[acs-wg] An AA creation use case

Keisuke Fukui kfukui at labs.fujitsu.com
Mon Jul 25 03:48:10 CDT 2005

Thanks Pete,

Here is my view to your principles,

Ziu, Peter wrote:
> Keisuke, 
> I believe that the most prudent solution needs to take into account the following two principles:
>  - the repository needs to be able to handle (within the limits of the hardware set) any amount 
> of application contents and associated data for a system (one notional AA).

I fully agree with this and think the protocol choice for bulk data transportation
derived from this consideration.

>  - Something must maintain the notion of the version and integrity of system (via one notional AA), 
> through proper referential integrity and signature.

Yes, something must. However, I think it is arguable that the ACS is the
one or we should leave it for the specific implementations.

For example, the version numbering model would implicitly include how, who and
when will create branches in the versions.
I'm not sure if we can safely specify these details as an single standard.


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