[cddlm] Component Model Interop Plan

Stuart Schaefer Sschaefer at softricity.com
Thu Mar 2 13:39:39 CST 2006

I'll steal Steve's format.....



Component Model Interoperability testing




To achieve deployment-time interoperability of the component model
frameworks written by different people.


Means of achievement: Testing


Means of testing:


Pre-defined components and CDL templates, with measurable outputs.




A core set of test components are created:


1)    A simple component with a predefined resource property <testvalue>
defined in its CDL.  Additionally, this component should expose resource
properties for timing conditions, and its state transitions.  These
would include <timeOfInitialize>, <timeOfFail>, ..., <stateList>.  The
<stateList> would be a comma separated list of the transitions the
component took in its lifetime: initialized, running, failed,
terminated, destroyed.

2)    A component which exhibits failure conditions.

a.    Fails on transition to a specified state.

b.    Fails on change of a resource property.

c.    Faults on change of a resource property.

3)    A component which can test the value(s) of other component's
properties and assert truth.  This component is ideally a delegate, thus
the remainder of the system which it tests would act as a separate child
system.  This component should also receive events and be able to assert
conditions based on the event.


Each implementer creates a test harness that uses their own Deployment
API client to test these components.  No actual deployment is expected
to be done, since these are not tests of deployment, but of the
infrastructure.  The tests to be implemented follow the component model
test plan.


In order to do this, I will need to update the Component Model Test Plan
to fully specify these components and the explicit positive and negative
test cases.  If this methodology is reasonable, I will start that







Stuart Schaefer 
sschaefer at softricity.com
Softricity, Inc.
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Boston, MA 02210 
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available and easy to use as electricity

"All problems in computer science can be solved by another level of
indirection".  -- Butler Lampson


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