[communities] GGF Proposal Submission

yaronh at voltaire.com yaronh at voltaire.com
Fri Aug 12 15:19:14 CDT 2005

proposers_name: Yaron Haviv 
affiliation: Voltaire 

email: yaronh at voltaire.com 

proposed_title: Provisioning & Managing Switching Infrastructure as a Grid Resource 

session_type: Individual presentation 

proposed_duration: 60 minutes 

target_audience: Grid users that intend to deploy commercial/enterprise applications; Grid architects defining and building solutions; Switching infrastructure providers targeting grid applications 

num_attendees: 75 

abstract: Recently, grid computing has started to enter the commercial/enterprise markets with production deployments.

Previously, most of the focus in grid technologies has been on distributing compute power across multiple machines.

With the entry of grid technologies into commercial and enterprise environments, there is a need to provision and manage switching infrastructure as a grid resource and to dynamically provision network environments to meet the grid application scenarios/requirements.  

The session will address the following:

* How the hardware infrastructure and specifically network and SAN switches can be abstracted as grid resources

* Modeling of the switching infrastructure and the network/SAN topologies 

* Integration of switching in the overall grid resource management framework

* How switching infrastructure can be virtualized to dynamically form different network topologies and relations, including practical examples 

* Using InfiniBand-enabled switches to virtualize the server networking environment   

* Grid-enabled switches and using WS-RF API for grid-enabled switches

Attendees will learn how switching can be integrated as part of the grid framework and how switches can be provisioned as another element in the grid resource framework.

synopsis: The session will address the following:

* How the hardware infrastructure and specifically network and SAN switches can be abstracted as grid resources

* Modeling of the switching infrastructure and the network/SAN topologies 

* Integration of switching in the overall grid resource management framework

* How switching infrastructure can be virtualized to dynamically form different network topologies and relations, including practical examples 

* Using InfiniBand-enabled switches to virtualize the server networking environment   

* Grid-enabled switches and using WS-RF API for grid-enabled switches

tech_requirements: standard A/V only 

prereq_participants: knowledge of switching infrastructure considerations 

advertise_suggestion: Voltaire customer newsletter, Voltaire web site, IBTA Web site, GGF email list 

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