Police protection

Brad Cox bcox at gmu.edu
Sun May 23 13:50:58 PDT 1993

>I'm sure lots of people could give examples of areas where "everyone"
>*is* armed, and while they certainly don't rely on "the government"
>(i.e., local police forces) for protection, most would agree the
>situation is not desirable ...

Yep. Switzerland for sure (every draft age citizen keeps an assault rifle
and ammo). Similarly for most US rural states; Oregon, South Carolina,
Texas and Arizona come to mind. So do shooting ranges and guns shows most

I've never felt safer than in such places, and most would say most such
places are desirable, compared to say Washington DC or New York where guns
have been outlawed for ages. Except for of course, those in the hands of
the state and the criminals.

Why in the world would you say otherwise?
       Brad Cox; bcox at gmu.edu; 703 968 8229 Voice 703 968 8798 Fax
       George Mason Program on Social and Organizational Learning

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