[cddlm] WS-N interoperability tests

Steve Loughran steve_loughran at hpl.hp.com
Thu Nov 23 11:25:09 CST 2006

This mailing list has been a bit quiet recently. I have actually been 
busy implementing WS-Notification, and am at a stage where it is time 
for some more interop testing.

This is surprisingly hard, as I cannot actually receive events at work; 
I can only test against remote systems from home. XMPP notification is 
much easier.

1. I will bring the HP system up and running with WS-N support on 
friday. I'm not convinced it generates all the events, at the right time.

2. I've been test subscribing against the ourgrid implementation. I can 
see that I can subscribe to events, but havent been able to test for 
incoming events.  This is where we will find any incompatibilities 
between my reading of the WS-N spec and that of the Muse team.

3. I note that our CMP/deployapi tests don't take into account the 
possibility that events get received in a different order from that of 
the lifecycle. It seems to me that this is not actually precluded from 
the WS-N/SOAP protocols, especially WS-N over things other than HTTP, or 
with pooled notification threads (which is what I have for generating 
non-blocking notifications)

How do people test state transitions -do they explicitly test for 
components walking through the expected lifecycle, or is it ok for 
events to come back out of order, provided the clock order of sent 
messages matches?

4. A draft document on testing the specification. Stephen Pickles was 
interested in this, so I added it to my list of deliverables. I dont 
have any coverage of CMP testing, if anyone else wants to volunterer.

5. Jun, can you make sure the NEC endpoint is up and running next week. 
If I can successfully subscribe and listen to the Ourgrid 
implementation, then I should be able to work with yours, but I would 
like to do it just to check off the 'all is complete' box in the 
interoperability document.

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