[cddlm] hello

Steve Loughran steve_loughran at hpl.hp.com
Mon Sep 4 14:04:39 CDT 2006

hello to everyone on the newly renamed mailing list. .

just a short note to say that I'm back, and may dial in to the wednesday 
conference, travel logistics permitting

1. I am still attending the GGF event, because I am still allowed to fly 
with my laptop in hand luggage. no laptop => no steve.

2. Can everyone turn on their CDDLM endpoints for this wednesday and 
leave them up for the conference. Julio and I are demonstrating 
distributed junit testing using smartfrog at a london conference 
wednesday to thursday, and I want to show off our interop test framework 
as one of the showcase uses.

3. does moving to ogf.org invalidate every package name or xsd 
namespace? I hope not.


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