PGP question

J. Michael Diehl mdiehl at
Sat Jun 19 11:38:34 PDT 1993

According to Nickey MacDonald:
> I am working on an interesting application using PGP.. and I have come
> upon a snag.  I want to have a message with more that one "pgp block" ie
> more than one file encrypted and then all the encrypted files concatenated
> as one new file.  If you just use "pgp file" it tries to overwrite the same

I remember doing this once.  What I did was (I think) I encrypted each file in
turn and copied it to the end of the "master" file.  You can then go back and 
wipe the temp-cypher files.  When you pgp master.fil, it will extract each file
in turn.  And, yes, this is an automatic process.  Hope this helps.

| J. Michael Diehl ;-)  | I thought I was wrong once. | PGP KEY |
| mdiehl at |   But, I was mistaken.      |available|
| mike.diehl at   |                             | Ask Me! |
| (505) 299-2282        +-----------------------------+---------+
|                                                               |
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|            Politically Incorrect!"   <Me>                     |
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