[BYTEIO-WG] xsi:nil="true" and anyType deserialization

Mark Morgan mmm2a at virginia.edu
Wed Jul 25 10:43:02 CDT 2007

Hey folks,

So, changing the WSDL didn't improve things for us (we still send the
xsi:nil="true" attribute).  Upon further testing, I've also discovered
that this same issue essentially is causing the "could not find
deserializer ... anyType" exceptions that a lot of us are seeing.  Here
is a suggestion though.  This bug seems confined to createResource  (I'm
guessing) because it is the only one that takes an empty parameter list.
Since our purpose here isn't to test the interoperability of the
interop. factory port type, but rather the ByteIO stuff after creating
the resource, can we maybe just agree to change the createResource
element type to have a dummy parameter in it.  For example, can we
change the message type to have the following XML definitions:

<xsd:element name="createResource">
			<xsd:element name="dummy" type="xsd:int" minOccurs="1"

I believe that this would fix, or at least aid in fixing MOST of our
problems so far.

-Mark and Karolina

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