[cddlm] Re: XML-CDL ver 1.0 final(?) draft

Steve Loughran steve_loughran at hpl.hp.com
Mon Jan 3 08:31:23 CST 2005

I will do review of the doc and the schema when I am back at work, which 
is tomorrow (jan 4) onwards.

With the schema I can now do validation tests of valid and invalid docs,
at least within the limited semantics of XSD itself. These will all be 
in CVS
on sourceforge

Meantime, here is a verision of the draft with typesetting changes only

1. angled (non ascii) quotes converted to ASCII 34 quotes.
Makes examples pastable into valid XML docs. Same for single
quotes. MSWord's quote conversion is evil, as is that of openoffice.

2. code fragments in paragraphs converted into a 'code char' type. 
black, lucida console.
We could change to some other non-proportional font if desired. The 
language of these code
fragments is also "no check", which eliminates most of the red lines in 
the doc.

3 other minor typesettings.

If I check this in to CVS, can we *all* use this as the latest version 
for making changes against?
It is a nightmare trying to merge changes from >1 source in .doc files, 
but if we share the same doc
in SCM then life is more manageable.


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