Australia's most significant free speech court case ever, begins in our highest court tomorrow -- [ Battle to preserve our freedoms before High Court on Friday]

Here in Australia, the High Court is our highest court. Bernard Gaynor stands for the right (specifically here, of government employees) to speak their political views in a private capacity, when not at work. Bernard Gaynor is a conservative, and so his political views have been well against the "Liberal Lefty" mainstream of Western ideological indocrination. Notwithstanding whether one agrees with Bernard Gaynor, or holds different views to any extent, the principle at stake in this landmark Australian High Court case is the right to express or communicate one's views publicly, in your private capacity, even when you're employed by the government. -- Make no mistake, this is a landmark case, whatever the legal outcome; and the outcome of this court case shall definitively and decisively affect all "political discourse" (that's our "free speech", which is any speech which may be considered political in character), in Australia! (I'm not sure if this is the High Court, or the High Court "Full Court" or "Court of Appeal" - the point being there may yet actually be another, final round.) This court case is a fantastic opportunity for Australia's High Court Jusitices to do Australia proud and proclaim our free speech rights, or alternatively to cower behind some irrelevant legal point of minutiae, and completely avoid the salient issue at stake, which judging by the enormous and persistent support Bernard Gaynor continues to receive, is an issue of great importance to the Australian people (Bernard was completely unable to fund the huge onslaught of court cases that have been belligerently brought against him, and it has literally been grass small donations that have fueled this fundamental fight on the rights of our fellow Australians). To all newcomers to this very public Australian debate - the ruling to be handed down in due course, is NOT anything to do with the rights of homosexuals, lesbians nor any minority group in Australia; neither is this a court case about whether the Australian army should or should not be engaged in the annual Mardi Gras and or other LGBTTQQPP events; no, this court case is about one thing, and one thing only - the right of all Australians to speak their political views publicly. Do we have free speech in Australia, or do we not? --- This is the question that Australia's High Court is going to decide quite soon, and this is why this court case is one that absolutely ought be supported by all sides of the various "socio-political" debates that humans love to get emotionally involved in. I encourage everyone to make even a very small donation to support Bernard in concluding this important court case. Regards, Zenaan (PS trying again with my normail email addy - looks like the posting rules have been tightened up.) ----- Forwarded message from Bernard Gaynor <> ----- From: Bernard Gaynor <> To: Zenaan Harkness <> Reply-To: Bernard Gaynor <> Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2017 23:26:52 +0000 Subject: Battle to preserve our freedoms before High Court on Friday Since I last wrote to you about the resignation of the Defence imam, the battle for freedom has only increased... View this email in your browser ( Dear Zenaan, Just over a month ago, I wrote to you with the good news that the Defence imam had resigned. Just today I was informed by a Defence chaplain that the expectation is that the government is looking to replace him with another. That is a battle that I am more than prepared to fight again. And win again. However, there are other fights also going on at the moment, including my two important legal cases to protect freedom of political communication in Australia and the battle to preserve marriage. And, unfortunately, I must once again I must ask for your assistance and support. Free Speech Battle 1: Protect workers with conservative beliefs On Friday the High Court will hear arguments that it should 'grant leave' to allow my case against the Chief of Defence Force to go ahead. For those unfamiliar with this matter, the Chief of Defence Force sacked me ( for expressing views in my private capacity about Islam, Defence involvement in the Mardi Gras and other politically correct policies such as Defence-funded sex change operations. The Federal Court found in my favour in 2015 but the Full Court of the Federal Court found against me earlier this year. This matter will affect every Australian worker. Essentially, it will determine if they can be sacked for expressing political views outside the workplace that their boss disagrees with, as detailed earlier this year by the Canberra Times ( : Gaynor’s views were expressed in his own time, in his capacity as a private citizen and not while he was on duty or in uniform. While his comments did draw a connection with the ADF, he was not purporting to speak on its behalf. There is something deeply unsettling about the government seeking to regulate an individual’s views, whether public servant, army reservist or ordinary citizen… …The High Court has a preference for sidestepping such big-picture questions and focusing solely on the narrow point of law in dispute. For the sake of public servants wanting to express their political views without fear of reprisal, we can only hope the High Court is more ambitious when it delivers the final word in the Gaynor saga. Free Speech Battle 2: Protect Australians from PC discrimination laws The High Court has granted leave to Garry Burns to appeal the win against him in the New South Wales Court of Appeal earlier this year. For those unaware of the background to this matter, Burns is a homosexual activist from New South Wales who describes his ‘work’ as lodging anti-discrimination complaints. I was facing up to $1.6 million in fines for my views on marriage, morality and family until earlier this year. This appeal now involves Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, Western Australia and the Commonwealth. At stake is our freedom from politically correct anti-discrimination laws. If Burns wins it will mean every Australian can be hauled before an anti-discrimination tribunal in another state for expressing views on such things as Safe Schools. This will only worsen if marriage is redefined later this year. Please help fight these battles Fighting for our freedom is important. But it is also expensive. These battles have cost over $250,000 since 2013 and I have only been able to do so because of the generosity of people like you. We have built a small army that has not only succeeded in the courts but has also achieved results such as forcing the resignation of the Defence imam. However, I must once again ask for your help. I am running out of the ammunition for these fights: dollars. And so I must ask for additional support again. It is truly humbling to do so and I wish that I did not need to. If you would like to donate, please use an option below: Paypal: click here ( Family Values Action A/c (Donations fund legal actions to support family values) - BSB: 084 134 - A/c: 39 446 4501 Gaynor Family Support A/c (Donations fund this website and the Gaynor family) - BSB: 084 134 - A/c: 84 082 9276 Cheque/Money Order - PO Box 766, Park Ridge, Qld, 4125 I have no doubt that God has also assisted in these fights. I would greatly appreciate your prayers over coming days. This is what I have been praying since the fight began: O God, who has appointed Mary, Help of Christians; St Francis Xavier, and St Teresa of the Infant Jesus, Patrons of Australia; grant that, through their intercession, our brethren outside the Church may receive the light of faith, so that Australia may become one in faith under one shepherd, through Christ our Lord. Amen. – Mary, Help of Christians, pray for us. – St Francis Xavier, pray for us. – St Teresa of the Infant Jesus, pray for us. I have joined Cory Bernardi's Australian Conservatives In other news, I have joined ( Cory Bernardi’s Australian Conservatives. Senator Bernardi played a key role in forcing the resignation of the Defence imam and has shown leadership and the ability to unite conservatives across Australia. It also means that I can continue working closely with Kirralie Smith who has led the fight against halal certification. She has joined in New South Wales as well. And I have now teamed up with old friends from Family First and new friends who are leaving Malcom Turnbull’s Liberals in droves. Defend marriage The plebiscite for ‘marriage equality’ asks us to do far more than support homosexual weddings. It will open the door to legal recognition of polygamous Sharia law ‘marriage equality’ and new, draconian anti-discrimination laws. Programs like Safe Schools will be legally forced on every school child, just as similar programs have been in places like Canada after marriage was redefined. I encourage you take sign up to support the ‘no’ campaign. Click here to do just that. ( Whether it be threats from Islam or the cultural Marxists and politically correct, our nation’s Western Christian values are under serious assault. They are worth defending. They are worth handing onto our children. That is why I continue to fight. Thank you once again for your support, assistance, prayers and generosity. Kind regards, Bernard Gaynor Christus Rex! ** Defence & Islam ------------------------------------------------------------ Royal Australian Navy advertises for 'devout Muslims' ( Defence has not learnt from politically-correct policies in other Western militaries that have resulted in the death of service personnel. The Royal Australian Navy is now advertising for devout Muslims on its webpage. See also: * Bury your head (or radicalise the military) ( * Koran memoriser new face of Defence recruiting ( ** Defence & PC ------------------------------------------------------------ Royal Australian Human Rights Commission Air Force ( Australians should not just worry about the capability of the F-35. They should also worry about who's flying them. The Air Force has accepted 62 recommendations from the Australian Human Rights Commission to lower standards and training programs to put females in the cockpit. Payne's Defence Force discriminates against men ( A leaked Defence Force recruiting document shows that all services are actively prioritising women over men. Every Army combat role is closed to applications from males for the next 12 months. See also: * Hand out the handbags ( * Marise Payne's anti-male discrimination smokescreen ( * A female Indigenous soldier speaks her mind ( * Raising the White Ribbon ( * Repeating the failures of the past ( * In the Navy ( * Rainbow-coloured egg is on the VCDF's face ( ** Marriage ------------------------------------------------------------ told to vote yes to redefining marriage ( The leadership of the Islamic community has been very quiet about marriage. The word on the street is that they see the plebiscite as an opportunity to open the door to polygamy... road to Sharia and polygamy ( Italy legalised same-sex relations in July 2016. Less than six months later it was facing a campaign for Sharia 'marriage equality'... See also: * This already ain't a respectful debate ( * Welcome to the rainbow PC tsunami (or if you don't know, just vote no) ( * The entirety of the 'Yes' case ( * Graham Perrett's hypocrisy ( * Malcolm Turnbull's rainbow adventure ( * Where's the marital fidelity round? ( ** Islam ------------------------------------------------------------ cannot be reformed (so don't bother) ( Calls for an Islamic 'reformation' sound good. But they misunderstand Western history and completely misinterpret Islamic doctrine and teaching. See also: * Teaching Islam ( ** Saving the West from itself ------------------------------------------------------------ as the world burns ( It's like we're stuck in the R.E.M. song about the end of the world. And everyone sings that they know it. And everyone dances that they feel fine. But we're headed for another song by R.E.M. - 'Everybody Hurts'... out Andrew Bolt ( Andrew Bolt's usual sense of logic failed him when he decided to criticise Donald Trump's transgender ban for emotional and personal reasons. truth has hit the fan ( I think it's a process known as lying one's way to the truth. It happens when PC bureaucracies become so inept that it's the only response when it hits the fan... See also: * Just how much is made up? ( * Money over morality ( * Bernardi swoops again ( * Speak now or lose your freedom ( * Losing like losers ( Facebook ( Twitter ( Google Plus ( Website ( Email ( Join the fight and donate today ( ============================================================ Copyright © 2017 Bernard Gaynor, All rights reserved. Our mailing address is: Bernard Gaynor PO Box 766 Park Ridge, Qld 4125 Australia ** unsubscribe from this list ( ** update subscription preferences ( ----- End forwarded message -----
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Zenaan Harkness