[Capi-bof] Charter - last call for changes

Michael Richardson mcr at sandelman.ottawa.on.ca
Wed Mar 25 10:21:27 CDT 2009

Hash: SHA1

"Instrumentation" is probably technically correct, but I think would be
confusing.  To me, it implies getting data *from* the VMs and doing
something with it. (such as monitoring)

This isn't what I'm talking about.  
If we take a theatre analogy: We want the VMs to be actors, and
			      we need to direct them where to move on stage.  
If we take a music analogy: we want the VMs to be musicians,
			    and we want to conduct them. (That's where
			    the word "orchestration" comes in too)

We aren't going to change the VMs --- the actors can't be made taller or
shorters, nor can we make them grow extra limbs(*). The musicians can
not be mutated from being trumpet players to being flute players, nor
can we remove a valve from the TUBA.

(*)-well. Is it in scope to add/remove devices?  i.e. can this API
	  add/subtract network interfaces or storage containers?

The thing I want to make clearly out of scope, mostly for participants
who come to this late, is that while we might be able to create/delete
disks or network cards, this API can not reach in and change IP
addresses or add/remove files from the file system inside.

I am being pedantic about this because in my experience a lot of
semi-technical (often management-type) people coming to virtualization
assume that one *can* reach into VMs trivially and adjust this kind of
thing. For them, it's part of virtualization magic.  These
semi-technical people, who perhaps being experts at writing simple PHP or
VisualBasic Macros, still need their hands held to type "ipconfig /all"
or "ifconfig -a" 

(looking for Sam's rewrite now.  I saw a copy in Alexis' reply. I am
getting things very much out of order. I would appreciate not being CC)

- -- 
]     Y'avait une poule de jammé dans l'muffler!!!!!!!!!        |  firewalls  [
]   Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works, Ottawa, ON    |net architect[
] mcr at sandelman.ottawa.on.ca http://www.sandelman.ottawa.on.ca/ |device driver[
] panic("Just another Debian GNU/Linux using, kernel hacking, security guy"); [

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