[cddlm] CDDLM Teleconference 04-Oct-2006

Toft, Peter peter.toft at hp.com
Tue Oct 3 09:43:22 CDT 2006

Hi all,

There will be a CDDLM phone call tomorrow at our normal time. (It would
be useful if you could let me know whether you plan to attend.)


(1) Review the actions as captured on 20-Sep-2006:

- Jun to resubmit the CDL document this week to the OGF editors
- Peter to verify 'ratification' criteria with Hiro and Steve Pickles
- Ayla to forward most recent UFCG interop results [DONE]
- Steve to modify the CDL interop tests to match the current spec.
- Jun/Satish to update the interop document
- Steve to work on Deployment API interop testing

(2) Discuss our collective availability to further contribute to the
group, and decide what we can get done in the time available. (Stuart
has let me know that his new commitments at Microsoft mean that
regrettably he will no longer be able to play a part in the group.
Satish is able to commit time over the next 2-4 weeks. It is not clear
what further involvement is possible from Ayla and the UFCG team, but
their planned involvement ended in August.)

I've attached an updated table for the status of deliverables. Just my
current understanding so it may be wrong.

[A couple of things I'd like to find out:
- Does anyone know of an easy way to find out what stage the CDDLM
recommendation track documents have reached in the GGF process?
- What is the "master" location for each of the documents: sourceforge
CVS, gridforge, or held locally on someone's machine? ]

(3) Technical discussion / AOB.

***** Call Details

- Wednesday 04-Oct-2006
- 2pm UK time
- Dial-in: 
  UK:   +44 1452 560 980
  USA:  +1 866 276 8920
  Conference ID 811956
- Virtual Room:

Ayla, do you want me to try to conference you in on [+55 (83) 3310 1365
- ext 25]? I can't promise that this will work, but I can give it a try!

Thanks and regards,
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