[byteio-wg] Byte IO Telecon

Mark Morgan mmm2a at virginia.edu
Mon Sep 12 08:06:24 CDT 2005

Hey everyone,

The ByteIO telecons have suffered slightly lately due to the combined
busy-ness of it's two co-chairs but it's probably time to get the ball
rolling again.  I'd like to have a byteio telecon tomorrow at our usual time
(10AM Eastern US, 1500 UK) to get things started.  I don't think necessarily
that it'll be a long call, but we ought to get things moving again.

In particular, I have the following topicsto discuss
	* Changes to the technical specification (submitted in draft form)
to reflect omissions pointed out by Michel Dreischer at the last face to
	* Upcoming GGF Problems

Neil, I'm afraid that I don't have the telecon numbers, could you please
send those out for the group before the meeting?


Mark Morgan
Research Scientist
Department of Computer Science
University of Virginia
mark at mark-morgan.net 

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