[communities] GGF Proposal Submission

dangulo at cti.depaul.edu dangulo at cti.depaul.edu
Wed Jul 20 16:41:28 CDT 2005

proposers_name: Dave Angulo 
affiliation: DePaul 

email: dangulo at cti.depaul.edu 

proposed_title: Security and Privacy Needs of Health Grids 

session_type: workshop 

proposed_duration: full day 

target_audience: health care professionals, security experts, and life science grid technical experts 

num_attendees: 50-100 

abstract: We will be exploring privacy and security needs of the health care industry. The focus question is whether GGF is developing enough middleware tools so that users of grid technology in this industry are able to comply with many required security, privacy, and confidentiality guidelines and policies. 

synopsis: 1.	In accordance with our Charter, we will be exploring privacy and security needs of the health care industry. The focus question is whether GGF is developing enough middleware tools so that users of grid technology in this industry are able to comply with many required security, privacy, and confidentiality guidelines and policies. 
2.	We plan to invite speakers with backgrounds in healthcare and/or security and privacy issues as well as somebody to represent GGF SEC Area. The workshop starts with the invited talks and Q&A session and ends with a “roundtable” discussion focused on our objectives. 
3.	The deliverable of the workshop will be an Informational Document addressing the issues of security and privacy in healthcare industry and how it relates or challenges GGF.
4.	We are building up to jointly preparing a Requirements Document for Health Care Security and Privacy that will be used to start a working group in this are or will be used by one or more of the GGF security research groups or working groups.

Potential Speakers and Topics 

1.	Ed Hammond – HL7 – Duke - hammo001 at mc.duke.edu
2.	Kent Spackman – Scientific Director for SNOMED Standards - Oregon Health & Science University  - spackman at ohsu.edu
3.	Al Bothe – Officer in charge of Compliance – University of Chicago Hospitals - a-bothe at uchicago.edu
4.	Ken Buetow or someone else from NCI - BuetowK at mail.nih.gov
5.	David Channin – Director of Informatics and Radiology -Northwestern U. Hospitals - dsc at radiology.northwestern.edu
6.	Jim Webster, MD heads up the Institute of Medicine of Chicago 
7.	Dr. Small at U of C 
8.	Joe York is the Assoc. Dean for Graduate Medical Education at UIC.  
9.	Jeff Jonas (jeffjonas at us.ibm.com), 
10.	Matthias Schunter (mts at zurich.ibm.com),
11.	Charles Palmer (ccpalmer at us.ibm.com),
12.	Tony Nadalin (drsecure at us.ibm.com) 

tech_requirements: 1.	Phone line and a “polycom” speaker phone to allow for conference phone attendees to participate
PLEASE NOTE: This request is extremely important for our group, and required by our charter.  Thanks to Julie Wulf-Knoezer for her wonderful help at GGF 15 in providing this.
2.	AG node to allow for participation over Access Grid (We understand that this might not be provided)
3.	Amplification, speakers, and microphones for presenters, questions/comments from attendees, for speaker phone, and for AG node
4.	Projector and screen for presentations

prereq_participants: Participants should have read the presentations at the LSG-RG workshops at GGF 13 and GGF 14.  https://forge.gridforum.org/docman2/ViewCategory.php?group_id=39&category_id=85 

advertise_suggestion: LSG-RG e-mail list.  All security related e-mail lists. 

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