (1- (screen-width)))
  (setq indent-tabs-mode nil)
  (if (null mud-mode-syntax-table)
	(setq mud-mode-syntax-table (make-syntax-table))
	(set-syntax-table mud-mode-syntax-table)
	(modify-syntax-entry ?_ "w")
	(modify-syntax-entry ?\[ "(]")
	(modify-syntax-entry ?\] ")["))
    (set-syntax-table mud-mode-syntax-table))
  (use-local-map (copy-keymap mud-interactive-mode-map))
  (make-local-variable 'mode-line-process)
  (let* ((s (and (concat "@" mud-server)))
	 (ss (cond ((not mud-accept-reconnects) "")
		   (t (if (> (length s) 20) (substring s 0 20) s)))))
    (setq mode-line-process (list (concat ss ":%s"))))
  (run-hooks (mud-startup-hook)))

(defun mud (&optional autoconnect)
  "Connect to MUD, asking for site to connect to.

With optional argument, look in mud-entry-file 
for name to connect with and attempt connect."
  (interactive "P")
  (let* ((choice
	  (assoc (let* ((completion-ignore-case t)
			(default (mud-default-server))
			(name (completing-read (format "Server (default %s): "
					       nil t)))
		   (if (equal name "")
	 (mud-name (car choice))
	 (mud-sys (car (cdr choice)))
	 (mud-server (car (cdr (cdr choice))))
	 (mud-port (car (cdr (cdr (cdr choice))))))
    (open-mud mud-sys autoconnect)))

(defun open-mud (mud-sys autoconnect)
  (let ((index 0)
	(buf-name-root (concat "*" mud-name "*"))
	(buf-name nil))
    (while (and (get-buffer (setq buf-name
				  (if (= index 0)
				    (format "%s<%d>" buf-name-root index))))
		(get-buffer-process buf-name)
		(process-status (get-buffer-process buf-name)))
      (setq index (+ index 1)))
  (let* ((buf (get-buffer-create buf-name))
	 (proc (open-network-stream "MUD" buf
				    mud-server mud-port)))
    ;; Despite how it looks, the following line ensures that Emacs *not*
    ;; kill our network connection on exit without asking us first.
;    (process-kill-without-query proc t)
    (if autoconnect
	(let ((entry (mud-login-for-server mud-name))
	      (filter (or (mud-connect-filter)
	  (set-process-filter proc filter)
	   (mapconcat '(lambda (x) x) 
		       (let ((mud mud-sys)) (mud-connect-command))
		      " ")
    (set-process-filter proc 'mud-filter)	    
    (set-process-sentinel proc 'mud-sentinel)
    (switch-to-buffer buf)
    (goto-char (point-max))
    (set-marker (process-mark proc) (point))
    (mud-interactive-mode mud-sys)
    (insert (mud-prompt))
    (cond (mud-use-entire-window
	   (make-local-variable 'scroll-step)
	   (setq scroll-step 1))
	   (recenter '(4))))
;;; Input History Maintenance

(defun mud-make-history (size)
  ;; (head tail . vector)
  ;; head is the index of the most recent item in the history.
  ;; tail is the index one past the oldest item
  ;; if head == tail, the history is empty
  ;; all index arithmetic is mod the size of the vector
  (cons 0 (cons 0 (make-vector (+ size 1) nil))))

(defun mud-decr-mod (n m)
  (if (= n 0)
      (1- m)
    (1- n)))

(defun mud-history-insert (history element)
  (let* ((head (car history))
	 (tail (car (cdr history)))
	 (vec (cdr (cdr history)))
	 (size (length vec))
	 (new-head (mud-decr-mod head size)))
    (aset vec new-head element)
    (setcar history new-head)
    (if (= new-head tail)  ; history is full, so forget oldest element
	(setcar (cdr history) (mud-decr-mod tail size)))))

(defun mud-history-empty-p (history)
  (= (car history) (car (cdr history))))

(defun mud-history-ref (history index)
  (let* ((head (car history))
	 (tail (car (cdr history)))
	 (vec (cdr (cdr history)))
	 (size (if (<= head tail)
		   (- tail head)
		 (+ tail (- (length vec) head)))))
    (if (= size 0)
	(error "Ref of an empty history")
      (let ((i (% index size)))
	(if (< i 0)
	    (setq i (+ i size)))
	(aref vec (% (+ head i) (length vec)))))))

(defvar mud-input-history-size 20
  "The number of past input commands remembered for possible reuse")

(defvar mud-input-history nil)

(defvar mud-input-index 0)

(defun mud-initialize-input-history ()
  (make-local-variable 'mud-input-history)
  (make-local-variable 'mud-input-index)
  (setq mud-input-history (mud-make-history mud-input-history-size))
  (setq mud-input-index 0))

(defun mud-remember-input (string)
  (mud-history-insert mud-input-history string))

(defun mud-previous-command ()
  (mud-browse-input-history 1))

(defun mud-next-command ()
  (mud-browse-input-history -1))

(defun mud-browse-input-history (delta)
  (cond ((mud-history-empty-p mud-input-history)
	 (error "You haven't typed any commands yet!"))
	((eq last-command 'mud-browse-input-history)
	 (setq mud-input-index (+ mud-input-index delta)))
	 (setq mud-input-index 0)))
  (setq this-command 'mud-browse-input-history)
  (let ((start (mud-find-input)))
    (delete-region start (point))
    (insert (mud-history-ref mud-input-history mud-input-index))))

(defun mud-find-input ()
  (beginning-of-line 1)
  (let* ((proc (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)))
	 (start (max (process-mark proc) (point))))
    (if (equal (char-after start) (mud-prompt))
	(setq start (1+ start)))
    (goto-char start)
    (end-of-line 1)

;;; Macro Commands

(defvar mud-current-process nil "Current MUD process")
(defvar mud-current-macro-commands-alist nil "Current MUD macro command alist")

(defvar mud-macro-commands-alist (list (cons "nil" ""))
  "*Alist of macros (keyed by strings)")
(make-variable-buffer-local 'mud-macro-commands-alist)

(defvar mud-macro-expansion-mode-map
  (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
    (define-key map "\^c\^c" 'mud-macro-send-and-destroy)
    (define-key map "\^c\^s" 'mud-macro-send)
    (define-key map "\^c\^]" 'mud-macro-abort)
    (define-key map "\^c\^d" 'mud-macro-define)
  "Keymap for mud-macro-expansion-mode.")

(defun mud-macro-expansion-mode ()
  "Major Mode for mucking with MUD macro expansion.
  (setq mode-name "MUD-Macro-Expansion")
  (setq major-mode 'mud-macro-expansion-mode)
  (setq indent-tabs-mode nil)
  (set-syntax-table mud-mode-syntax-table)
  (use-local-map mud-macro-expansion-mode-map)
  (make-local-variable 'mud-expansion-macro-name)
  (message "Use ^C^S to send, ^C^C to send and destroy, ^C^] to abort..."))

(defun mud-macro-define (name)
  "Define buffer as mud-macro."
  (interactive (list (completing-read "MUD Macro: "
				      nil nil
  (let ((oldval (assoc name mud-current-macro-commands-alist)))
    (if oldval
	(setcdr oldval (buffer-string))
	(cons name (buffer-string))
  (if (y-or-n-p "Save to file? ")
	(read-file-name (concat "File to save to (default "
				"): ")

(defun mud-macro-abort ()
  "Abort macro expansion buffer."
  (kill-buffer (current-buffer))

(defun mud-macro-send ()
  "Send contents of macro expansion buffer."
  (let ((str (buffer-string)))
    (mud-macro-send-2 str)))
(defun mud-macro-send-and-destroy ()
  "Send contents of macro expansion buffer and then kill the buffer."
  (let ((str (buffer-string)))
    (mud-macro-send-2 str)))

(defun mud-macro-send-2 (str)
    (let ((proc mud-current-process))
      (set-buffer (process-buffer proc))
      (setq mud-macro-commands-alist mud-current-macro-commands-alist)
       (let ((start (point)))
	 (insert str)
	   (narrow-to-region start (point))
	   (run-hooks (mud-command-filters))
	     (delete-region (point-min) (point-max)))))

(defun mud-send-string (string proc)
  "Send STRING as input to PROC"
  (send-string proc (concat string "\n")))

(defun mud-load-macro-commands (filename)
  "Load file of mud-macros"
  (setq mud-macro-commands-alist
	(if (file-exists-p filename)
	      (setq mud-macro-commands-file filename)
	      (let ((tempbuf (get-buffer-create " *MUD Macros*"))
		    (buf (current-buffer)))
		(set-buffer tempbuf)
		(insert-file filename)
		(prog1 (car (read-from-string (buffer-string)))
		  (set-buffer buf))))
	  '("nil" . ""))))

(defun mud-store-macro-commands (filename)
  "Store MUD macros in filename"
  (interactive "FFile to save to: ")
  (setq mud-macro-commands-file filename)
    (let ((tmp (get-buffer-create " *Macros to write*")))
      (set-buffer tmp)
      (insert (prin1-to-string mud-current-macro-commands-alist))
      (write-file filename))))

(defun mud-macro-command (arg)
  "Insert into stream one of the commands in mud-macro-commands-alist.
Without command argument, opens buffer for editting.  With argument
sends alist entry directly to process."
  (interactive "P")
  (let ((macro
	  (or (if (stringp arg) arg)
	      (completing-read "MUD Macro: "
			       mud-macro-commands-alist nil t nil))
    (let ((match (car macro))
	  (stuff (cdr macro)))
      (if (stringp stuff)
	  (let ((buff (get-buffer-create "*Expansion*"))
		(proc (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)))
		(alist mud-macro-commands-alist))
	    (if (not arg)
		  (pop-to-buffer buff)
		  (insert stuff)
		  (goto-char (point-min))
		  (setq mud-expansion-macro-name match)
		  (setq mud-current-process proc)
		  (setq mud-current-macro-commands-alist alist)
	      (mud-send-string stuff proc)))))))

;;; Reading from entry file
;;; server  <server-name>  <mud-type>  <host-name>  <port>
;;; default-server  <server-name>
;;; include  <file-name>
;;; <server-name>  <character-name>  <password>
;;; default  <character-name>  <password>

(defvar mud-entry-file "~/.mud"
  "*Pathname to location of MUD address/character/password file.")

(defvar mud-servers nil)
(defvar mud-default-server nil)
(defvar mud-logins nil)
(defvar mud-default-login nil)

(defvar mud-entry-file-dates nil)

(defun mud-match-field (i)
  (buffer-substring (match-beginning i) (match-end i)))

(defun mud-report-syntax-error ()
  (let ((start (point)))
    (error (concat "Syntax error in MUD entry file " file ": "
		   (buffer-substring start (point))))))

(defun mud-file-directory (name)
  (let ((i (1- (length name))))
    (while (not (= (aref name i) ?/))
      (setq i (1- i)))
    (substring name 0 (1+ i))))

(defun mud-file-write-date (file)
  (nth 5 (file-attributes file)))

(defun mud-entry-pattern (keyword nargs)
  (let ((pattern "?$"))
    (while (> nargs 0)
      (setq pattern (concat "\\([^ \n]*\\) " pattern)
	    nargs (1- nargs)))
    (if (null keyword)
      (concat keyword " " pattern))))

(defun mud-parse-entry-file (name)
  (let ((file (expand-file-name name))
	(old-buffer (current-buffer))
	(buffer (generate-new-buffer " *MUD temp*")))
    (if (not (file-exists-p file))
	(error (concat "Can't find MUD entry file " file)))
    (setq mud-entry-file-dates (cons (cons file (mud-file-write-date file))
	  (set-buffer buffer)
	  (buffer-flush-undo buffer)
	  (insert-file-contents file)
	  ;; Don't lose if no final newline.
	  (goto-char (point-max))
	  (or (eq (preceding-char) ?\n)
	  (goto-char (point-min))
	  ;; handle "\\\n" continuation lines
	  (while (not (eobp))
	    (cond ((= (preceding-char) ?\\)
		   (delete-char -1)
		   (delete-char 1)
		   (insert ?\ )))
	    (forward-char 1))
	  ;; simplify whitespace handling
	  (goto-char (point-min))
	  (while (re-search-forward "^[ \t]+" nil t)
	    (replace-match ""))
	  (goto-char (point-min))
	  (while (re-search-forward "[ \t]+" nil t)
	    (replace-match " "))
	  (goto-char (point-min))
	  (while (not (eobp))
	    (cond ((or (eolp) (looking-at "#")))
		  ((looking-at "server ")
		   (let (port
		     (if (or (not (looking-at (mud-entry-pattern "server" 4)))
			     (= (setq port (string-to-int
					    (mud-match-field 4)))
			     (not (memq (setq type
					      (intern (mud-match-field 2)))
		     (setq mud-servers
			   (cons (list (mud-match-field 1)
				       (mud-match-field 3)
		  ((looking-at "default-server ")
		   (if (not (looking-at (mud-entry-pattern "default-server"
		   (if (null mud-default-server)
		       (setq mud-default-server (mud-match-field 1))))
		  ((looking-at "include ")
		   (if (not (looking-at (mud-entry-pattern "include" 1)))
		   (mud-parse-entry-file (concat (mud-file-directory file)
						 (mud-match-field 1))))
		  ((looking-at "default ")
		   (if (not (looking-at (mud-entry-pattern "default" 2)))
		   (if (null mud-default-login)
		       (setq mud-default-login (list (mud-match-field 1)
						     (mud-match-field 2)))))
		  ((looking-at (mud-entry-pattern nil 3))
		   (setq mud-logins (cons (list (mud-match-field 1)
						(mud-match-field 2)
						(mud-match-field 3))
		  (t (mud-report-syntax-error)))
	    (beginning-of-line 2)))
      (kill-buffer buffer)
      (set-buffer old-buffer))))

(defun mud-check-entry-file ()
  (if (or (null mud-entry-file-dates)
	  (let ((dates mud-entry-file-dates))
	    (while (and dates
			(equal (cdr (car dates))
			       (mud-file-write-date (car (car dates)))))
	      (setq dates (cdr dates)))
	    (not (null dates))))
	(setq mud-servers nil
	      mud-default-server nil
	      mud-logins nil
	      mud-default-login nil
	      mud-entry-file-dates nil)
	(if (file-exists-p mud-entry-file)
	    (mud-parse-entry-file mud-entry-file))
	(setq mud-servers (append (reverse mud-servers) mud-default-servers))
	(if (null mud-default-server)
	    (setq mud-default-server mud-default-default-server)))))

(defun mud-servers ()

(defun mud-default-server ()

(defun mud-login-for-server (server)
  (or (cdr (assoc server mud-logins))

;;; TinyMUD

(defvar tinymud-filter-hook
  '(mud-check-reconnect mud-check-page mud-fill-lines)
  "*List of functions to call on each line of tinymud output.  The
function is called with no arguments and the buffer narrowed to just
the line.") 

(defvar tinymud-connection-error-string
  "Either that player does not exist, or has a different password.")

(defvar tinymud-macro-commands-file "~/.tinymud_macros"
  "*Pathname of tinymud macros.")

(setq tinymud-output-filter nil)

(defun tinymud-connect-filter (proc string)
  "Filter for connecting to a TinyMUD server.  Replaced with tinymud-filter
once successful."
  (if (not (string-equal string tinymud-connection-error-string))
      (set-process-filter proc 'tinymud-filter)))

;;; SMUG (TinyMUD 2)

(defvar smug-filter-hook
  '(mud-convert-tabs-to-newlines mud-fill-lines)
  "*List of functions to call on each line of Smug output.  The
function is called with no arguments and the buffer narrowed to just
the line.")

(setq smug-macro-command-filter-hook

(defun mud-convert-tabs-to-newlines ()
  "Replace all TABs to NEWLINEs in displaying of Smug output, since 
they represent new statements in the embedded programming language."
  (subst-char-in-region (point-min) (point-max) ?\t ?\n t))

(defun mud-convert-newlines-to-tabs-in-strings ()
  "Replace all NEWLINEs present inside top-level strings with TABs, 
as they are likely code objects."
  (goto-char (point-min))
  (if (re-search-forward "[\\[\"]" (point-max) t)
	(forward-char -1)
	(subst-char-in-region (point)
			      (save-excursion (forward-sexp 1) (point))
			      ?\n ?\t t))))

(defvar smug-macro-commands-file "~/.smug_macros"
  "*Pathname of SMUG macros.")

;;; MOO

(defvar moo-mode-hook '(define-moo-mode-commands))

(defun define-moo-mode-commands ()
  (define-key (current-local-map) "\^c\^d" 'moo-get-description)
  (define-key (current-local-map) "\^ch" 'moo-get-help)
  (define-key (current-local-map) "\^c\^f" 'moo-get-field)
  (define-key (current-local-map) "\^c\^v" 'moo-get-verb-listing))

;; AstroVR fetch requests:
;;     #$# fetch host: <name> directory: <dir> filename: <name> type: <type>
(defun moo-check-fetch ()
  "Look for page message, and pop-up buffer if specified."
  (goto-char (point-min))
  (while (not (eobp))
    (if (looking-at (concat "#\\$# fetch "
			    "host: \\(.*\\) "
			    "directory: \\(.*\\) "
			    "file: \\(.*\\) "
			    "type: \\(.*\\) "
			    "destination: \\(.*\\)$"))
	(let ((host (mud-match-field 1))
	      (dir (mud-match-field 2))
	      (file (mud-match-field 3))
	      (type (mud-match-field 4))
	      (dest (mud-match-field 5)))
	  (delete-region (point) (save-excursion (beginning-of-line 2)
	  (call-process "fetch-file" nil 0 nil
			host dir file type dest)))
    (beginning-of-line 2)))

(defun moo-explode-message ()
  "Convert a list of strings into more readable/editable text."
  (goto-char (point-min))
  (while (search-forward "{\"" nil t)
    (replace-match "{\n"))
  (goto-char (point-min))
  (while (search-forward "\", \"" nil t)
    (replace-match "\n"))
  (goto-char (point-min))
  (while (search-forward "\"}" nil t)
    (replace-match "\n}"))
  (goto-char (1- (point-max)))
  (if (looking-at "\n")
      (delete-char 1)))

(defun moo-implode-message ()
  "Convert readable/editable text into a list of strings."
  (goto-char (point-min))
  (while (search-forward "{\n" nil t)
    (replace-match "{\""))
  (goto-char (point-min))
  (while (search-forward "\n}" nil t)
    (replace-match "\"}"))
  (goto-char (point-min))
  (while (search-forward "\n" nil t)
    (replace-match "\", \"")))

(defun moo-get-help ()
  "Fetch a given help text and explode it."
  (moo-do-fetch "Edit which help text: "
		"@gethelp %s"

(defun moo-fix-help ()
  ;; Nothing required.

(defun moo-get-field ()
  "Fetch the value of some field."
  (moo-do-fetch "Edit what field: "
		"@show %s"

(defun moo-get-description ()
  "Fetch the description of some object."
  (moo-do-fetch "Edit description of what object: "
		"@show %s.description"

(defun moo-fix-field ()
  (define-key (current-local-map) "\^c\^e" 'moo-explode-message)
  (define-key (current-local-map) "\^c\^i" 'moo-implode-message)
  (insert "; !(")
  (search-forward ".")
  (insert "(\"")
  (insert "\") = ")
  (let ((start (point)))
    (re-search-forward "Value: *")
    (delete-region start (point)))
    (insert ")")))

(defun moo-get-verb-listing ()
  "Fetch the MOO code for a particular verb."
  (moo-do-fetch "Program what verb: "
		"@list %s without numbers"

(defun moo-fix-listing ()
  (cond ((looking-at "That object")
	 (let ((message (substring (buffer-string) 0 -1)))
	   (error message)))
	((looking-at "That verb")
	 (let ((start (point)))
	   (delete-region start (point)))))
  (insert (concat "@program " moo-object "\n"))
  (if (looking-at "#")				; Kill the header line.
      (let ((start (point)))
	(beginning-of-line 2)
	(delete-region start (point))))
  (goto-char (point-max))
  (insert ".\n")
  (goto-char (point-min))
  (beginning-of-line 2))

(defun moo-do-fetch (prompt object-fmt command-fmt fixer)
  (setq moo-object (format object-fmt (read-string prompt))
	moo-state 'waiting
	moo-fixer fixer
	mud-current-process (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))
	moo-buffer (get-buffer-create moo-object))
  (moo-set-delimiter moo-suffix)
  (pop-to-buffer moo-buffer)
  (mud-send-string (concat "PREFIX " moo-prefix
			   "\nSUFFIX " moo-suffix
			   (format command-fmt moo-object)

(defun moo-set-delimiter (str)
  (setq moo-delim-string str)
  (setq moo-delim-regexp (concat (regexp-quote str) "$")))

(defvar moo-prefix "===MOO-Prefix===")
(defvar moo-suffix "===MOO-Suffix===")
(defvar moo-upload-command nil)
(defvar moo-edit-regexp (concat "#\\$# edit "
				"name: \\(.*\\) "
				"upload: \\(.*\\)$"))
(defvar moo-buffer nil)
(defvar moo-delim-string nil)
(defvar moo-delim-regexp nil)
(defvar moo-state 'idle)
(defvar moo-object nil)
(defvar moo-fixer nil)
(defvar moo-filter-hook
  '(moo-filter moo-check-fetch mud-check-page mud-check-reconnect

(defun moo-quote-dots ()
  "Double any initial dot on every line of the current (narrowed) buffer."
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (while (re-search-forward "^\\." nil t)
      (replace-match ".."))))

(defun moo-unquote-dots ()
  "Un-double any initial dots on every line of the current (narrowed) buffer."
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (while (re-search-forward "^\\.\\." nil t)
      (replace-match "."))))

(defun moo-filter ()
  (goto-char (point-min))
  (while (not (eobp))
    (let ((start (point)))
      (cond ((and (eq moo-state 'waiting)
		  (looking-at (concat moo-prefix "$")))
	     (beginning-of-line 2)
	     (delete-region start (point))
	     (setq moo-state 'copying
		   moo-upload-command nil))
	    ((and (eq moo-state 'idle)
		  (looking-at moo-edit-regexp))
	     (let ((name (mud-match-field 1))
		   (upload (mud-match-field 2)))
	       (beginning-of-line 2)
	       (delete-region start (point))
	       (setq moo-state 'copying
		     moo-buffer (get-buffer-create name)
		     mud-current-process (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))
		     moo-fixer 'moo-unquote-dots)
	       (moo-set-delimiter ".")
	       (let ((buff (current-buffer)))
		 (set-buffer moo-buffer)
		 (setq moo-upload-command upload)
		 (set-buffer buff))))
	    ((eq moo-state 'copying)
	     (cond ((looking-at moo-delim-regexp)
		    (setq moo-state 'idle)
		    (beginning-of-line 2)
		    (delete-region start (point))
		    (let ((buff (current-buffer)))
		      (set-buffer moo-buffer)
		      (goto-char (point-min))
		      (if moo-upload-command
			  (let ((upload moo-upload-command))
			    (make-local-variable 'moo-upload-command)
			    (setq moo-upload-command upload)))
		      (and moo-fixer (funcall moo-fixer))
		      (setq mud-select-buffer moo-buffer)
		      (set-buffer buff)))
		    (beginning-of-line 2)
		    (let* ((buff (current-buffer))
			   (str (buffer-substring start (point)))
			   (len (length str)))
		      (if (or (> len (length moo-delim-string))
			      (not (equal (substring moo-delim-string 0 len)
			    (delete-region start (point))
			    (set-buffer moo-buffer)
			    (goto-char (point-max))
			    (insert str)
			    (set-buffer buff)))))))
	     (beginning-of-line 2))))))

;;; Jupiter

(defvar jupiter-filter-hook
  '(jupiter-filter moo-filter mud-check-page mud-check-reconnect
(defvar jupiter-sentinel-hook
(defvar jupiter-process nil
  "Process variable for mooaudio program.")
(make-variable-buffer-local 'jupiter-process)
(defconst jupiter-mooaudio "/project/jupiter/etc/mooaudio")

(defun jupiter-filter ()
  "Filter room change strings."
  (goto-char (point-min))
  (if (re-search-forward "^@@#\\([0-9]*\\)\n" (point-max) t)
      (let ((room (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))))
	(jupiter-set-room room)
	(delete-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))))
  (goto-char (point-min))
  (if (re-search-forward "^#\\$# This server supports fancy clients.\n"
			 (point-max) t)
	(send-string (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)) "@client emacs\n")
	(delete-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))))
  (goto-char (point-min))
  (if (re-search-forward "^#\\$#channel \\([\.0-9]*\\)\n" (point-max) t)
      (let ((channel (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))))
	(jupiter-set-channel channel)
	(delete-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)))))

(defun jupiter-set-room (room)
  (jupiter-set-channel (concat "224.4." room)))

(defun jupiter-set-channel (channel)
  (if (or (null jupiter-process)
	  (not (eq (process-status jupiter-process) 'run)))
      (setq jupiter-process
	    (start-process "jupiter-audio" nil
			   jupiter-mooaudio channel))
      (send-string jupiter-process (concat "g " channel "\n"))))

(defun jupiter-sentinel ()
  (if (not (eq (process-status proc) 'run))
      (process-send-eof jupiter-process)))

;;; Generic stuff.

(defun mud-macro-abort ()
  "Abort macro expansion buffer."
  (kill-buffer (current-buffer))

(defun mud-macro-send ()
  "Send contents of macro expansion buffer."
  (let ((str (buffer-string)))
    (mud-macro-send-2 str)))

(defun mud-macro-send-and-destroy ()
  "Send contents of macro expansion buffer and then kill the buffer."
  (let ((str (buffer-string)))
    (mud-macro-send-2 str)

(defun mud-macro-send-2 (str)
    (let ((proc mud-current-process)
	  (upload moo-upload-command))
      (set-buffer (process-buffer proc))
      (setq mud-macro-commands-alist mud-current-macro-commands-alist)
      (mud-send-string (let ((start (point)))
			 (insert str)
			   (narrow-to-region start (point))
			   (if upload
			       (progn (moo-quote-dots)
				      (goto-char (point-min))
				      (insert (concat upload "\n"))
				      (goto-char (point-max))
				      (if (not (bolp))
					  (insert "\n"))
				      (insert ".\n"))
			     (run-hooks (mud-command-filters)))
			     (delete-region (point-min) (point-max)))))

(defun mud-send-string (string proc)
  "Send STRING as input to PROC"
  (send-string proc (concat string "\n")))

(defun mud-load-macro-commands (filename)
  "Load file of mud-macros"
  (setq mud-macro-commands-alist
	(if (file-exists-p filename)
	      (setq mud-macro-commands-file filename)
	      (let ((tempbuf (get-buffer-create " *MUD Macros*"))
		    (buf (current-buffer)))
		(set-buffer tempbuf)
		(insert-file filename)
		(prog1 (car (read-from-string (buffer-string)))
		  (set-buffer buf))))
	  '("nil" . ""))))

(defun mud-store-macro-commands (filename)
  "Store MUD macros in filename"
  (interactive "FFile to save to: ")
  (setq mud-macro-commands-file filename)
    (let ((tmp (get-buffer-create " *Macros to write*")))
      (set-buffer tmp)
      (insert (prin1-to-string mud-current-macro-commands-alist))
      (write-file filename))))

(defun mud-macro-command (arg)
  "Insert into stream one of the commands in mud-macro-commands-alist.
Without command argument, opens buffer for editting.  With argument
sends alist entry directly to process."
  (interactive "P")
  (let ((macro
	  (or (if (stringp arg) arg)
	      (completing-read "MUD Macro: "
			       mud-macro-commands-alist nil t nil))
    (let ((match (car macro))
	  (stuff (cdr macro)))
      (if (stringp stuff)
	  (let ((buff (get-buffer-create "*Expansion*"))
		(proc (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)))
		(alist mud-macro-commands-alist))
	    (if (not arg)
		  (pop-to-buffer buff)
		  (insert stuff)
		  (goto-char (point-min))
		  (setq mud-expansion-macro-name match)
		  (setq mud-current-process proc)
		  (setq mud-current-macro-commands-alist alist)
	      (mud-send-string stuff proc)))))))


;;; Utilities

(defun mud-cleanup-extra-processes ()
  (mapcar '(lambda (p) (if (not (buffer-name (process-buffer (get-process p))))
			   (delete-process p)))

(require 'moo-code)

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