[cddlm] namespaces for the GGF14 specifications.

Steve Loughran steve_loughran at hpl.hp.com
Fri May 13 08:22:56 CDT 2005

I want to get consistency on namespaces for the next round of documents, 
before those documents are finalised.

I also want those namespaces used in all the test files I'm writing, and 
then I want the namespaces to stay frozen.The more test cases there are 
-in different places- the higher the cost of switching to new namespaces 
becomes. without inline validation of the .doc files, its also 
dangerously easy to be out of sync in the documents.

I also think we ought to have a consistent structure/date for the 
namespaces, ideally one which can acually resolve at some time in the 
future to XSD documents, that being what some XML tools like.

I am not going to state what I think the layout should be, but we need 
to be consistent and stable. After this next draft, we should leave the 
namespaces alone unless we have good reason to change them.

Jun, Stuart, can we come up with consistent namespace naming/structure 
for the next drafts. What are your current namespaces?


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