[cddlm] FW: UFCG Demo

Milojicic, Dejan S (HP Labs) dejan.milojicic at hp.com
Mon Feb 13 20:56:51 CST 2006

Hi Hiro,
You asked what was the percentage of the new functionality in the UFCG demo compared to Boston. Please find Ayla's answer. I cc OGSA because of some other participants in the meeting.



From: Ayla Débora [mailto:ayladebora at gmail.com] 
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2006 6:52 PM
To: Milojicic, Dejan S (HP Labs)
Cc: Rafaeli, Sandro; Saikoski, Katia (HP Brazil)
Subject: Re: UFCG Demo

Hi Dejan,

Regarding the demo questions, in this demo we have explored notifications, which was not explored in the other one. Besides that, we have also explored deployment in more than a single node, using hostname hints. We have also included in CDDLM Web some other functionalities from CDDLM like the WSRF ones, but I did not include in the demo to avoid making it take more time than that. The version from the demo is also more stable than the previous one and has incorporated adjustments due to CDL changes and new tests that have pointed out misunderstandings.


PS: As we are having problems with the UFCG mailing server since Friday, please use this email address to contact me when necessary.

On 2/13/06, Milojicic, Dejan S (HP Labs) <dejan.milojicic at hp.com> wrote: 

	Thanks Ayla,
	Demo went well, people liked it (some, in a positive manner suggested that you could have added voice; we did try to fill in the gap by talking to it, but we also did not want to take focus away from the demo itself). Hiro asked, percentage-wise, how much was the demo different from the one you gave in Boston. I answered that it was not much different functionality-wise, but that it was much different wrt stability and completeness. Do you have any different answer that I can provide to him?


		From: Ayla Débora [mailto:ayladebora at gmail.com] 
		Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2006 4:16 PM
		To: Milojicic, Dejan S (HP Labs)
		Subject: Re: UFCG Demo
		Hi Dejan,
		I'm glad you liked it.
		We are still planning the OVUA submission, but maybe I'll only be able to send you a version probably on Wednesday because we took more time than expected to make the architectural changes in our implementation to make paralelism work as expected and to prepare the demo.
		Thanks and have a nice time in Athens,
		On 2/12/06, Milojicic, Dejan S (HP Labs) <dejan.milojicic at hp.com> wrote: 

			Hi Ayla,
			ot it and ran it. It is excellent. 
			PS Are you still planning the OVUA submission. If so, and if interested, you can send to me the version of the paper for review, although I might be busy with the conference. However, I would do my best to provide some feedback at minimum.

			From: Ayla Débora [mailto:ayladebora at gmail.com] 
			Sent: Saturday, February 11, 2006 4:13 PM
			To: Milojicic, Dejan S (HP Labs)
			Subject: UFCG Demo

				Hi Dejan,
				sorry for the delay. I just finished now the presentation. Please let me know if you want me to make any changes to the text or if you have any doubts or suggestions.
				I've generated a flash presentation that can be downloaded from: http://www.lsd.ufcg.edu.br/~ayla/cddlm/ufcg_demo.zip <http://www.lsd.ufcg.edu.br/%7Eayla/cddlm/ufcg_demo.zip> . For the presentation, you will need a browser with a Flash plugin.
				Please confirm when you download the file.

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