[appagg-rg] RE: Closure of remaining groups?

dimitris lioupis dlioupis at cti.gr
Tue Feb 1 10:10:47 CST 2005

Dear all,

I have not given up on APPAGG and have been working on some ideas which I
would like to present at GGF13 in Korea. I would like to see the group
complete and we have already produced a draft document.  

1. I would like to propose a meeting in Korea where I present results about
applying the GRID philosophy in appliances we can gain computing power.

2. I would like to have a meeting with Cees and everybody interested to
discuss what we need to do in the future to complete the RG.

Regards and see you all in Korea.


-----Original Message-----
From: Cees de Laat [mailto:delaat at science.uva.nl] 
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2005 8:54 AM
To: p2p at ggf.org; appagg-rg at ggf.org; ogsap2p-rg at ggf.org
Cc: i.j.taylor at cs.cardiff.ac.uk; Dimitris; Per Brand; Karan Bhatia; David De
Subject: Closure of remaining groups?

Dear p2p members,

The p2p area has not seen much activity apart from a heroic effort to 
finish the doc in the ogsap2p research group. That doc is now in the 
editor pipeline and that group is closing down as discussed with 
Karan. The group will enter the "completed" state when the doc is 

So now I wish to understand if the appagg-rg is foreseeing any future 
activity or wish to meet at one of the next GGF's. If not or if I do 
not get an answer in the reasonable future I suggest also to close 
down the group.

So please let me know if anyone in the p2p field wants to schedule 
anything in the next GGF in Korea or thereafter.

Best regards,

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