[cddlm] deployment API

Steve Loughran steve_loughran at hpl.hp.com
Fri May 20 16:34:41 CDT 2005

This is my draft for review/submission

I have spent the entire day dealing with 'issues' with MS word, the 
primary one being that it would crash whenever the doc was opened. This 
edition is a rebuilt document which I hope will be more stable. And I 
have provided it in PDF for everyone's pleasure.

I'm not going to be overcritical of MSWord, as it has the edge of both 
usability and stability over OpenOffice, and any other current 
competitor. But it does seem capable of creating corrupt documents, 
documents it cannot even recover from. You can tell this is the case, 
because every version of the app comes out with more crash recovery 
tools. So when it crashes it posts a dumprep to microsoft, offers to 
open up the doc when it restarts, and even warns you that it crashed on 
load last time. I think the effort may have been better spent, however, 
in writing apps that dont crash on load. Just a thought.

Returning to the doc, here are the changes since yesterday
  -updated namespaces
  -updated pictures
  -correct case of ResourceId everywhere
  -clear separation of System and Portal EPRs from the endpoints 
  -moved namespace list to beginning of the doc (eliminates forward 

Overall the spec is probably making the correct use of the MUWS stuff, 
though that spec is so complex its hard to be sure. I havent had a 
chance to read stuarts doc (sorry!), but since stuart himself patched 
the deploy API schemas last night, I'll trust him that they are in sync.

Please have a look if you can, and tell me where it is all horribly 
wrong. I will be at the phone conf on wednesday (on vacation the 
following week), and want to generate the non-normative fault and option 
list docs by then, in between actually doing some of the parser..

Presumably we also need to submit the XSD and WSDL and miscellaneous XML 
files to the editor too?

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