[cddlm] Notes from the regular meeting on 5/10

Milojicic, Dejan S (HP Labs) dejan.milojicic at hp.com
Wed May 10 08:14:54 CDT 2006

Attendees: Ayla, Guilherme, Flavio, and Dejan. Jun in Japan at GGF,
Stuart and Steve were missing.

Ayla has question on how they are performing CDL component model
validation. They just finished testing, and they see that Satish is
testing against their implementation. Satish: their deployment is still
not done. Not the one CDL that Stuart has proposed but another one that
UFCG has provided. Jun was also trying to run some tests from Tokyo. It
also appears that NEC server is down.

UFCG has 100% complete testing of component model and would like to
start testing against other implementations. Will use the approach that
Satish has proposed. Wrt deployment APIs, some tests were missing, so
UFCG has implemented only some of them since it was hard to automate

Satish (NEC): Completed all the tests agains their own implementation,
but not much progress wrt other systems. Sent an error log to Steve
yesterday. Still need to check what is exactly the problem. Probably
will also set the demo for GGF17, will share that demo, and put it
online so that everybody can see that.

The important piece missing was / at the end of the URL. This was
missing in Steve's implementation, then Steve pointed this out, after
that Satish was able to run test property etc. Some of the basic tests
were otherwise failing.



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