FBI demands new powers to hack into computers and carry out surveillance

http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2014/oct/29/fbi-powers-hacking-computers-... " The FBI <http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/fbi> is attempting to persuade an obscure regulatory body in Washington to change its rules of engagement in order to seize significant new powers to hack into and carry out surveillance of computers throughout the US and around the world. Civil liberties groups warn that the proposed rule change amounts to a power grab by the agency that would ride roughshod over strict limits to searches and seizures laid out under the fourth amendment of the US constitution, as well as violate first amendment privacy rights. They have protested that the FBI is seeking to transform its cyber capabilities with minimal public debate and with no congressional oversight."

On Thu, Oct 30, 2014, at 12:01 PM, Ryan Carboni wrote:
The FBI <http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/fbi> is attempting to persuade an obscure regulatory body in Washington to change its rules of engagement in order to seize significant new powers to hack into and carry out surveillance of computers throughout the US and around the world.
Australia's counterpart ASIO unfortunately got it passed: http://www.smh.com.au/digital-life/consumer-security/terror-laws-clear-senat... "Australian spies will soon have the power to monitor the entire Australian internet with just one warrant, and journalists and whistleblowers will face up to 10 years' jail for disclosing classified information." Here's the kicker: "Anyone - including journalists, whistleblowers and bloggers - who "recklessly" discloses "information ... [that] relates to a special intelligence operation" faces up to 10 years' jail. Any operation can be declared "special" by an authorised ASIO officer" What would be great to see would be if all Australian journalists banded together to counter the new laws, by self-imposing a gag order on _all_ information that the government wanted to put out. In other words, stop being a conduit for government propaganda i.e. no questions, no interviews, no articles, no opinion pieces etc. and _only_ give air time to those who opposed the new laws. This would be even better if we were in an election cycle. Unfortunately however, the FBI will get it what they want one way or another. I, for one, welcome our new surveillance overlords /s Alfie -- Alfie John alfiej@fastmail.fm

On Thu, Oct 30, 2014, at 01:34 PM, Alfie John wrote:
I, for one, welcome our new surveillance overlords /s
And now this just came through my feeds: http://www.theage.com.au/federal-politics/political-news/malcolm-turnbull-in... "A new federal government scheme requiring telecommunications companies to store customer records for two years could "absolutely" be used to target the illicit downloading of movies or music, according to the Australian Federal Police commissioner." I don't get it. The Four Horsemen of the Infocalypse are already using Tails and Tor so this is not going to affect them. All this will do is slowly push the general populace using them as well. Is the government shooting their own intelligence agencies in the foot by helping more and more people get onto the Cyphernet? Alfie -- Alfie John alfiej@fastmail.fm

W dniu 30.10.2014 o 04:22, Alfie John pisze: (...)
I don't get it. The Four Horsemen of the Infocalypse are already using Tails and Tor so this is not going to affect them. All this will do is slowly push the general populace using them as well. Is the government shooting their own intelligence agencies in the foot by helping more and more people get onto the Cyphernet?
It would be awesome if it did, but most people don't care. They will be spied on and think "it's ok, I'm not doing anything illegal, I'm not a terrorist and I trust the police, they wouldn't do anything bad with my data". :-/ -- Łukasz "Cyber Killer" Korpalski mail: cyberkiller8@gmail.com xmpp: cyber_killer@jabster.pl site: http://website.cybkil.cu.cc gpgkey: 0x72511999 @ hkp://keys.gnupg.net //When replying to my e-mail, kindly please //write your message below the quoted text.

On Thu, Oct 30, 2014 at 02:22:17PM +1100, Alfie John wrote:
I don't get it. The Four Horsemen of the Infocalypse are already using Tails and Tor so this is not going to affect them. All this will do is
This is obviously about mass surveillance for social control. The deviants are already accounted for.
slowly push the general populace using them as well. Is the government
What makes you think it will? The massive criminal malware load so far failed to do it, and federal malware will be a lot more considerate/stealthy than that. Why should they even notice? Or use unpatriotic ("Negative, I am a meat popsicle") antimalware systems? But of couse mass appearance of malware would hit the honeypots, and result in more secure systems overall.
shooting their own intelligence agencies in the foot by helping more and more people get onto the Cyphernet?
participants (4)
"Łukasz \"Cyber Killer\" Korpalski "
Alfie John
Eugen Leitl
Ryan Carboni