misc crypto stuff

J. Eric Townsend jet at netcom.com
Thu Sep 30 11:36:55 PDT 1993

"mycal (voices through your head @ 88.1MHz)" writes:
 > First a prediction, soon the news media will pick up on a major story on
 > somthing like child porn being transfered around using something like
 > PGP.  It will get blown out of preportion, and there will be a call to
 > outlaw anything but government approved government decodeable encription.

Already happened.  The fellow used something like PGP, if not PGP, to
encrypt stuff to disk.  If I remember correctly (Mike G., help me out
here) he was asked to cough up the passwords in court as part of the
legal proceedings. (I remember this only because of the following
discussion of 'can a court make me give out my passwords?)  No call
for banning of encryption by The Media(tm).

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