Crypto Patent Abstracts #1

Paul Goggin chaos at
Mon Jul 19 22:24:10 PDT 1993

>From: "J. J. Larrea" <jjl at>

>Message-Id: <199307200456.AA27500 at>
>Subject: Crypto Patent Abstracts #1
>To: cypherpunks at

>Of the 6, I have full-text for 4 of them:
>       Schnorr: 4,995,082 
>       Gaffney: 4,562,305 
>       Hellman-Pohlig: 4,424,414
>       Rivest-Shamir: 4,405,829 

>and partial text for one more:
>       Hellman-Merkle: 4,218,582 

>I hope to be able to get a full version of Hellman-Merkle, as well as:
>       Hellman-Diffie: 4,200,770       
>within a week.

>So, is there an FTP site I should place these on?

I don't know about soda, but I have been mirroring it here at
and would love to put them up for ftp. I have /pub/cypherpunks/Incoming
set up for dropoffs. Put them in and I should have them up within a day for
anonymous ftp. Drop me a note also when you drop them off for quicker 
response. What did the [images available] besides the patent number mean?

Look forward to hearing from you.

R  O    All Comments Copyright by  | Technofetisht
 A  N     Paul S. Goggin (1993)    | Cypher, Cyber, Chaos              
  V        Information Broker      | Ergoflux, Interzone
   E      chaos at     | Carpe Diem: Stop the Clipper wiretap chip 
Finger account for latest _Phrack_ | Public Key: PGP and RIPEM available
      For anonymous communication:---> anonymus+4744 at
Title 18 USC 2511 and 18 USC 2703 Protected -- Monitoring Absolutely Forbidden

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