FWEE! Re: alt.whistleblowers

Clark Reynard clark at metal.psu.edu
Wed Apr 14 15:10:20 PDT 1993

This would come into play as something necessary only after the
creation of the group, and at least the anonymous posting part
of it is already being studied by others, for entirely different
reasons.  And, in addition, the method of posting will be determined
by the nature of the group itself, which is only determinable after
a period of discussion.  For which alt.config is as suitable a
place for discussion as this mailing list.  In fact, the newsgroup
is better, since we'll be getting feedback from the Enemy as

A fogware (not quite vaporware) FAQ could be provided at a moment's
notice, simply containing an explanation of the newsgroup and
its purpose (which would be a slightly modified carbon copy of
the Call for Votes; more vaporware), the list of anonymous remailers
at soda.berkeley.edu, and perhaps some cullings from more cogent
postings regarding the anonymity issue.

Then, as FAQs actually appear, it can be expanded.  I am capable
of doing this at least for the next few months, and probably longer.

Once the newsgroup, which I think would be unmoderated by its
very nature, or moderated in something of the same way as alt.hackers,
except that the accepted moderator-list would consist of any
anonymous remailer on the list in the FAQ (this, I couldn't do,
since I don't maintain the anonymous remailer list and couldn't
be guaranteed of getting it right).  In any case, I think that
having it unmoderated and not doing anything but posting a
FAQ every week should take care of it.  It's an unusual newsgroup
idea, but in execution it should be similar to existing newsgroups.

In any case, I think that beginning the discussion is appropriate;
if the specs for the newsgroup are to be changed, they can always
be changed before the posting of the Call for Votes, when everything
becomes Locked in Stone.
Robert W. Clark
rclark at nyx.cs.du.edu   PGP signature available by mail or finger

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