GGF13 planning

Thilo Kielmann kielmann at
Thu Jan 6 11:47:30 CST 2005

Dear all,

I am happy to report another piece of good news concerning APPS-RG:

During our session at GGF12, we identified the issue that part of our
mission is to communicate feedback from the users to GGF's middleware
developer community, but we were missing a communication channel for
doing so.

During and since GGF12, Simon Cox and myself managed to convince GGF's
"powers that be" to implement such a communication platform. With a
lot of help from Craig Lee (thanks!!!), GFSG has decided to hold a
closing plenary at the end of coming GGF meetings (starting with
GGF13). Purpose of this plenary is mutual communication, highlighting
the most important/interesting things that could be achieved by the
groups and areas. (Also, GFSG wants to track progress against an
overall roadmap for GGF.)

This means that, whenever our group session concludes with important
feedback from users to the developer community, all we need to do is
convince our own AD's about it -- and we are on stage for a few minutes!

Having said this, I'd like to draw your attention to the GGF13
meeting, to be held in Seoul (Korea), March 14-17. (really soon now!)

APPS-RG will hold a workshop on "the usable grid", combining success
stories from the Asia-Pacific area with some hopefully critical
discussions between users and developers. Details will be announced soon.

Also, we will have a general interactive session. This one is what we
need to plan now. I have compiled a little agenda based on GGF12's
session agenda as follows:

0:00 Opening, IPR, agenda bashing
0:05 Status update
     - new charter approved
     - document  GFD.39, "Workshop on Applications and Programming
       Tools" has been published
     - other documents in the pipeline
0:30 Open microphone:
     Current Issues of Grid Application Development and Deployment
1:10 Planning of future activities (e.g. workshops)
     - GGF14 (with Earth Observation community???)
     - GGF15 ???
1:30 adjourn

I'd like to invite your feedback and suggestions. Currently, we are
basically open for every suggestion, both for topics for the "open
microphone" and for future activities -- or for whatever else might
be worth doing during our group session(s) at GGF13.

I am looking forward to your response.

All the best,

Thilo Kielmann                       

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