James A. Donalds cowardly and stupid lies exposed

Jamesd thought he could justify wage-labor, factory discipline and hierarchic management by noting that they’re imposed in Leninist regimes as well as under capitalism. Would he accept the same argument for the necessity of repressive sex and drug laws? Like other libertarians, he's is uneasy — hence his gratuitous red-baiting — because libertarianism and Leninism are as different as Coke and Pepsi when it comes to consecrating class society and the source of its power, work. Only upon the firm foundation of factory fascism and office oligarchy do libertarians and Leninists dare to debate the trivial issues dividing them. Toss in the mainstream conservatives who feel just the same and we end up with a veritable trilateralism of pro-work ideology seasoned to taste. James, who never has to, sees nothing demeaning in taking orders from bosses, for “how else could a large scale factory be organized?” In other words, “wanting to abolish authority in large-scale industry is tantamount to wanting to abolish industry itself.” Jimmy Dumbass again? No, Frederick Engels! Marx agreed: “Go and run one of the Barcelona factories without direction, that is to say, without authority!” (Which is just what the Catalan workers did in 1936 )

On Sun, Nov 29, 2020 at 09:00:05AM +0000, professor rat wrote:
James, who never has to, sees nothing demeaning in taking orders from bosses
Ahh, the rat abolishes hierarchies once and for all, utopia ushering in soon and peace shall reign for all ... all survivors that is :) As I granted (how generous am I?) to Jim of the Bell variety, if you solve the 'problem' of human hierarchies, you may as well be deemed to have solved all human problems. It's a mighty bold claim, but more power to ya to for tryin .. got a feeling we'll be waitin' a while… In the mean time, we know you've a more Marxist/expedient "final solution" to such challenges - thow us in the gulag ... yee haw, look out re-education camps, APsters are sendin me in :D Did I mention subtle?

On Sun, 29 Nov 2020 09:00:05 +0000 (UTC) professor rat <pro2rat@yahoo.com.au> wrote:
Jamesd thought he could justify wage-labor, factory discipline and hierarchic management by noting that they’re imposed in Leninist regimes as well as under capitalism. Would he accept the same argument for the necessity of repressive sex and drug laws?
he has already done that. He's a full supporter of the nazi US 'war on drugs', but ONLY FOR BLACKS.
Like other libertarians,
james donald is exactly as much of a libertarian as you are an anarchist. And to state the obvious he's no libertarian at all. Both of you are twin jew-fascists, shills, and fake to the core. Chances of you 'rat' being literally on the payroll of the US or australian govt or 5-eyes etc, are more than high. professor rat <pro2rat@yahoo.com.au> also wrote:
You[harkness trumpofascist-jefascist] think Jews should be allowed to colonize Palestine without peaceful sanction. Good to know.
yes, harkness is YET ANOTHER jew fascist, exactly like you rat, quinn, and james donald. We have here a bunch of bible thumping*, anglo-US nazis who are braindead jew cocksuckers. Shocking!!! *yeah the fake 'secular' jew-nazis like you are fully included in that category.
participants (3)
professor rat
Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0
Zenaan Harkness