[cddlm] CDL: scope of names

Steve Loughran steve_loughran at hpl.hp.com
Fri Jun 10 11:11:08 CDT 2005

I just want to make sure that I am writing the correct tests here, and 
want to ask some questions about resolution

Is it true that

1. you cannot have the same name in cdl:configuration,  cdl:system and 
anything we imported without giving a namespace

2. when we resolve things, you can have a forward reference from 
cdl:configuration to cdl:system

3. you should use a prefixed reference to resolve to a name in a 
different namespace.

I am also confused about the implications of #3.

-should the default namespace be
  (a) something you specify with cdl:targetNamespace on the <cdl> document
  (b) what you declare with any schema declarations.

Answers welcome. Oh, how I despise XML namespaces.


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