[cddlm] Changes in xsds and wsdls

Ayla Debora Dantas de Souza - Projeto Ourgrid ayla at dsc.ufcg.edu.br
Wed Jun 15 07:37:59 CDT 2005


as I have already mentioned I had some problems with the xsds and wsdls 
from the specifications. Some of them, I've sent to Steve and he has 
corrected on the repository versions. Thanks Steve.  I've also made some 
other changes to these versions in order to make them work with Muse 
until some point and to make the component-model.xsd schema not 
ambiguous. I would like to share these changes with you, so you can 
comment on them if you disagree on anything:

   * deployment-api.wsld:
      - The wsrf-rp:resourceProperties should be  
"wsrf-rp:ResourceProperties" in the "PortalEPR" and in the "SystemEPR" 
port types.
      - The "wsdl:part" of the "DeploymentFault" message should have its 
element attribute pointing to "cmp:ComponentFault" instead of to 
"cmp:ComponentFaultType", which does not exist in the component model.

   * deployment-api.xsd:
      - As muse had presented some problems of do not correctly 
identifying the namespaces of some of the elements from the 
"portalEndpointProperties" and of the "SystemEndpointProperties" that 
did not have any explicit namespace, I've used the "tns" namespace in 
these elements and I have declared this namespace in the beginning of 
the file with the same value of the targetNamespace attribute.
   * component-model.xsd
      - In order to remove the ambiguity, I've commented the 
"xsd:sequence" part of the "PropertyChangeEvent" and of the 
"ComponentLifecycleEvent" types while this problem is not solved in 
another way.

Best regards,

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