[cddlm] XSD consistency

Steve Loughran steve_loughran at hpl.hp.com
Wed Mar 9 08:03:13 CST 2005

Stuart, Jun

I am reworking my XSD/WSDL to use your stuff; will check in it in shortly.

Some major changes I'd like to suggest to component model

1. every event type extends the muws ManagementEventType . You've done 
this for lifecycle, but I'm doing it for all deployment events

2. We need to move the deployment fault declarations into the component 
model, so that your component model can extend them them. The deployment 
API can then relay cmp:

For the xml-cdl schema, is NCName the right choice for component names? 
There are a lot of unicode chars in that list

I propose a name type that can be used in cmp: and api: which is 
restricted to what we really, really want in the names of things. The 
system name type I (had) in the deployAPI coudl be the foundation, it 
said a-zA-Z_\-\. as the first char, the same plus digits everywhere 
else. I dont know if that is ideal (indeed, I'd drop the "-" from a 
name, but having a simple, restrictive name type is important. We dont 
want to repeat the mistake of ant where "," , " " and "" are in fact 
valid names in some places.

     <xsd:simpleType name="systemNameType">
         This is the policy for the naming of systems
         <xsd:restriction base="xsd:NCName">
             <xsd:pattern value="[a-zA-Z_\-\.][a-zA-Z_\-\.\P{Nd}]*"/>

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