GGF14: Grid Applications: from Early Adopters to Mainstream Users

Thilo Kielmann kielmann at
Fri Apr 8 14:48:55 CDT 2005

Dear all,

we just got the OK from GGF to organize a workshop at GGF14 in Chicago.
However, GGF has asked us to complete our proposal, most importantly
by nominating a committee for paper reviewing.

I would thus like to encourage you to volunteer helping us with
reviewing the papers! Experience from our previous workshops shows
that this does not exclude you from also submitting your work. (We can
still handle blind reviewing.)

For your information, this is the relevant part of our workshop

A)     Workshop Title

Grid Applications: from Early Adopters to Mainstream Users

We are intending a type two (refereed workshop)

B)     Proposed workshop organizer names and affiliations (possibly incl. review
 committee for type 2). Be sure to identify yourself if you are a chair of an ex
isting RG/WG.

Thilo Kielmann, Vrije Universiteit, Co-Chair APPS-RG
Thomas Hinke, NASA AMES, Co-Chair APPS-RG
Laura McGinnis, PSC, Co-chair PGM-RG (to become PGS-RG)
David Wallom, Bristol Univ, designated Co-chair PGS-RG

Full reviewing committee to be announced soon.

C)     RG/WG that will be involved (including potential RG/WGs as well as RG/WGs
 up for approval). If you are proposing a workshop without being a full RG, plea
se provide a separate RG submission info, including candidate RG name, charter,
area, chairs, BOF descriptions, etc.

PGS-RG (currently PGM-RG)

D)     Scope and Content (a paragraph or two of the workshop description to be p
ut on the program.

In this workshop, we aim at experience with bridging the gap between
early adopters of grids and the more mainstream use of grid technology.
Currently, for the most part grids are on the early adopter side of the
gap, asking for the move to the more mainstream users.
Here, applications are the key. We are seeking experience from early
adoptors who would like to become mainstream users, from mainstream
users who would like to use grids, from those who already do, and from
middleware developers and system operators in charge of
providing grid working environments to user communities.

We are seeking contributions on the following topics:
- user experience with early-adoptor and/or mainstream grid applications
- management approaches for production-quality grid environments
- techniques for robust (fault tolerant) grid applications and middleware
- software tools for automatic testing and signaling of error conditions

Our focus is on hands-on experience with existing grid environments,
focusing on bridging the gap between early adoption and production use.

E)      Potential speakers for type one (invited( and possibly two workshops. An
y additional info are welcome including the title of the talk, their abstract, e
tc. In fact the proposed program may be put here.

Potential speakers come from major grid projects, from grid user
communities, and from grid service operators.
We seek to enrich the program by an opening keynote presentation and a
final panel discussion.

With kind regards,

Thilo Kielmann                       

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