[communities] GGF Proposal Submission

ckotso at grnet.gr ckotso at grnet.gr
Thu Nov 24 10:03:19 CST 2005

proposers_name: Costas Kotsokalis 
affiliation: GRNET 

email: ckotso at grnet.gr 

proposed_title: \"Production Grids\" plenaries/panel 

session_type: Plenaries / Panel 

proposed_duration: Monday & Tuesday mornings 

target_audience: All participants 

num_attendees: All participants 

abstract: The Production Grids theme for the plenaries and the corresponsing panel discussion will attempt to showcase the approach of different major Production Grids projects, to the issue of operations. Focus is on eScience grids without this being absolutely restrictive.

synopsis: The key issues identified for the presentations and the panel discussion are:

- architecture
- security
- monitoring and acoounting
- operational and user support
- fabric and software management
- applications

After the invitations that have been sent out, the schedule is the following:

* Monday, 08:30-10:00 & 10:30-12:00

- GRNET Opening (P. Tsanakas, GRNET, BoD Chairman)
- GGF Opening (Mark Linesch, GGF, Chair)
- EC Keynote (Speaker TBD)
- Sponsors (Up to 30-40 minutes, non-marketing)
- EGEE (Ian Bird)
- OSG (Dane Skow)
- HellasGrid (Nectarios Koziris)

* Tuesday

 > 08:30-10:00
  - GT4 / Other (Ian Foster)
  - Asia-Pacific (Yoshio Tanaka)
  - NorduGrid (Balazs Konya)
  - Grid.it (Speaker TDB)

 > 10:30 - 12:00
  - SEE-GRID, EUMedGrid, EUChinaGrid (Ognjen Prnjat)
  - Production Grids panel

Ongoing discussion about synergy with a \"Grid interoperability\" workshop is being conducted. GRNET\'s suggestion is for this workshop to take place on Monday afternoon and Tuesday afternoon. This way, the panel discussion can be used to bring everyone together and jointly discuss production & interoperability issues, then continue the discussion on Tuesday afternoon.





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