Re: [tor-talk]

Take 2 (old/new domain). On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 11:26:32AM -0300, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
I wasn't flattering Boyce. He was spontaneously nice and tried to help an unknowed person in need. It was good and I liked his message suggestion. Alexander, I had you as my friend and you called me a hypocrite, a false, just for being fair.
All are entitled to their own definitions of in particular words and phrases: - fair - hierarchy of principles - uncrossable lines/ unbreakable principles Lack of clarity on some fundamentals, can be dangerous - the "moral relativism" of many in the West, and I say the heart of the decent of the West into despotism and much abject evil. When you were named by Boyce as a rape apologist, you tried to call him out on that (which I say was a very good thing to do). Boyce did not apologise to you. Based on these facts, Boyce is evidently compromised. Compromised in respect of principles that I hold dear, compromised in spirit. Boyce has thus far demonstrated that he cannot be trusted to act in accord with certain principles which I hold fundamental. (It was my intention then to try to support you in some way, to try to help the public (email) conversation that was happening at the time - I was incensed by the total lack of public statements by those at Tor Inc to uphold justice and righteousness.) Unfortunately (in my opinion), you then chose to try to "get back in his good books". OK, that is of course your choice. You can say you are "just being fair". That is your opinion. You are entitled to your opinion of course. I am of course free to hold a differing opinion.
I never understand Zenaan's attacks, but he broke my heart saying that "exploding Hiroshima was beautiful under an artistic point of view".
Firstly, you still misunderstand those words I wrote. May be read them again / in precision. Anyway, regarding the words I actually spoke, you may find (and it was my intention) that I was actually attempting (however badly) to agree with you on something I thought you said - to demonstrate to you a bit of empathy with you "even though I thought what you'd just said was a bit stupid" - but it turns out, I had misunderstood your words. And it turns out you did not see my (bad) attempt to "wear your hat" (which was not actually your hat, just miscommunication). And that's all ok. I made a mistake, you made a mistake. We are human and we should forgive ourselves. Grudge is not helpful for my energy levels. Guilt is also not helpful. Probably same for you. I let it go at the time - the soap opera is not useful for you, for me or any one - it's just entertainment for the emotional body, and I didn't need to prove to you or anyone "no really, I made a mistake" - just more soap opera, see? I apologize for misunderstanding your words.
Shit, part of my family died in that nuclear explosion. I love fire, but no suffering, no pain and dead people. It was cruel, a huge massacre.
I agree with you. I have typed words and posted links in support of my position that the USA committed an outrageous war crime by dropping the two atomic bombs on Japan - Japan was asking (offering, you would never say the Japanese were "begging") for a truce and surrender. The USA wanted to "teach Russia a lesson" and as is their way, they decided that killing, maiming and poisoning to death so many Japanese was "an acceptable thing to do". That is just one of the oh so many evils of the USA and it's government organs and representatives, and such and like evils continue to this very day - day in, day out, USA military is totally illegally droning "brown people" to death, all over the middle east and Africa in particular, but also elsewhere. (My ex-wife (a lovely Japanese girl) grew up in Nagasaki.)
He never asked pardon.
It is easy to not hear another's actual intention when my emotions go into reaction. May be this happened with you...
Talking about painful and embarrassing things, I suggest Zenaan to see old censored pics of an orgy, where Putin was part.
I would not do so. No sexual attraction to VVP, and given his role and position as leader of 170 million people and a great and vast nation, and presumably no intention to release such pictures publicly, also I would give him the respect to not observe such of his private life even if that possibility arose for me.
I know Jake is innocent.
I don't know him, so I don't know for "100% certainty", but the public record against him is absolutely damning --- against his accusers --- (well, at least some of them - it's off the charts offensive, violating all sense of justice and righteousness - but that is evidently the nature of those new controllers on the Tor Inc board). What has happened can diplomatically be called "a travesty of justice" (even no matter the facts we do not see publicly, whatever they are). Travesty for JA, travesty for any individuals actually mistreated by JA in alleged sexual matters (assuming mistreatment/ sexually aggressive conversation and/ or behaviour "beyond the realm of consent" actually occurred, which I do not believe!).
I know there are good people inside the Tor Project. There lots of trash, drunkers, junkies and promiscuous hypocrites, but I only wanted good, confiable work, not saints. I don't care about personal and sexual lives, I want geniality, awesome works. Good work, just it. I loved the Tor Project. I still use their stickers in all my eletronics because I trusted them.
Now, all I see is a bad soap opera, with bad actors, jealous, full of envy, lots of manipulation. Beautiful and empty words. No truth, just governamental money and loyal volunteer's work.
The volunteers are now quite screwed over by the new CIA board who ousted the entire previous board, and everyone else with any authority (I'm lookin at you, Dingledine!) have cowardly slipped from public, refused to denounce the evil, and allow absolute travesty of justice to prevail under their watch!! (And Bruce Schnier, you are now an official patsy of a board of CIA agents and agents provocateur at Tor Inc, - the only question is how long it takes you to figure that out, assuming you're not already completely compromised!)
I never understand why Zenaan decided to become my enemy,
I did not become your enemy. I am the ally of principles, righteousness and justice. Forever shall this be so. I continue to support those positions, principles, statements and actions which my conscience supports. For example your request to us that we might consider using the name "North America" rather than the ambiguous "America". If you recall, you would see this many times in my emails, every week probably. I believe you have had many painful experiences. How can someone communicate with me when I am unable to hear them? Let's not invest our time in the soap opera.
but Jake's defense is our point in common.
Defense of justice and righteousness is a good thing. We need more of it.
I would work with the devil to save an innocent friend.
Real strength is admirable, and more the point, valuable. Soap opera has no value.
To work with a Putin ally is almost the same.
Let's encourage each other to improve our communication. Good luck,

On Wed, Aug 31, 2016 at 02:28:04AM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Lack of clarity on some fundamentals, can be dangerous - the "moral relativism" of many in the West, and I say the heart of the decent of
s/decent/descent/ - one little letter can make such a huge difference
the West into despotism and much abject evil.
participants (1)
Zenaan Harkness