[cddlm] second pass at jun's slides

Steve Loughran steve_loughran at hpl.hp.com
Tue May 9 11:03:56 CDT 2006

hello all

I've updated the slides with the latest test results from my system, and 
tweaked some other things
  -put in current interop test results and URL to full report
  -some textual commentary in the notes page expands on the details.
  -added '$Vendor Test Results' on each test result slides for 
  -made the TODO page an HP TODO page that lists things I have to do
  -made the issues page purely one about communal testing issues, things 
that would be of interest to anyone doing interop testing

1. we need better access to each other's logs. Otherwise you have to try 
and get the other teams to rummage in their

I am actually publishing a log dir:

However, on the public endpoint, log4J is not logging their, even though 
it does on my staging system. Some research needed there, but a fix 
should go in before the end of the week, CVS-problems notwithstanding.

2. Failing tests cannot distinguish why tests failed, because we dont 
have standard fault codes. Example: imagine the test to submit a CDL doc 
with an incomplete non-lazy reference. This must not enter the running 
state, so initalize must fail. But without an error code test, you 
cannot distinguish "failed with invalid reference" from "failed because 
the XML parser is broken". These generates false positives. There is no 
fix for this, other than standard fault codes.

3. having continuous integration servers redeploying the servers and 
rerunning the tests all the time would help the other teams. For 
example, if my work box ran the hp client interop tests every half hour, 
the published results would always be up to date, and the cycle time for 
anyone testing their server would be much shorter.


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