Ayn Rand and Crypto-Anarchy

hnash at mason1.gmu.edu hnash at mason1.gmu.edu
Sat Aug 7 09:25:59 PDT 1993


I recently read Atlas Shrugged by Ayne Rand.  I noticed two 
crucial technologies that seem like good analogs for cypherpunk 

In case your not familiar with the story, the most productive 
industrialists, engineers, etc. decide to remove themselves from 
society until the government stops interfering.  They create 
their own little community in a secluded valley where they can 
work without supporting the government.  

The first relevant technology is a mirror that hides the valley.  
The industrialists have built a small town, but from the air it 
looks like a barren desert.  The mirror conceals their 
transactions from everyone else.  This sounds like encrypted, 
untraceable communications and transactions.  Black markets 
flourish, but from outside they look like barren static.  

The second technology is a self-destructing laboratory.  This 
allows an engineer to experiment with secret technology without 
the need for physical security.  When the police break down the 
lab door, they find nothing but a fine powder, and they can't 
even guess what he's been up to.  This sounds like tamperproof 
hardware or software.  To the authorized user, it's useful 
equipment.  To everyone else, it's nothing more than random 

Did Ayn Rand anticipate crypto-anarchy?

          --- Yours Truly, ][adon Nash ---
in founding a family or a state, or acquiring fame even, we are mortal;
but in dealing with truth we are immortal, and need fear no change nor
accident. --- ][enry David Thoreau, 1850 ---

Version: 2.3


-------------- Yours Truly, ][adon Nash --------------------------------
 in founding a family or a state, or acquiring fame even, we are mortal;
 but in dealing with truth we are immortal, and need fear no change nor
 accident. --------------------------------- ][enry David Thoreau, 1850

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