1984: USA Launches Disinfo Ministry of Truth

The USA Democrat Left just deployed 1984 to continue control the narrative, and program your mind... DHS Disinformation' Unit Headed by Woman Who Said Hunter Biden Laptop Story Was Disinformation https://summit.news/2022/04/28/dhs-disinformation-unit-headed-by-woman-who-s... Houston, we have a problem. The Department of Homeland Security's new `disinformation' unit will be headed by a woman who says free speech makes her `shudder' and who falsely labeled the Hunter Biden laptop story disinformation. Oh dear. Just two days after it was revealed that Elon Musk had reached an agreement to buy Twitter, DHS chief Alejandro Mayorkas announced the creation of a "disinformation governance board." The new board will focus primarily on "misinformation related to homeland security, focused specifically on irregular migration and Russia." The board will be headed by Nina Jankowicz, a former advisor to the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry who oversaw related issued at the National Democratic Institute lobby group. "Cat’s out of the bag," Jankowicz tweeted. "Here's what I've been up to the past two months, and why I’ve been a bit quiet on here." Cat's out of the bag: here's what I've been up to the past two months, and why I've been a bit quiet on here. Honored to be serving in the Biden Administration [45]@DHSgov and helping shape our counter-disinformation efforts. [46]https://t.co/uN20vl7qqV [47]pic.twitter.com/JEn4FqLdck -- Nina Jankowicz <U+1F1FA><U+1F1E6><U+1F1FA><U+1F1F8> (@wiczipedia) [48]April 27, 2022 Jankowicz's view of free speech is particularly odious. Free speech apparently makes her physically shudder. "I shudder to think about if free speech absolutists were taking over more platforms, what that would look like for the marginalized communities, which are already shouldering disproportionate amounts of this abuse," she tweeted in response to Musk's Twitter takeover. NEWS: DHS is officially launching its own Ministry of Truth, or the so-called "Disinformation Governance Board." Nina Jankowicz will head the board as executive director. "Free speech absolutists" make her "shudder," so everything should be fine. [49]pic.twitter.com/wVc7hEBX11 -- Young Americans for Liberty (@YALiberty) [50]April 27, 2022 Jankowicz previously called Musk an "online abuser," while arguing for more censorship when she asserted, "The ‘free speech vs censorship’ framing is a false dichotomy." But crucially, the woman handed the role of deciding what constitutes "disinformation," previously labeled a completely truthful story "disinformation" because it was seen to be harmful to Joe Biden's presidential chances. Jankowicz promoted the actual disinformation that the New York Post Hunter Biden laptop story was a "Russian influence op." Back on the "laptop from hell," apparently- Biden notes 50 former natsec officials and 5 former CIA heads that believe the laptop is a Russian influence op. Trump says "Russia, Russia, Russia." -- Nina Jankowicz <U+1F1FA><U+1F1E6><U+1F1FA><U+1F1F8> (@wiczipedia) [51]October 23, 2020 She also wrongly asserted that it was a "Trump campaign product," while also claiming Trump supporters would show up at the polls with weapons to intimidate voters. Jankowicz's appointment once again underscores how moral panics about `disinformation' and `misinformation' are contrived frauds designed to bury legitimate information harmful to the regime's narrative. Both the Hunter Biden laptop scandal and the lab leak theory, two of the biggest news stories of 2020, were truthful yet branded "disinformation" so they could be buried by social media algorithms to prevent their viral spread. Along with `fact checkers', the new DHS disinformation unit is just another branch of the Ministry of Truth, which as in Orwell's 1984, serves a primary purpose of hiding and eliminating the truth.

The USA Democrat Left just deployed 1984 to continue control the narrative, and program your mind...
While cpunks remain in silent acceptance and compliance of all such things, at least some people have the balls to say fuck that... Senator Demands Biden Scrap Creepy 'Disinformation' Unit; "Dissolve This Monstrosity Immediately" https://summit.news/2022/04/29/senator-demands-biden-scrap-creepy-disinforma... https://summit.news/2022/04/28/dhs-disinformation-unit-headed-by-woman-who-s... https://www.dailywire.com/news/gop-leader-kevin-mccarthy-torches-biden-over-... https://twitter.com/HawleyMO/status/1519645712635645953 https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1519717964215468032 https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1520049692381523970 https://twitter.com/TulsiGabbard/status/1520003460787163136 Following news that The Department of Homeland Security’s new ‘disinformation governance board’ will be headed by a woman who says free speech makes her ‘shudder’ and who falsely labeled the Hunter Biden laptop story disinformation, Republicans called for the body to be scrapped, labelling it a ‘monstrosity’. Heading the opposition to what has been compared to the Ministry of Truth in Orwell’s 1984, Senator Josh Hawley wrote to DHS Secretary Mayorkas noting “I confess, I at first thought this announcement was satire.” “Surely no American Administration would ever use the power of Government to sit in judgement on the First Amendment speech of its own citizens,” Hawley continued. “Sadly,” he added, “I was mistaken. Rather than protecting our border or the American homeland, you have chosen to make policing Americans’ speech your priority. This new board is almost certainly unconstitutional and should be dissolved immediately.” “It can only be assumed that the sole purpose of this new Disinformation Governance Board will be to marshal the power of the federal government to censor conservative and dissenting speech,” the Senator concluded, urging “This is dangerous and un-American.” The Administration that activated the FBI against parents at school board meetings now has created a government Disinformation Board to monitor all Americans’ speech. It’s a disgrace. Joe Biden & Secretary Mayorkas: dissolve this monstrosity immediately pic.twitter.com/hSnMpREizI — Josh Hawley (@HawleyMO) April 28, 2022 House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy also responded to the development, describing it as “Orwellian.” “Leave it to Democrats to think free speech is the problem and more government is the solution,” McCarthy told The Daily Wire. “The notion that the same party that spent four years promoting the Russia collusion hoax, suppressed the Hunter Biden laptop story, and equated parents to domestic terrorists believes it has the credibility to tell Americans what is true is laughable,” he added. Referring to Nina Jankowicz, the Congressman added that “it is telling that the person who would run Biden’s Orwellian Disinformation Governance Board is a political activist who has a long history of falling for and spreading disinformation.” “It is easy to imagine this person abusing the term ‘disinformation’ to suppress facts and spin away inconvenient truths about the administration’s many failures, including their failures to secure the border,” McCarthy further urged, adding “The idea that the federal government should control speech sounds uncomfortably close to the Thought Police. Biden must immediately abandon his plan to create a modern-day Ministry of Truth.” Representative Jim Jordan also hit out at the move, telling Mayorkas “You put out a bulletin two months ago, a big fancy bulletin here, red, white and blue. You said that misleading narratives, mis-, dis-, and mal-information, MDM, as you call it, misleading narratives undermine the trust in government. I was just wondering, when the head of the CDC, Miss Walensky, said that the vaccinated can’t get the virus, did that undermine trust in government?” Jordan continued, “When the highest paid official in our government, the smartest man on the planet, Dr. Fauci, when he said the virus didn’t come from a lab, did that undermine trust in government? And will that be something that this governing board will look at?” “How about when 51 former intel officials told us that the Hunter Biden story was–had all the earmarks of Russian misinformation? Will that be something that this governance board that you just formed, will you be looking into that?” Jordan also asked: Soon to be Twitter owner Elon Musk also responded to the creation of the disinformation unit, labelling the move “discomforting.” Discomforting — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) April 28, 2022 Meanwhile, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis says he will "take action" against the new "Ministry of Truth." NOW - Florida will take action against the Biden administration's new "Ministry of Truth", says Gov. DeSantis. pic.twitter.com/SMuNgdDzou — Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) April 29, 2022 And the final words go to Tulsi Gabbard who explained it all very clearly... Every dictatorship has a propaganda arm—a “Ministry of Truth.” The Biden Administration has now formally joined the ranks of such dictatorships with their creation of the so-called “Disinformation Governance Board.” pic.twitter.com/iMnrqksaJJ — Tulsi Gabbard 🌺 (@TulsiGabbard) April 29, 2022

It will prove to be much worse than this... The People Behind DHS's Orwellian "Disinformation Governance Board" https://www.theorganicprepper.com/disinformation-governance-board/ https://www.theorganicprepper.com/social-media-censor-coronavirus/ https://www.theorganicprepper.com/the-organic-prepper-has-been-defunded-for-... https://www.theorganicprepper.com/belarus-ukraine-and-russia/ https://www.theorganicprepper.com/war-on-men/ https://twitter.com/RichardGrenell/status/1519402511223848960?ref_src=twsrc%... https://www.activistpost.com/2022/04/dhs-creating-disinformation-governance-... https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/03/ygl-wef-young-global-leaders/ https://www.hstoday.us/federal-pages/dhs/dhs-standing-up-disinformation-gove... https://www.foxnews.com/politics/mayorkas-dhs-disinformation-governance-boar... A “Disinformation Governance Board” has just been created and is going to be run by the Department of Homeland Security. Their primary goal is going to be to “police” what is deemed to be “misinformation” or “disinformation.” No clarification has been given as of yet as to what this policing will mean, but it has been pointed out that the creation of this new Disinformation Governance Board is going to have the full strength of the DHS behind it. DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said, “the goal is to bring the resources of (DHS) together to address this threat.” Nina Jankowicz has been chosen to head up the new disinformation office as the executive director. Nina Jankowicz Nina Jankowicz Jankowicz received her MA in Russian, Eurasian, and East European Studies from Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service. A full list of the staff at the Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University can be found here. Some of the current faculty/staff members within the Walsh School of Foreign Service are: Rebecca Katz Shantayanan Devarajan Thomas Banchoff Madeleine Albright Jankowicz also spent time previously working with the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (also called the Wilson Institute) in the past as a disinformation fellow. A full listing of their staff can be found here. Some of the current staff members, faculty, and associates at the Wilson Institute include: Cynthia Arnson – Director of the Latin American Program Shihoko Goto – Director for Geoeconomics and Indo-Pacific Enterprise/Deputy Director of the Asia Program Duncan Wood – VP for Strategy and New Initiatives; Senior Advisor to the Mexico Instituted; Interim Director of the Global Europe Program Lonnie Bunch III – Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution She also previously worked with the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry with the Fullbright-Clinton Public Policy Fellowship, where she offered advice and oversaw the Russia and Belarus programs at the National Democratic Institute. In addition to her past work history, Nina is also the author of two books: How to Lose the Information War: Russia, Fake News, and the Future of Conflict, published in 2020, and a book that was just published this month, How to Be a Woman Online: Surviving Abuse and Harassment, and How to Fight Back. How to Lose the Information War Within this book, Nina discusses what she learned during her time with the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry and Belarus as she worked to combat “Russian information warfare tactics.” The book examines five different nations and the policies they pushed to counter “misinformation” in what is claimed to be a fight for “the future of civil discourse and democracy, and the value of truth itself.” (If you’re looking for information on how to starve the beast, check out our free QUICKSTART Guide.) How to Be a Woman Online Here, Nina says that toxic masculinity has poisoned the internet against women, particularly women who aren’t white. She argues from the standpoint that something needs to be done against these men to keep them from saying these things. When interviewed by NPR about this book, Nina said, “And I shudder to think about if free speech absolutists were taking over more platforms, what that would look like for the marginalized communities all around the world…” Nina went on within the interview to advocate for stronger consequences against men online who say things that are deemed to be wrong. “…we frankly need law enforcement and our legislatures to do more as well,” Nina said. She later went on to add, “really any law enforcement of consequences against abusers would make such a big difference because part of the reason this happens right now is that hardly anything ever happens to the people who are levying the abuse. The announcement News about the new taxpayer-supported agency was released to the American public by Alejandro Mayorkas during the House Appropriations Subcommittee as the 2023 budget for the Department of Homeland Security was discussed. This came about after Representative Lauren Underwood (?) asked Mayorkas what he was going to do to combat “misinformation campaigns” aimed at people who aren’t white. Lauren Underwood Underwood said that not only was disinformation a “huge threat to our homeland,” but that “foreign adversaries attempt to destabilize our elections by targeting people of color with disinformation campaigns.” She went on to add, “A newer trend that we saw in the 2020 election and already in the 2022 midterms is that disinformation is being heavily targeted at Spanish-speaking voters, sparking and fueling conspiracy theories.” “DHS and its components play a big role in addressing myths and disinformation in Spanish and other languages. Can you share what steps you’ve taken and what future plans you have to address Spanish-language myths and disinformation through a department-wide approach?” Mayorkas' response was the reveal of the DGB. He not only revealed that the DGB was in the process of being created but said that there were a number of other “different offices engaged in this critical effort,” one of which is the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. Alejandro Mayorkas Rob Silvers, the Undersecretary of Policy, and Jennifer Gaskill are stated to be involved in heading up the new agency, in addition to Nina Janckowicz. She pushed propaganda designed to help Joe Biden out of a scandal 3 weeks before the 2020 election. The Senate must act to stop her from doing more damage. https://t.co/tHyABHrLmM — Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) April 27, 2022 Trump talking about how he would "put out that fire" in Portland is the language of authoritarianism. It means the violent clearing of protestors, arrest without cause, abuse of human rights. That's now law enforcement, that's lawlessness. — Nina Jankowicz 🇺🇦🇺🇸 (@wiczipedia) September 30, 2020

Oh God It's Going To Get So Much Worse https://caityjohnstone.medium.com/oh-god-its-going-to-get-so-much-worse-b7ef... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfTGWjDZDQQ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disinformation_Governance_Board https://www.newsweek.com/joe-bidens-disinformation-board-likened-orwells-min... https://twitter.com/townhallcom/status/1519765066396143616 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nina_Jankowicz https://nypost.com/2022/04/28/bidens-disinformation-czar-is-latest-assault-o... https://twitter.com/wiczipedia/status/1362153807879303171 https://caitlinjohnstone.substack.com/p/biden-administration-completely-kill... https://twitter.com/mtracey/status/1519710402518597633 https://www.mintpressnews.com/online-censorship-ukraine-russa-google-faceboo... https://twitter.com/johnpilger/status/1518569341851037696 https://twitter.com/PenicilinPan/status/1520210743995826177 https://news.antiwar.com/2022/04/25/after-kyiv-visit-lloyd-austin-says-us-go... https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2022/04/25/ywzn-a25.html https://news.antiwar.com/2022/04/20/pentagon-chief-austin-speaks-with-chines... https://caitlinjohnstone.substack.com/p/the-us-empires-ultimate-target-is https://caitlinjohnstone.substack.com/p/how-much-are-we-prepared-to-sacrific... Rightists have spent the last couple of days freaking out and invoking Orwell’s 1984 in response to something their political enemies are doing in America, and for once it’s for a pretty good reason. The Department of Homeland Security has secretly set up a “Disinformation Governance Board”, only informing the public about its plans for the institution after it had already been established. The disinformation board, which critics have understandably been calling a “Ministry of Truth”, purportedly exists to fight disinformation coming out of Russia as well as misleading messages about the US-Mexico border. We may be certain that the emphasis in the board’s establishment has been on the Russia angle, however. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, in her patented “You’re such a crazy idiot for questioning me about the White House” manner, dismissed alarmed questions about what specific functions this strange new DHS entity was going to be performing and what its authority will look like. “It sounds like the objective of the board is to prevent disinformation and misinformation from traveling around the country in a range of communities,” Psaki said. “I’m not sure who opposes that effort.” PSAKI: "It sounds like the objective of the board is to prevent disinformation and misinformation from traveling around the country in a range of communities. I'm not sure who opposes that effort." pic.twitter.com/Z4xOv46RLT — Townhall.com (@townhallcom) April 28, 2022 The answer to the question of “who opposes that effort” is of course “anyone with functioning gray matter between their ears.” No government entity has any business appointing itself the authority to sort information from disinformation on behalf of the public, because government entities are not impartial and omniscient deities who can be entrusted to serve the public as objective arbiters of absolute reality. They would with absolute certainty wind up drawing distinctions between information, misinformation and disinformation in whatever way serves their interests, regardless of what’s true, exactly as any authoritarian regime would do. I mean, is anyone honestly more afraid of Russian disinformation than they are of their own government appointing itself the authority to decide what counts as disinformation? This important point has gotten a bit lost in the shuffle due to the utterly hypnotic ridiculousness of the person who has been appointed to run the Disinformation Governance Board. Nina Jankowicz, a carefully groomed swamp creature who has worked in Kyiv as a communications advisor to the Ukrainian government as part of a Fulbright fellowship, is being widely criticized by pundits and social media users for her virulent Russiagating and whatever the hell this is: You can just call me the Mary Poppins of disinformation 💁🏻♀️ https://t.co/eGV9lpctYn pic.twitter.com/WVQFA2bPmq — Nina Jankowicz 🇺🇦🇺🇸 (@wiczipedia) February 17, 2021 Because of this person’s embarrassing cartoonishness, a lot more commentary lately has been going into discussing the fact that the Department of Homeland Security’s Ministry of Truth is run by a kooky liberal than the fact that the Department of Homeland Security has a fucking Ministry of Truth. Which is really to miss the forest for the trees, in my opinion. Would it really be any better if the “Disinformation Governance Board” was run by a chill dude you wouldn’t mind having a beer with? Especially when we know the ideological leanings of this department are going to bounce back and forth between elections and will always act in service of US empire narrative control regardless of who is in office? I don’t think so. The real issue at hand is the fact that this new institution will almost certainly play a role in bridging the ever-narrowing gap between government censorship and Silicon Valley censorship. The creation of the DHS disinformation board is a far more shocking and frightening development than last year’s scandalous revelation that the White House was advising social media platforms about accounts it determined were circulating censorship-worthy Covid misinformation, which was itself a drastic leap in the direction toward direct government censorship from what had previously been considered normal. White House fact-sheet says part of the mammoth $33 billion spending package it's requesting for Ukraine will be to "support independent media." Because nothing screams "independent" like being directly funded by the US Government as part of its "information warfare" initiative pic.twitter.com/O3JshV1Mg9 — Michael Tracey (@mtracey) April 28, 2022 We should probably talk more about how as soon as people accepted that it was fine for government, media and Silicon Valley institutions to work together to censor misinformation and rally public support around an Official Narrative about a virus, the ruling power establishment immediately took that as license to do that with a war and a foreign government as well. Like, immediately immediately. We went from a massive narrative control campaign about a virus, which people accepted because they wanted to contain a deadly pandemic, straight into a massive narrative control campaign about Russia and Ukraine. Without skipping a beat. Like openly manipulating everyone’s understanding of world events is just what we do now. Now we’re seeing increasingly brazen censorship of political dissent about a fucking war that could easily end up getting us all killed in a nuclear holocaust, and a portion of the Biden administration’s whopping $33 billion Ukraine package is going toward funding “independent media” (read: war propaganda). We should probably talk more about this. We should probably talk more about how insane it is that all mainstream western institutions immediately accepted it as a given that World War II levels of censorship and propaganda must be implemented over a faraway war that our governments are not even officially a part of. It started as soon as Russia invaded Ukraine, without any public discussion whatsoever. Like the groundwork had already been laid and everyone had already agreed that that’s what would happen. The public had no say in whether we want to be propagandized and censored to help the US win some kind of weird infowar to ensure its continued unipolar domination of the planet. It just happened. No reason was given to the public as to why this must occur, and there was no public debate as to whether it should. This was by design, because propaganda only works when you don’t know it’s happening to you. The choice was made for us that information is too important to be left in the hands of the people. It became set in stone that we are to be a propaganda-based society rather than a truth-based society. No discussion was offered, and no debate was allowed. In the middle of an election campaign, Defence Minister Peter Dutton tells Australians to "prepare for war". He compared China with Nazi Germany in the 1930s. Australia has no enemies, none, zero. But it speaks for its master in Washington. Read on:https://t.co/dSRhu5b23i — John Pilger (@johnpilger) April 25, 2022 And as bad as it is, it’s on track to get much, much worse. They’re already setting up “disinformation” regulation in the government which presides over Silicon Valley, the proxy war between the US and Ukraine is escalating by the day, and aggressions are ramping up against China over both the Solomon Islands and Taiwan. If you think imperial narrative management is intense now, wait until the US empire’s struggle to secure global hegemony really gets going. Do you consent to this? Do you? It’s something you kind of have to take a position on, because its implications have a direct effect on our lives as individuals and on our trajectory as a society. How much are we willing to sacrifice to help the US win an infowar against Russia? The question of whether we should abandon all hope of ever becoming a truth-based society and committing instead to winning propaganda wars for a globe-spanning empire is perhaps the most consequential decision we’ve ever had to make as a species. Which is why we weren’t given a choice. It’s just been foisted upon us. Whoever controls the narrative controls the world. By taking our control of information out of our hands without asking our permission and determining for us that we are to be a propaganda-based civilization for the foreseeable future, they have stolen something sacred from us. Something they had no right to take. Nothing about the state of the world tells us that the people who run things are doing a good job. Nothing about our current situation suggests they should be given more control, rather than having control taken away from them and given to the people. We are going in exactly the wrong direction.

Biden's New 'Disinfo' Queen Goes Full 'Libs Of TikTok' "I think we as a country might be too... um, free-spirited?! (to put it diplomatically) to comply with social distancing recommendations unless they're forced upon us. So force away! Lock us down. People are not taking this seriously. @wiczipedia Feb 21 2020" https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/bidens-disinformation-chief-is-trump... https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/athena-thorne/2022/04/27/free-speech-a... https://jonathanturley.org/2022/04/29/the-sweet-sound-of-censorship-the-bide... https://twitter.com/ggreenwald/status/1520031125485367303 https://twitter.com/cwt_news/status/1520044670193127426 https://twitter.com/IronicEffort/status/1309908837911142402 https://twitter.com/JerryDunleavy/status/1519530455040675840 https://twitter.com/iowahawkblog/status/1520065172441862144 https://twitter.com/LindseyGrahamSC/status/939157000822362112 https://twitter.com/wiczipedia/status/939157661022674948 https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/clinton-campaign-elias-dnc-and-fusio... https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/democratic-lawyer-sussmann-doesnt-wa... https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/steele-dossier-funder-marc-elias-tes... https://twitter.com/wiczipedia/status/1252928977586524161 https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/comey-and-mccabe-fought-to-include-s... The head of the Biden administration's new "Disinformation Governance Board", Nina Jankowicz, isn't just a huge fan of Christopher Steele, architect of the infamous Clinton-funded Dossier which underpinned the Trump-Russia hoax - and who joined the chorus of disinformation agents that downplayed the Hunter Biden laptop bombshell... If you spent the weeks before the 2020 election spreading and ratifying the CIA lie that the Biden family emails were "Russian disinformation," and then never apologized or retracted it, you have *zero* credibility to lament "disinformation." You are a disinformation agent. — Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) April 29, 2022 ...she also sings Disney-themed songs in a fake British accent on TikTok about disinformation. Meet your new arbiter of truth: 🤡🌎 Biden’s head of the new “Disinformation Governance Board” pic.twitter.com/RZqILqT18c — Clown World Today 🤡🌎 (@cwt_news) April 29, 2022 Jankowicz previously served as a disinformation fellow at the Wilson Center, and advised the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry as part of the Fulbright-Clinton Public Policy Fellowship. She also oversaw the Russia and Belarus programs at the National Democratic Institute. She also sings erotic Harry Potter songs. And again... NEW: Nina Jankowicz, who will head DHS’s new Disinfo Governance Board, is a fan of discredited dossier author Chris Steele’s thoughts on disinfo & helped dismiss the Hunter Biden laptop in 2020 by saying “we should view it as a Trump campaign product.” https://t.co/DE107BbFX6 — Jerry Dunleavy (@JerryDunleavy) April 28, 2022 She was also dead wrong about the origins and use of the infamous Steele dossier. Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham tweeted Dec. 8, 2017, “Was there collusion between DOJ and Fusion GPS to use Democratic funded dossier for political and legal purposes?” Jankowicz replied that “your party funded the dossier first” and tweeted April 22, 2020, that “you’re probably aware that [the Steele dossier] began as a Republican opposition research project.” But Steele created his discredited anti-Trump dossier after being hired in early 2016 by the opposition firm Fusion GPS, which was itself hired by the Perkins Coie law firm and Marc Elias, the general counsel for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. ... Jankowicz also said in April 2020 that “the inclusion of the Steele dossier didn’t influence the conclusions of the [intelligence community assessment].” However, FBI Director James Comey and FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe fought to include information from Steele’s dossier in the January 2017 ICA on Russian election interference. Although the CIA and NSA ultimately overruled their efforts, the dossier was still summarized in a classified annex attached to the report. -Washington Examiner Jankowicz also pushed for economy-killing lockdowns in 2020. And as PJ Media noted the other day: Jankowicz has written two books, How to Lose the Information War and How to Be A Woman Online. In a pinned tweet pimping her newly released second book, Jankowiz lets her inner misandry loose and writes, “Men ‘burst violently into your mentions and your life like the Kool-aid man, demanding your attention, hawking opinions that they believe are unarguably, manifestly correct and indispensable.'” J. Edgar Jazzhands https://t.co/ftccWbP4Zr — David Burge (@iowahawkblog) April 29, 2022 The adults are back in charge? Giving Jonathan Turley the last word: It would have been hard to come up with a more Orwellian name short of the Ministry of Truth. However, the DGB needed a true believer to carry out the monitoring of political speech in the United States. It found that person in Jankowicz, who has long been an outspoken anti-free speech advocate. Indeed, Jankowicz put her extreme views to music and posted it on TikTok in a rendition of Mary Poppins’ “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.” What is clear is that Jankowicz has a far better hold on the musical scale than constitutional values. With what is a remarkably impressive singing voice, Jankowicz croons that “You can just call me the Mary Poppins of disinformation.”

First Order of Ministry Business: Stoke More Racism, School Discord, Prep Failure, etc FDA Chief Claims "Misinformation" Is Leading Cause Of Death In The US Power Grid Operators Warn Of Potential Electricity Shortages Amid Transition To Clean Energy Biden's 'Ministry Of Truth' Tsar: Parents Concerned About Critical Race Theory Are "Disinformers" https://summit.news/2022/05/09/fda-chief-claims-misinformation-is-leading-ca... https://www.theepochtimes.com/bidens-disinformation-czarina-parents-concerne... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDAKwMgMhBw The Biden administration’s new disinformation chief says that parents who are upset about critical race theory (CRT) making its way into public school classrooms are “disinformers” who “weaponize” the issue “for profit.” [let's not forget the US Attorney General's son makes millions selling CRT materials] Nina Jankowicz, who was appointed to lead the newly established Disinformation Governance Board at the Department of Homeland Security, dismissed the pushback against CRT indoctrination at an event in Ohio last October, when the debate over parents’ right to direct their children’s education had taken center stage in high-profile elections, including Virginia’s gubernatorial race. “Critical race theory has become one of those hot-button issues that the Republicans and other disinformers, who are engaged in disinformation for profit, frankly, … have seized on,” she said in a video that has recently regained attention. Jankowicz added that she lived in Virginia, where parents in Loudoun County fiercely resisted attempts to inject leftist political activism into local school curricula and policies. She called Loudoun “one of the areas where people have really homed in on this topic.” “But it’s no different than any of the other hot-button issues that have allowed disinformation to flourish,” she said. “It’s weaponizing people’s emotion.” Jankowicz then told her audience to be alert when they read news articles that make them feel emotional, adding that she supports government-funded, left-leaning institutions such as NPR and PBS, because these media outlets “get into the nuance of the issues” and “provide a balanced, nonpartisan source of information.” Jankowicz’s speech at the City Club of Cleveland took place on Oct. 29, 2021, weeks after U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland released a memo bringing together a coalition of federal and local law enforcement to address alleged “threats of violence” against teachers and school board members from unruly parents. Garland has conceded that his memo was based in part on a September 2021 letter to President Joe Biden by the National School Boards Association. The now-notorious letter characterized disruptions at school board meetings as “a form of domestic terrorism and hate crime,” and urged the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security and the FBI to invoke counterterrorism laws to quell “angry mobs” of parents, who sought to hold school officials accountable for promoting CRT and for imposing COVID-19 restrictions such as mask mandates on their children. Jankowicz’s comments resurfaced as her new post, tasked with addressing “disinformation that imperils the safety and security of our homeland,” has generated much scrutiny. Many have since compared the disinformation board to George Orwell’s fictional “Ministry of Truth,” the main purpose of which was to rewrite history to manipulate and control the population. “The Biden administration wants a government agency dedicated to cracking down on what its subjects can say, an idea popular with Orwellian governments everywhere,” Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) said in a May 3 statement. “This board is unconstitutional and un-American.” Cotton has introduced a proposal that would bar any federal funds from going to the board. He was joined by 18 Republican senators as co-sponsors. During an appearance on CNN, FDA chief Dr. Robert Califf asserted that the leading cause of death in the United States is online “misinformation.” Yes, really. Califf spoke about his remarks during an interview with CNN’s Pamela Brown, which were originally made at a health conference in Texas last month when he said online misinformation was “now our leading cause of death.” After admitting that there was “no way to quantify this,” before mentioning heart disease and cancer (actual killers), Califf went on to bolster the claim anyway. Claiming that there has been “an erosion of life expectancy,” Califf went on to say that Americans were living an average of 5 years shorter than people in other high income countries. Califf said that anti-virals and vaccinations meant “almost no one in this country should be dying from COVID,” before going on to explain that there was also a “reduction in life expectancy from common diseases like heart disease.” “But somehow … the reliable, truthful messages are not getting across,” he said, adding, “And it’s being washed down by a lot of misinformation, which is leading people to make bad choices that are unfortunate for their health.” In an exclusive interview with CNN's Pamela Brown, FDA chief Dr. Robert Califf explains why he says the leading cause of death in the US is misinformation. https://t.co/rrsKLlLIxf pic.twitter.com/hQ0uSXa1zz — Android Facts (@manatweets) May 9, 2022 The FDA chief did not explain how ‘online misinformation’ was causing more deaths from heart disease, but went ahead and made the claim anyway without being challenged by the host. As we have exhaustively highlighted, “online misinformation” is indistinguishable from information the regime doesn’t like. As we previously noted, the woman picked to head up the Department of Homeland Security’s ‘Ministry of Truth’ said free speech makes her “shudder” while also promoting the lie that the Hunter Biden laptop story was Russian disinformation. Nina Jankowicz also ludicrously cited Christopher Steele as an expert on disinformation. Steele was the author of the infamous Clinton campaign-funded Trump ‘peegate’ dossier’ that turned out to be an actual product of disinformation. The contrived moral panic over “misinformation” has become more pronounced following Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter, with CNN guests recently complaining about how it might impact their monopoly on controlling “the channels of communications.”

Rand Paul Grills DHS Head On Creepy 'Ministry Of Truth' https://summit.news/2022/05/05/video-rand-paul-grills-dhs-head-on-creepy-min... https://summit.news/2022/05/02/video-dhs-head-claims-ministry-of-truth-will-... Senator Rand Paul grilled Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on the recently announced “disinformation governance board” Wednesday, noting that there isn’t even an agreement of what disinformation is and that the government has a long history of propagating it. Paul questioned Mayorkas on the new board, which has been dubbed a ‘Ministry of Truth’ by critics, referencing George Orwell’s 1984. The Senator asked the DHS head “Do you think the Steele dossier included Russian disinformation?” prompting Mayorkas to answer that he is “not equipped” to answer that. Paul followed up, “You say your new disinformation board is going to help the public with disinformation. You claim it is not going to be about domestic, it is going to be about foreigners. Those evil Russians.” “Here’s my question,” he continued, "The FBI concludes that the Steele dossier was full of Russian disinformation. CNN propagated this disinformation gladly for years and years. The difference between your opinion and our opinion is that no matter how despicable it is that CNN propagated this disinformation, I wouldn’t lecture them, I wouldn’t put it on a government website that CNN is wrong for propagating disinformation.” “We can’t even agree what disinformation is!” Paul asserted, adding “You can’t even agree that it was disinformation the Russians fed information to the Steele Dossier!” Mayorkas responded, “Where we become involved is where there is a connectivity between disinformation and threats to the security of the homeland.” “Well, the Russians might be considered that,” Paul fired back, adding “You mentioned that the other day when you tried to pivot away from this being about censorship.” “Let’s say you find a piece of disinformation and CNN is broadcasting it, what are you going to do? Are you going to tell Putin, ‘you shouldn’t do this’?” Paul further questioned. Mayorkas then attempted to divert away from Paul’s point by talking about drug cartels. Watch: Elsewhere during the hearing, Mayorkas admitted that he was “not aware” of the batshit crazy videos that his new Ministry of Truth head Nina Jankowicz has previously posted on social media. Didn’t interview anyone else; didn’t know about her TikTok videos— So why was she picked? How did they know who she was? https://t.co/fFJRMKMX87 — Vanessa (@Nessakins_) May 4, 2022 You can just call me the Mary Poppins of disinformation 💁🏻♀️ https://t.co/eGV9lpctYn pic.twitter.com/WVQFA2bPmq — Nina Jankowicz 🇺🇦🇺🇸 (@wiczipedia) February 17, 2021 As we noted earlier this week, Jankowicz has said that free speech makes her ‘shudder’ and falsely labeled the Hunter Biden laptop story ‘Russian disinformation’. When pressed on the matter by Republican Louisiana Sen. John Kennedy, Mayorkas said “I was not aware of that,” adding “We do not discuss the internal hiring process, ultimately as the secretary, I’m responsible for the decisions of the Department of Homeland Security.” He continued, “it is my understanding that Ms. Jankowicz is a subject matter expert in the field in which she will be working on behalf of the department.” Jankowicz is also on video describing legitimate concerns about the teaching of Critical Race Theory in Loudoun County schools as ‘disinformation for profit’, The full Senate hearing with Mayorkas is below:

Homeland Security's "Disinformation Board" Is Even More Pernicious Than It Seems by Glenn Greenwald https://greenwald.substack.com/p/homeland-securitys-disinformation https://theintercept.com/2020/10/15/facebook-and-twitter-cross-a-line-far-mo... https://twitter.com/ggreenwald/status/1514304553784643590 https://rumble.com/vl29vn-online-censorship-and-the-washington-posts-propaga... https://www.rcfp.org/overclassification-bigger-problem-leak-hunting/ https://bookanalysis.com/1984/ministry-of-truth/ The most egregious and blatant official disinformation campaign in the U.S. took place three weeks before the 2020 presidential election. That was when dozens of former intelligence officials purported to believe that authentic emails regarding Joe Biden's activities in China and Ukraine, reported by The New York Post, were "Russian disinformation.” That quasi-official proclamation enabled liberal corporate media outlets to uncritically mock and then ignore those emails as “Russian disinformation,” and pressured Big Tech platforms such as Facebook and Twitter to censor the reporting at exactly the time Americans were preparing to decide who would be the next U.S. president. Official government portrait of Nina Jankowicz, appointed to serve as Executive Director of the new “Disinformation Board” to be housed within the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (posted by Jankowicz to Twitter) The letter from these former intelligence officials was orchestrated by trained career liars — disinformation agents — such as former CIA Director John Brennan and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. Yet that letter was nonetheless crucial to discredit and ultimately suppress the New York Post's incriminating reporting on Biden. It provided a quasi-official imprimatur — something that could be depicted as an authoritative decree — that these authentic emails were, in fact, fraudulent. After all, if all of these noble and heroic intelligence operatives who spent their lives studying Russian disinformation were insisting that the Biden emails had all of the "hallmarks" of Kremlin treachery, who possessed the credibility to dispute their expert assessment? This clip from the media leader in spreading this CIA pre-election lie — CNN — features their national security analyst James Clapper, and it illustrates how vital this pretense of officialdom was in their deceitful disinformation campaign: This same strategic motive — to vest accusations of “disinformation” with the veneer of expertise — is what has fostered a new, very well-financed industry heralding itself as composed of “anti-disinformation" scholars. Knowing that Americans are inculcated from childhood to believe that censorship is nefarious — that it is the hallmark of tyranny — those who wish to censor need to find some ennobling rationale to justify it and disguise what it is. They have thus created a litany of neutral-sounding groups with benign names — The Atlantic Council, the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, various "fact-checking” outfits controlled by corporate media outlets — that claim to employ “anti-disinformation experts” to identify and combat fake news. Just as media corporations re-branded their partisan pundits as "fact-checkers" -- to masquerade their opinions as elevated, apolitical authoritative, decrees of expertise -- the term "disinformation expert" is designed to disguise ideological views on behalf of state and corporate power centers as Official Truth. Yet when one subjects these groups to even minimal investigative scrutiny, one finds that they are anything but apolitical and neutral. They are often funded by the same small handful of liberal billionaires (such as George Soros and Pierre Omidyar), actual security state agencies of the U.S., the UK or the EU, and/or Big Tech monopolies such as Google and Facebook. Indeed, the concept of “anti-disinformation expert” is itself completely fraudulent. This is not a real expertise but rather a concocted title bestowed on propagandists to make them appear more scholarly and apolitical than they are. But the function of this well-funded industry is the same as the one served by the pre-election letter from “dozens of former intelligence officials": to discredit dissent and justify its censorship by infusing its condemnation with the pretense of institutional authority. The targeted views are not merely wrong; they have been adjudged by official, credentialed experts to constitute "disinformation.” This scam is the critical context for understanding why the Biden Administration casually announced last week the creation of what it is calling a "Disinformation Board” inside the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). There is no conceivable circumstance in which a domestic law enforcement agency like DHS should be claiming the power to decree truth and falsity. Operatives in the U.S. Security State are not devoted to combatting disinformation. The opposite is true: they are trained, career liars tasked with concocting and spreading disinformation. As Politico's Jack Schafer wrote: Who among us thinks the government should add to its work list the job of determining what is true and what is disinformation? And who thinks the government is capable of telling the truth? Our government produces lies and disinformation at industrial scale and always has. It overclassifies vital information to block its own citizens from becoming any the wiser. It pays thousands of press aides to play hide the salami with facts….Making the federal government the official custodian of truth would be like Brink’s giving a safe-cracker a job driving an armored car. The purpose of Homeland Security agents is to propagandize and deceive, not enlighten and inform. The level of historical ignorance and stupidity required to believe that U.S. Security State operatives are earnestly devoted to exposing and decreeing truth — as CNN's Brian Stelter evidently believes, given that he praised this new government program as “common sense” — is off the charts. As Jameel Jaffer, formerly of the ACLU and now with the Columbia’s Knight First Amendment Institute put it, most troubling is “the fact that the board is housed at DHS, an especially opaque agency that has run roughshod over civil liberties in the past.” Typically, any attempt to apply George Orwell's warning novel 1984 to U.S. politics is reflexively dismissed as hyperbolic: a free and democratic country like the United States could not possibly fall prey to the dystopian repression Orwell depicts. Yet it is quite difficult to distinguish this “Disinformation Board” from Ingsoc's Ministry of Truth. The protagonist of Orwell's novel, Winston Smith, worked in the Ministry of Truth and described at length how its primary function was to create official versions of truth and falsity, which always adhered to the government's needs of the moment and were subject to radical change as those interests evolved. That the Board will be run by such a preposterous and laughable figure as Nina Jankowicz — a liberal cartoon, a caricature of a #Resistance Twitter fanatic who spent 2016 posting adolescent partisan tripe such as: “Maybe @HillaryClinton's most important point so far: ‘A @realDonaldTrump presidency would embolden ISIS.’ #ImWithHer” — has, in some sense, made this board seem more benign and harmless. After all,

The Disinformation Panic https://reason.com/2022/05/03/the-disinformation-panic/ New York Journal publisher William Randolph Hearst reportedly said, "You furnish the pictures, I'll furnish the war!" Hearst and his rival, Joseph Pulitzer, sensationalized, exaggerated, and outright lied to millions of Americans daily in the lead up to the Spanish-American War, spreading what many today would call "disinformation." Yellow journalism famously fanned the flames of conflict, wrongly blaming the Spanish for sinking the U.S.S. Maine. But if political lies aren't new, why are so many powerful institutions hyping fears about the internet and flirting with new restrictions on speech? The Biden administration came under fire last week for creating the Disinformation Governance Board under the Department of Homeland Security—only a few days after former President Barack Obama warned that disinformation in the digital age presents an "unprecedented crisis for democracy" in an address at Stanford University on April 21. Two weeks earlier, the University of Chicago Institute of Politics and The Atlantic hosted a "groundbreaking" three-day event on how to combat online disinformation. And a month before that, The New York Times published an op-ed by University of California, Irvine law professor Richard L. Hasen arguing, "There can be no doubt that virally spread political disinformation and delusional invective about stolen, rigged elections are threatening the foundation of our Republic." Lawmakers increasingly look to turn fears about disinformation into laws restricting free speech. One such proposal is Sen. Amy Klobuchar's (D–Minn.) "Honest Ads Act," which is regularly featured in Democratic election reform packages like H.R. 1 and the Freedom to Vote Act. Ironically, its title could be called disinformation, because it has nothing to do with making ads honest. This legislation would drive up the costs of speaking online through unprecedented regulatory burdens on ads related to social or political issues. It would force web platforms to warehouse data about ad buyers in public files, including the buyer's name, address, and minutiae about the ad's cost and viewership. It would impose rigid disclaimer requirements that would make many cost-effective forms of online advertising impractical. The bill even threatens to regulate political content on websites, YouTube, and mass emails by removing a key protection from the law that limits campaign finance laws online to paid advertising. Proponents say policies like these are necessary because today's information environment is flooded with "cheap speech" of little value, making it harder for voters to discern what's accurate. But was it easier to discern accuracy when Hearst and Pulitzer were furnishing headlines? If the news environment of the 1890s is too distant of an example, consider 1990, when a 15-year-old Kuwaiti girl named Nayirah gave a gut-wrenching—and completely fabricated—congressional testimony alleging to have witnessed Iraqi soldiers remove Kuwaiti babies from incubators and leave them to die on the cold floor. Portions of her testimony aired on ABC's Nightline and NBC Nightly News, reaching an estimated 35 million and 53 million Americans respectively, before airing on 700 other television stations and going virtually unchecked for nearly a year. The American people didn't learn the truth behind Nayirah's story until 1992—a full year after Congress authorized the use of military force in Iraq. In the lead-up to that decision, her gripping tale was invoked by President George H.W. Bush six times in one month, and cited by seven senators in their speeches supporting the same cause. Scandals like these happened long before the rise of Twitter and Facebook and the decline of media gatekeepers. In fact, if people had been able to communicate on social media then the way we do now, the truth about this lie may have been uncovered much sooner. "Cheap speech" can benefit society by allowing researchers or citizen journalists to challenge the narratives of major media outlets and government leaders. Some people seem to think those benefits are outweighed by the potential for lies to spread online. "Today, the clearest danger to American democracy is not government censorship but the loss of voter confidence and competence that arises from the sea of disinformation and vitriol," Hasen writes. Yet he largely ignores how influential media and prominent political figures contribute to that cesspool. Hillary Clinton dismissed Trump as an "illegitimate president"; Jen Psaki, the White House press secretary, claimed that Russia "of course hacked" the 2016 election; journalists and Democrats credited $100,000 worth of pathetic Russian Facebook ads and memes for Donald Trump's 2016 presidential victory. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D–Ohio) declared that Georgia's 2018 gubernatorial election was "stolen," and Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams said then that it was "rigged." That's just the tip of the iceberg. When the New York Post reported on Hunter Biden's emails in October 2020, numerous outlets dismissed the story as Russian disinformation or deemed it unworthy of coverage, depriving voters of potentially valuable information weeks before the presidential election. The laptop was reportedly authenticated in April 2021 and again in September 2021, but The New York Times and The Washington Post only acknowledged these facts in March 2022. Scandals like these damage trust in the democratic process and the media, but they would be untouched by proposals like the Honest Ads Act. No matter the source, government has no business legislating fact from fiction. Americans should not have their right to speak about politics online restricted, especially as politicians and the media continue to blare their own disinformation through megaphones.

Head Of Biden's 'Ministry Of Truth' Previously Compared Free Speech To "Fairy Dust" https://summit.news/2022/05/12/head-of-bidens-ministry-of-truth-previously-c... https://committees.parliament.uk/oralevidence/2714/html/ https://summit.news/2022/05/11/biden-disinformation-czar-demands-power-to-ed... The head of what has been dubbed the Biden administration’s ‘Ministry of Truth’ previously compared free speech to “fairy dust” during testimony about social media censorship in front of the UK Parliament. Yes, really. Nina Jankowicz, recently appointed DHS ‘disinformation czar,’ made the comments while providing oral evidence regarding the implementation of the UK’s controversial Online Safety Bill, which will ban legal content which has “the potential to cause harm.” After agreeing that the government should set minimum speech standards which ban “misogyny,” Jankowicz blasted alternative social media platforms for supporting “freedom of expression and fairy dust.” She also said that government-connected communications regulators such as Ofcom should “be able to establish the minimum standards that would be applied to all platforms and incur fines.” “That could be based, again, on the preexisting terms of service,” she added. Jankowicz also endorsed empowering governments to demand data on individual users from social media cites for the purpose of implementing further censorship policies. “The social media platforms can do that if they are compelled to,” she said. Jankowicz also asserted that social media platforms should utilize algorithms that would “allow us to get around some of the free speech concerns” by demoting content so few people saw it. “You can shout in the black void, but you do not get a huge audience to do that,” she stated. The comments are in line with previously statements made by Jankowicz when she revealed that free speech made her “shudder” while also promoting the lie that the Hunter Biden laptop story was Russian disinformation. The disinformation czar also ludicrously cited Christopher Steele as an expert on disinformation. Steele was the author of the infamous Clinton campaign-funded Trump ‘peegate’ dossier’ that turned out to be an actual product of disinformation. As we previously highlighted, Jankowicz previously demanded that “trustworthy verified people” like her be given the power to edit other people’s tweets, making Twitter more like Wikipedia.

No one checks their politics at the door, anyone in political levels of Govt, especially high political appointees and politicians, who ever says that is a fucking lying fraud and member of Ministry of Lies. https://twitter.com/tomselliott/status/1527700172775608320 https://twitter.com/tomselliott/status/1527692475384713218 Yes, the cartoonish idiocy of Nina Jankowicz has made the controversy seem like a joke. Don't let it distract you from the fact that DHS and USG generally have numerous programs to define Truth and Falsity so as to weaponize their "disinformation" decrees to censor and punish. @mtracey The collapse of the DHS "disinformation board" was made easier by the farcical quality of the figurehead. But government, think tanks, and corporations are still just as obsessed with "disinformation" -- and now have learned to be slightly more subtle with their censorship plans @redsteeze Criticizing me is a threat to national security. Tom Elliott @tomselliott Jankowicz says her political beliefs were always “checked at the door” of DHS. “It is quite ironic that Republicans decontextualized a couple of tweets … & parts of my personal life that have been picked on in this childish game in order to endanger our national security" @ggreenwald LOL. Of course. If you oppose Homeland Security's Disinformation Board or criticize the views and statements of this #Resistance cartoon chosen to run it, then it means you are harming US National Security. Back to the days of: any questioning of the USG makes you a traitor. Tom Elliott @tomselliott Biden’s aborted Truth Czar (@wiczipedia): “The Disinformation Governance Board was the victim of disinformation … [Critics] completely mischaracterized its mission. Frankly, this childish behavior is endangering our national security now.” @ggreenwald After seeing and hearing all of this from Nina Jankowicz, I would literally trust someone randomly chosen from the phone book (ask your parents what those are) to run this DHS Disinformation Board over her. She's a caricature of a partisan fanatic and authoritarian extremist.

Liars a lyin... Clinton Supporter Who Led Disinformation Board Until Resignation Says She Wasn’t A Partisan Actor https://www.theepochtimes.com/clinton-supporter-who-led-disinformation-board... https://www.theepochtimes.com/dhs-sets-up-disinformation-governance-board-to... https://www.theepochtimes.com/dhs-secretary-says-he-wasnt-aware-of-disinform... https://www.theepochtimes.com/white-houses-disinformation-board-paused-as-it... https://www.theepochtimes.com/michael-chertoff-tapped-for-bidens-disinformat... The woman who led the Biden administration’s Disinformation Governance Board until resigning this week is claiming she was going about her job in a nonpartisan way despite previously declaring publicly her support for Democrat Hillary Clinton. “To say that I’m just a partisan actor was wildly out of context,” the woman, Nina Jankowicz, said on MSNBC on May 18. “There are 250,000 employees at the Department of Homeland Security, I was one of them. We all have different political inclinations. And we all checked them at the door,” Jankowicz added on CBS on May 19. Official portrait of Nina Jankowicz. (@wiczipedia/Twitter) The board was first disclosed by Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas during a congressional hearing in late April. He said it was aimed at preventing false or misleading information from being used in the electoral process ahead of the midterm elections. The effort quickly drew criticism, in part due to Jankowicz’s past. Jankowicz not only has donated to Democrat candidates, but volunteered for Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign. She has also repeatedly praised Democrat officials on social media while denigrating Republican ones. Jankowicz also in the past promoted dubious claims, including the claim that reports on the laptop computer owned by President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden were part of a Russian disinformation scheme. Mayorkas called Jankowicz a “neutral” and “renowned” expert who was “eminently qualified” to lead the board. Jankowicz worked for the Woodrow Wilson Center, a think tank, before joining the administration. But Mayorkas, under questioning, also said he was not aware of all of Jankowicz’s posts, including statements she’d made defending the dossier compiled by ex-British spy Christopher Steele that has not held up under scrutiny. “I wasn’t adjudicating on what was true or false, but just trying to equip people with information they could use in issues of national security. I don’t think that my political convictions really come into play here,” Jankowicz said on CBS when asked about the criticism of her social media posts. “I think it’s quite ironic that Republicans would decontextualized a couple of tweets in a career that has been marked by reasonableness, nuance and bipartisanship.” She also said that after her position became known, she received an onslaught of violent threats. The Department of Homeland Security, after reports emerged of Jankowicz’s resignation, confirmed that the board’s work would be “paused” while a group reviewed its mission. The review is being conducted through the Homeland Security Advisory Council, which includes figures that have also spread misleading claims that some have described as disinformation. A group of House Republicans, meanwhile, introduced a resolution on Thursday that would compel the Biden administration to turn over documents relating to the creation, implementation, and pause of the board. “While I welcome the news that the board has been paused, the Administration hasn’t provided the American people with any information on how long this pause will last, let alone how the board was created, which specific activities it is intended to conduct, or what prevents the board from violating the Constitution,” Rep. Dave Joyce (R-Ohio) said in a statement. “I’m proud to introduce a resolution of inquiry to demand answers from the Biden Administration on this un-American creation. We cannot allow the federal government to undermine the First Amendment with political tools that referee free speech.”

Senators Demand All Internal Records On Biden 'Ministry Of Truth' https://summit.news/2022/05/25/senators-demand-all-internal-records-on-biden... https://summit.news/2022/05/24/video-cnn-host-stelter-sad-over-demise-of-min... https://summit.news/2022/05/05/video-rand-paul-grills-dhs-head-on-creepy-min... https://summit.news/2022/05/12/head-of-bidens-ministry-of-truth-previously-c... https://summit.news/2022/05/20/cotton-gabbard-warn-that-government-ministry-... https://twitter.com/DHSgov/status/1526988380155924481 https://www.scribd.com/document/575457283/Hawley-Letter-to-Mayorkas-Disinfor... Five Senators have demanded that the Biden administration turn over all internal records relating to the now mothballed Department of Homeland Security Disinformation Governance Board, dubbed the ‘Ministry of Truth’ by critics. The Senators sent a joint letter Monday to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas noting “We write to request immediate access to all records and communications related to the Department of Homeland Security’s new Disinformation Governance Board.” The letter further explained “We are therefore demanding transparency into the Department’s decision-making process so that we can learn why the Department ever thought creating a disinformation board would be a good idea.” It also takes aim at Mayorkas for testifying that he had no idea about the “long history of partisan public statements” of Nina Jankowicz, the person who the DHS head placed in charge of the disinformation scheme. “On May 4, 2022, you testified before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee about the creation of this new board and accepted sole responsibility for appointing Nina Jankowicz as its Executive Director. Surprisingly, you testified that you were not aware of her long history of partisan public statements,” the letter notes. The Senators included a list of demands for the DHS to provide: a. written or recorded communications concerning the formation of the Board; b. the agenda or minutes from any meeting at which the Board’s formation was discussed; c. any legal review to determine whether the activities of the Board would be authorized by the Constitution of the United States; d. any communications or records about the individuals who would be recruited to serve on the Board; e. any communications concerning the appointment of an executive director for the Board; and f. any communications with the White House about the formation of the Board or appointment of officials to serve on the Board. The Senators who put their names to the letter are Josh Hawley (MO), Rick Scott (FL), Rand Paul (KY), Ron Johnson (WI) and James Lankford (OK). Read: As we noted last week, it appears the disinformation board is only on hold because it was exposed, with some warning that the scheme likely will return in stealth. Mayorkas has picked former DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff to replace the thoroughly compromised Jankowicz and to lead a “thorough review” of the scheme. Statement on the Disinformation Governance Board ⬇️ pic.twitter.com/KXFDgmYLv1 — Homeland Security (@DHSgov) May 18, 2022

Bitch that literally took a Govt job to roll censorship and disinfo, now trying to muzzle the truth via lawfare, lol... Biden's Ex-Disinfo Queen Slaps Fox With Defamation Suit https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/10/business/media/defamation-suit-fox-nina-j... Nina Jankowicz, the Biden administration's short-lived disinfo czar, is suing Fox News for defamation, claiming that the network promoted lies about her that generated 'serious threats to her safety' and harmed her job prospects, according to the NY Times. To review: Watch: Biden's New 'Disinfo' Queen Goes Full 'Libs Of TikTok' Jim Jordan Slaps Former White House 'Disinformation Czar' With Subpoena After Requests Ignored Biden's 'Disinfo' Board Paused As 'Scary Poppins' Resigns Clinton Supporter Who Led Disinformation Board Until Resignation Says She Wasn’t A Partisan Actor According to the lawsuit, Fox mentioned Jankowicz 300 times in eight months, where she claims she was demeaned and defamed in highly personal language by hosts Tucker Carlson, Maria Bartiromo and Sean Hannity - who said her job was to "to silence anyone who criticizes the Biden administration," and possibly "get men with guns to tell you to shut up." She also came under fire for her batshit fake British accent while singing Orwellian censorship songs. 🤡🌎 Biden’s head of the new “Disinformation Governance Board” pic.twitter.com/RZqILqT18c — Clown World Today 🤡🌎 (@cwt_news) April 29, 2022 More via the Times: The suit was filed on behalf of Nina Jankowicz, the former executive director of a short-lived Department of Homeland Security division assigned with coordinating efforts to monitor and address disinformation threats to national security. Right-wing pundits and politicians falsely portrayed her group as part of an Orwellian bid to control the speech and thought of ordinary Americans. -NY Times Falsely portrayed? Guess we'll find out. "Even after achieving their stated goal of driving me out of government and ending the board, they kept using me as a punching bag," Jankowicz said in a Wednesday interview. "It shouldn’t be something we just accept — that the most powerful cable network in the world can attack individuals willy-nilly and not face any consequences after they ruin their lives." Hilariously, the Times also describes her as a "prominent specialist in Russian disinformation" despite her promoting the discredited Steele dossier and the Hunter Biden laptop Russiagate theory. A "specialist in Russian disinformation" who touted the phony Steele dossier and discredited Hunter Biden laptop theory. https://t.co/jPrmSMonmF — Chuck Ross (@ChuckRossDC) May 11, 2023 The lawsuit was filed in the same Delaware state court where Dominion Voting Systems lodged a $1.6 billion defamation suit against the network, which was settled last month for $787.5 million.
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