[CCGT] Astro-RG/ IVOA joint one day workshop: Proposal

Craig Lee craig at rush.aero.org
Thu Feb 23 00:38:14 CST 2006


This looks excellent.  There is now, however, a web site where this
can eventually be uploaded.  Real soon now, this URL should be
available for GGF-17:


but it is not at this moment.


At 01:52 PM 2/22/2006, Nicholas Walton wrote:
>Dear Craig
>we in Astro-RG and the IVOA (see http://www.ivoa.net) would like to propose
>organising a one-day workshop at GGF17 in Tokyo. We have put together our
>proposal, and would be pleased to know whether this is acceptable.
>If there is any more infomation that you require, please let us know.
>Nic Walton                              (co-chair GGF Astro-RG)
>                                         (secretary IVOA)
>Masatoshi Ohishi                        (co-chair GGF Astro-RG)
>                                         (chair IVOA)
>Proposal for a Joint IVOA - GGF (Astro-RG) WorkShop
>Tokyo @ GGF17                                           8 May 2006
>Draft: Nic Walton                                       16 Feb 2006
>A) Workshop Title
>Building a Global Virtual Observatory for Astronomy -
>Grid Standards and their Relevance in Use
>B) Proposed workshop organizer names and affiliations (possibly
>incl. review committee for type 2). Be sure to identify yourself if
>you are a chair of an existing RG/WG.
>Nicholas A Walton, IoA, Univ of Cambridge, UK           (Co-Chair Astro-RG)
>Chenzhou Cui, National Astronomical Observatory, China
>Neil Geddes, NGS, RAL, UK
>Thilo Kielmann, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, NL       (Co-Chair APPS-RG)*
>Reagan Moore, SDSC, San Diego, USA                      (Co-Chair PE-RG)
>Steven Newhouse, OMII, Southampton, UK                  (Co-Chair GESA-WG)*
>Mastoshi Ohishi, NAOJ, Tokyo, Japan                     (Chair IVOA)
>Fabio Pasian, INAF-SI, Trieste, Italy                   (EGEE/NA4)
>Guy Rixon, IoA, Univ of Cambridge, UK                   (Chair IVOA
>                                                         Grid-Web
>                                                         Services WG)
>David Wallom, Center for E-Research Bristol, UK         (Co-Chair PGS-RG)
>Roy Williams, CACR, Caltech, USA                        (Chair IVOA Techinical
>                                                         Coordination Group)
>Note: * contacted but currently unconfirmed.
>C) Sponsoring Groups:
>Astronomy Applications                                  Astro-RG        conf
>Database Access and Integration Services WG             DAIS-WG         pend
>Simple API for Grid Applications                        SAGA-RG         pend
>Preservation Environments                               PE-RG           conf
>Workflow Management Research Group                      WFM-RG          pend
>Production Grid Services Research Group                 PGS-RG          pend
>D) Scope and Content (a paragraph or two of the workshop description
>to be put on the program.
>This workshop, jointly sponsored by the GGF and the International
>Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA - see http://www.ivoa.net). The
>meeting is timely in that the global Virtual Observatory (VO) projects
>are now deploying systems worldwide for operational and scientific
>use, where use of emerging GGF standards in or instance data
>management and security may have a vital role to
>play. Interoperability with existing grid infrastructures (e.g.
>TeraGrid, EGEE) is also a key topic, since VO centers or users must be
>allowed to take advantage of the power offered by computational grids.
>This meeting preceeds the next major IVOA interoperability workshop to
>be held in Victoria, Canada (15-19 May 2006).
>The programme would address issues of common interest to the GGF and
>the IVOA focusing on how a Global Virtual Observatory is being
>constructed using domain developed high level interoperability
>standards, but utilising lower level grid and grid service standards
>and concepts where relevant.
>The workshop will provide an opportunity for those involved in creating
>the interoperabilty standards required by the global Vrtual
>Observatory community to interact with those creating generic grid
>standards. The feedback from the exemplar science domain will
>highlight the opportunities and difficulties presented by take up of
>GGF standard compliant implementations.
>E) Programme
>We envisage that the meeting would be a 'Type two (refereed workshop)'
>- with a call for papers.
>The programme would address in 8 ~one hour sessions, the following areas:
>1) Requirements for a Virtual Observatory: the Domain Perspective
>    - Science drivers for a Virtual Observatory                  (Walton)
>    - Capturing user needs from a middleware perspective         (Newhouse)
>2) VO Case Studies
>    - Example VO implementations, UK, USA, Japan, etc
>    - Experience with existing grid infrastructures
>3) Registries and Resource Discovery
>4) Data Management
>    - including preservation of data and knowledge
>5) Application Environments
>6) Astronomical Workflows
>7) Security
>    - authroisation and authentication
>8) The Production Virtual Observatory
>    - logging and debugging
>    - training and support
>    - account management
>    - software licensing
>Each session would include a period for open discussion
>F) Past History of hosting a similar workshop inside or outside GGF.
>The co-organisers have organised a number of successful workshops at
>previous workshops including most recently the 'Workshop on
>Grid Applications: from Early Adopters to Mainstream Users, Jun
>The IVOA regularly hold technical workshops - see www.ivoa.net
>G) Duration of workshop
>One full day - to be held in Tokyo at GGF17 (May 2006). The venue
>could be either the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, or at the
>H) Estimated # of participants
>50+ attendees would be expected.
>I) Publication Plans --- please indicate if you have plan to publish
>the workshop result with a certain publisher. If left out we will
>assume that the workshop product will be a GGF Informational Document.
>The meeting would be published as a GGF informational document.
>Dr N. A. Walton
>(AstroGrid Project Scientist           http://www.astrogrid.org)
>(Euro-VO VOTC Project Scientist        http://www.euro-vo.org)
>Institute of Astronomy          Tel:   +44 1223 337503
>University of Cambridge         Fax:   +44 1223 337523
>Madingley Road                  WWW:   http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/~naw
>Cambridge, CB3 0HA              email: naw at ast.cam.ac.uk

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