[cddlm] CDL: on use of cdl:refroot

Jun Tatemura tatemura at sv.nec-labs.com
Mon Jan 30 13:34:30 CST 2006

A notable misunderstanding in the test case is on a use of cdl:refroot 
in cdl:system.
(or on semantics of cdl:system).

I would like to note that cdl:system is a toplevel property list (just 
like a child element
of cdl:configuration). Thus, we cannot refer to a child element of 
cdl:system using
cdl:refroot (or cdl:extends either).
In cddlm-cdl-2005-02-0005.xml (and similarly, cddlm-cdl-2005-02-0006.xml),

              <database cdl:ref="/hostname"/>
              <user cdl:ref="." cdl:refroot="toplevel"></user>

cdl:refroot is trying to find a toplevel property list (defined in 
cdl:configuration), not
a child element of cdl:system.

The correct test pattern should be:

              <database cdl:ref="/app/hostname"/>
              <user cdl:ref="/toplevel"></user>

I have updated the test case in CVS.


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