[communities] GGF Proposal Submission

catlett at mcs.anl.gov catlett at mcs.anl.gov
Tue Nov 8 14:37:25 CST 2005

proposers_name: Charlie Catlett 
affiliation: Univ of Chicago / ANL / TeraGrid 

email: catlett at mcs.anl.gov 

proposed_title: Grid Interoperation Now 

session_type: workshop 

proposed_duration: full day 

target_audience: managers, technical experts, users 

num_attendees: 100 

abstract: Operational grids are a reality today.  Interoperation between operational grids, however, is still a tedious, manual effort.  Many production grid projects are having pairwise discussions about how to support applications that wish to use resources in multiple grid projects, for example supporting workflow with a database in Grid A and a computer in Grid B.  This workshop is aimed at bringing together technical decision-makers from production grid projects in order to organize a set of 4 to 6 target areas where agreement on existing approaches, taking advantage of operational experience, can enable routine interoperation.  These approaches will be geared toward current solutions with a goal of production interoperation services in these areas by the end of 2006.  

synopsis: Goals- Following planning meetings between several grid projects who are actively pursuing interoperation, we expect to organize the workshop around a specific set of 4-6 target areas of interoperation (e.g. job description language, information services, auth*, etc.)  We will flesh these out further at the workshop and organize into working groups with charters, milestones and schedules aimed at specific grid  interoperation deliverables and working services by the end of 2006.  Our objective will be to have 2 co-chairs for each group and to recruit technical participants from at least 6 operational grid projects for each of the groups.

Outline/Schedule (*DRAFT* to be finalized at planning meeting in January 2006)

Session 1:  
 - Vision and Overview- Making Interoperation Happen Today
 - Overview  of application scenarios from real life, illustrating interop area needs

Session 2:  Finding and Accessing Resources 
 - Information Services
 - Authentication and Authorization

Session 3:  Computing
- Job Submission and Execution
- Data movement

Session 4:  Specific Plans and Wrap-up
 - Overview of Roadmap for each area, identification of leaders
 - Next steps

Marketing and Outreach Plans

This workshop is aimed at bringing together people who wish to invest time and resources in making interoperation real for their grid infrastructures.  We will contact leaders from projects running production grids worldwide, ideally utilizing GGF mailing lists.  We will also recruit applicaiton leaders who can participate and guide the efforts. 

tech_requirements: Dialin capability would be useful.

Standard laptop projection capabilities 

prereq_participants: Participants should be (a) involved in operating or supporting a production grid and/or (b) involved in using one or more production grids.  This workshop is not aimed at identifying future standards or developing plans for future standards.  The workshop will look at working solutions that are proven today and can offer the potential for specific interoperation services within 2006.  The work will be useful to standards developers, software developers, architects and pundits but this workshop is aimed at standards users, software users, and people who build and operate grids with their  own hands. 


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