The Republic of Desire (anonymous organizations)

Curtis D. Frye cfrye at
Thu Nov 18 07:51:31 PST 1993

>  My only problem with this is knowing how to organize the 
>"guerilla cell structures" or whatever it was he mentioned.  Anyone have
>a ref for something that discusses guerilla cell organizations?

The classic Russian model (late 1800's through the October Revolution) was
to have three-person cells, each of which had one person who knew one
person above them in the hierarchy and someone who knew one person below
them.  This makes for good security as there is no redundant information in
the network and one failure breaks the chain.

I don't have any specific citations in mind, but the Russian history
instructors at A&M might be a good place to start.

Best regards,

Curtis D. Frye
cfrye at
"If you think I speak for MITRE, I'll tell you how much they
 pay me and make you feel foolish."

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